Stage of Number One (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

You gave my song to her.
I told you
I would tell Khwan first.
Who will you choose
between me and Khwan?
How much for your song?
It's not for sale.
If this is how you sing my stolen song,
you'd better not sing. It's a waste.
I'd like to invite you
to become an artist of M Sound.
Do you mind that my company is small?
Mr. Nop. What is she doing here?
What are you doing here?
Mr. Nop asked me to come here.
He said I could come here when I'm ready.
I happened to be ready today.
Shut up.
You should have known
who deserves to be here.
Take Kaeota outside.
I'm begging you, Kaeo.
I have to talk to Khwanchai.
I won't work with her.
Let's do this.
If you don't feel comfortable,
I'll talk to Khwanchai outside.
No. Discuss it here. I'll be here too.
Hey, Kaeo.
Let's go somewhere else.
Let them talk first.
When you talked to Nop,
I wasn't here as well.
Just let Nop talk to Khwanchai.
He'll tell us everything later anyway.
If Nop doesn't tell you,
I'll be the one who reports it to you.
Is that good?
I got the camera ready. Let's take photos.
There's a nice café over there.
Let's go.
Why were you fighting?
You don't have to tell me today.
Once you're an artist of M Sound,
we'll have more time to talk.
I'm here to work,
not to fight with anyone.
Which means
you will sign the contract
to become an artist at M Sound?
Yes. But I have conditions.
One more step.
-There you go.
Never knew you would pick me up.
Why didn't Khwanchai come with you?
Khwanchai and Kaeota have met.
But Khwanchai is mad at me right now.
What is it about?
Let's say
I'll tell you on the way.
-We should go now.
Take care.
Take care.
-You too.
-Let's go.
What is she mad at you about?
Nice. Very pretty.
Very beautiful.
Why so many photos, Thin?
They'll only publish one article anyway.
Look, Kaeo.
After sending ten articles,
it is considered good
even when they only publish one.
Just like songs.
One hit song from ten songs in an album
is also considered good.
It's my fault.
Please forgive me.
Come on. I'm not mad at you.
Kaeo, I know you're mad at Nop,
but you should understand it's business.
Do you understand
that two men can't ride on one horse?
What the heck.
How is she?
You know well.
I want to ask you, Nop.
What's on your mind?
You're putting two men
to ride on one horse.
They'll fight each other to death.
Mr. Nop.
Thin said you'd release the birds.
So I followed you here,
but it's already too late.
Thin told you every single thing?
What about Khwan? She's not here?
I brought Khwan here because
I want to make hay while the sun shines.
Khwan just won the prize.
So M Sound will have a singer
from a contest
and a professional like you.
So what?
I have something to prove to you
that you're important to M Sound.
What is that?
Are you happy?
Yes, I am.
The first condition,
you must guarantee that I will be
more famous than Kaeota.
Second, the songs.
You must find a talented composer
to compose my songs,
no matter how expensive they are.
And I want to have
music videos for my songs.
I will get a composer for you,
but music videos need a lot of money.
Kaeota has an album without one.
If I don't get a music video,
I will not sign the contract.
Those are the conditions.
Regarding Khwanchai's music video,
Kaeota must not find out.
Got it?
Do you think this would work?
See it as a game.
The more they compete,
the faster we grow.
You know well
Khwan never shows her feelings.
She doesn't throw tantrums
like her sister.
If something traumatized her,
it will be hard to fix.
She thought you betrayed her
by giving her song to Kaeo.
That would be traumatic for a long time.
Don't worry. I'll talk to her.
I don't want you two to feud like this.
Thank you, Auntie.
What you said has given me hope again.
do you want to listen
to the song I wrote for Khwanchai?
-Auntie Phanna!
I missed you so much, Auntie.
How have you been?
Saoek knew that I missed you.
So he brought me here to surprise you.
Very surprising.
-Did you get into the room?
Let's go.
Put your stuff there. Let's go.
-My bag.
-Let me help you.
Saoek told me that you're mad at him
-for giving the song to
And she released it as her own.
But I see that you're in a good mood now.
You're not mad at Saoek anymore?
I've moved on from that point.
It's useless to be mad
at one who doesn't love us.
Ek can do whatever he wants.
My revenge is on Kaeo.
What are you going to do?
Mr. Mahannop, the owner of M Sound
that Kaeo is working with,
asked me to make a music album.
Really? Are you going to do it?
Of course.
I won't let Kaeo surpass me again.
I helped her get on stage that first time.
I can drag her down too.
What makes you think like that?
You're siblings though.
She never sees me as her sibling.
She took everything that's mine,
even the opportunity.
This recording company
called to recruit me first last year.
I got the opportunity again,
and I won't let it go at any cost.
Does the company owner know that you are
Yes, he does.
But please don't tell Saoek now.
I'll tell him myself when it's time.
Don't be mad at him.
He's composing a song for you.
How do you know
that the song is for me
and not for another?
You're so revengeful.
Yes, I am.
But I will make this revenge my power
and not only to help me win.
I'll also realize my mom's dream.
You also wanted me to come to Bangkok
for this, didn't you?
Yes, I did.
But remember one thing.
You can be above others
only when you're better,
not by destroying them.
Yes, Auntie. Don't worry about me.
I won't hurt anyone at first.
I promise that I will make
you and Mom proud.
Please root for me.
Where's Khwanchai?
She went to work since the early morning.
Early morning?
The work that she's doing
doesn't start this early.
Did she tell you what she's doing?
No. I didn't ask her much as well.
I'll go to work then.
Are you okay staying alone?
Don't worry. I'm okay.
-I'm going now.
-Be safe.
Take care.
-I want to know more about you
so the composer can write songs for you.
Back when I was in Suphan,
there were many singers in my band.
My family members are all singers.
My father, my mother,
my elder sister too.
All composers are listed here.
-All done.
-Thank you so much.
What's your type of guy?
Nothing. Go ahead.
You can skip that question, it's okay.
I can answer that.
I like a guy who makes me happy
when I'm with him.
Hey, let's watch her first.
Well done.
Aren't you practicing?
What are you doing here?
I came to ask you to watch my practice.
I didn't know you have
a new kid training mission.
Kaeo, Khwan is determined.
You have your practice too.
You're performing next week.
You should've taken care of me,
not just buy me a car
and let me drive anywhere alone.
If something happened on the way,
who would help me?
I think I'll call it a day now,
so you have time to do other things.
-I'm leaving now.
Calm down. She left now.
Isn't that enough?
I'll go with you, okay?
You drive.
"Talented composers and their works."
Which one do you want?
The most expensive.
Damn you.
I mean it.
A good one can't be cheap, right?
Every song he composed was wildly famous.
And the composing fee
is also wildly high.
Go ahead.
Hello, Ying.
How come you brought me this snack?
I would like to thank everyone
for supporting me up till now.
And I came to tell you that
I'm an apprentice singer now.
Really? I'm glad to hear that.
Which recording company?
I'm not allowed to say right now.
My intention today is
just to greet you all.
What a good girl.
Whenever you have your own songs,
give them to me. I'll play them.
Thank you very much, Ying,
for your kindness to me.
I won't keep you long,
so you can go back to work.
I'll give these snacks to my team.
-It's lunchtime.
-See you around.
-Okay. Thank you.
Are you asleep?
Saoek. No, I'm not asleep.
I bought some garlands.
Thank you so much.
Keep this.
No need. You keep it.
Khwan has given me a lot already.
You should keep it.
Take some rest too.
Is Khwanchai asleep now?
She's asleep.
She's tired from working all day.
There must be a lot of customers
at the food shop.
I guess so.
I have something for you to tell her.
The song I wrote for her is almost done.
It will be completed soon.
You don't have to hurry.
It seems like she doesn't want it anymore.
I'm just hoping that she will forgive me.
Have a good rest, Auntie.
Take some rest.
Yeah. Bye.
We should hurry up.
Let's do it like this.
-I'm in a hurry.
-Just a second.
What's this?
Kaeo, what are you doing here?
You're booked for a private party.
You purposefully chose the filming day
to be the same day I got booked, right?
If I go, I won't get to see
that you care this much
about Khwan's lousy song.
Come here.
Don't be like this.
You would make people
think you're envious of your sister.
If the client hadn't postponed my show,
I would never have known
that you're making
a music video for Khwan.
It's good to make headlines.
Your company will be famous.
I build singers. I don't make gossip news.
Mr. Nop.
Are you going to watch me?
They'll start the filming.
Are you so good?
You just showed up
and have your music video right away.
I'm a new singer.
I'm not as good as you are anyway.
But I'm about to have my own music video.
It will be good and popular too.
Don't create a scene here.
This is work.
Then why does she have a music video?
Why didn't I?
You know well we didn't have money then.
We could only afford to record the songs.
I want my music video.
And I will get it.
You will have your music video later.
Most importantly,
I will choose everything myself.
You must not limit my budget.
Change the frame size
and add the dancers now.
Kai, get the dancers here.
I saw it a little bit here.
Can you sing for me again?
-Just a bit more.
Are the dancers coming?
We're coming.
-We're coming.
-This way.
Damn it.
Luli, Lila.
All the performance clothes are gone.
Even the accessories are gone.
-Give it back!
-Khwan, let us go!
-Don't do this!
-Let go of the bag!
-We have to go now!
-Let us go. Khwan!
Get in the minibus now! Driver, let's go!
You didn't know who the singer was?
I didn't know.
-Why the talking? Get in the scene.
Hurry up, I'm late.
-You first.
-You first.
Go, both of you.
Get ready.
We're so close, but I'm still lonely
There's still a picture of her
In your eyes
I hate that I'm nobody
I'm just someone to replace her
It's such a pain
It can't be erased from my heart
I know you love me
And you still love her
And wait for her to come back
I'm restless all the time
That I might lose you to her
I'm weary to know I'm just a replacement
Your body is with me, but your heart
Has never belonged to me
Can I make just one request?
I don't want to be just someone close
Just someone to ease your loneliness
I don't want to hear you say "us"
With her hidden in that word
Who does this hug actually belong to?
Although it's warm
It's not real love anyway
Can you love me and only me?
Please forget any others
And make me the only one
Make me sure that you're with me
And I'm not just for passing time
Just love each other
I'm not someone else's shadow
If Kaeota find out
I don't even want to imagine that.
Do the filming when Kaeota is booked.
Your body is with me, but your heart
Has never belonged to me
Can I make just one request?
I don't want to be just someone close
Just someone to ease your loneliness
I don't want to hear you say "us"
With her hidden in that word
Who does this hug actually belong to?
Although it's warm
It's not real love anyway
Just love each other
I'm not someone else's shadow
-Please sit here, Khwanchai.
-I'll be right back.
-What do we do?
-I don't know.
Is she going to call the police
to arrest us?
Why are we so unlucky?
Come out.
If you don't come out,
I'll tell Mr. Nop not to pay you.
Give me back the money
and the belongings you stole right now.
Or I'll call the police to arrest you.
Khwan, please don't do that.
We're already starving to death.
You should die now.
Someone, call the police.
-There are thieves in here.
Khwan, calm down.
We're sorry. Please forgive us.
Khwan, please.
We will be your slaves.
You can use us any way you want.
We'll do everything you ask.
-You will do everything I want, really?
Yes, we'll do everything for you.
You can hire me
for 100 to 200 baht per day,
just give me shelter and food,
that's enough.
Khwan, think back on those good old days.
Please, Khwan.
There are so many snacks.
How could we eat them all?
What is this?
-My hands are tired, Thin.
Help me out.
I can't help you sign.
They won't be able to read my handwriting.
That's weird. All of a sudden,
people love me this much.
It's because you're talented,
pretty, and nice.
You deserve all these good things.
-Yes. Who's that?
Please sign to approve this budget.
What budget?
Two more staff for Khwanchai.
Who approved this?
Mr. Nop. After signing,
please put it on Mr. Nop's desk.
I'll get it later.
-What is it?
-Not this way.
Why would Khwanchai need staff?
What about me, Thin?
Khwanchai brought them here?
Do you know them?
Yes. They used to be
in my band back in Suphan.
How could Khwanchai bring them here?
Kaeo. Someone is here to see you.
Her name is Thatsanai.
Please don't be mad at me, Kaeo.
Everything is in the distant past.
I intended to apologize you
ever since I saw you recorded
your first album.
But I was afraid.
I was embarrassed.
So you're shameless now?
Yes, I am.
But it's all because I missed you.
I missed all the good times
when we shared all our ups and downs.
All the bad things have passed.
Just let them go, Kaeo.
let's make up, Kaeo.
Can you sleep on the couch?
You'll really let me stay here?
Yes, you can sleep on the couch.
I'm telling you that
you must take care of my costumes
and hair and be my assistant.
I'll ask Mr. Nop to give you a salary.
Oh, sure. Just a nice place to stay,
that's all.
I'm happy now. I can stay.
I promise I'll be your assistant
and make sure
you'll be beautiful like an angel.
Who told you that
you could use my practice room?
Nobody said I couldn't.
It was unlocked.
This is my room. I came first.
Are you a grown-up singer
or kindergartener?
The only grown part is
What about you?
Isn't there nothing inside your big head?
No guts to join another company.
All you can do is follow my path.
Who followed whose path?
And who stole my song to sing?
A person with a good conscience
wouldn't do that.
Who doesn't have a good conscience?
Ek composed that song for me first.
But Mom gave it to you,
and you said it was yours.
Actually, you are the thief.
Why can't you accept the truth?
Sorry, no time to talk back.
I'm scheduled to watch
my first music video.
It will be broadcasted
throughout the country.
And it's the first music video
of M Sound Recording Company.
Finished. Yes!
I've finished your song.
We're so close, but I'm still lonely
There's still a picture of her
In your eyes
I hate that I'm nobody
I'm just someone to replace her
It's such a pain
It can't be erased from my heart
I know you love me
And you still love her
And wait for her to come back
I'm restless all the time
That I might lose you to her
I'm weary to know I'm just a replacement
Your body is with me, but your heart
Has never belonged to me
Can I make just one request?
I don't want to be just someone close
Just someone to ease your loneliness
I don't want to hear you say "us"
With her hidden in that word
Who does this hug actually belong to?
Although it's warm
It's not real love anyway
Can you love me and only me?
Please forget any others
And make me the only one
Khwan. It's you.
Khwan is a singer, madam.
-What? Where is she?
I told you she'd be famous.
That's really her.
-She's famous now.
-I can't believe it.
M Sound here.
Thin, we've got a business deal
for Khwanchai.
Oh, wait.
Let me talk.
M Sound here.
Just someone to ease your loneliness
I don't want to hear you say "us"
With her hidden in that word
Who does this hug actually belong to?
Oh. Khwanchai is much more beautiful.
Her voice is good too.
Good. Nice costume.
What a glamourous look.
Oh my God.
Kaeo, don't.
You'll break it.
Are these all your belongings?
Did you forget anything?
I don't have many belongings.
This is everything I came here with.
But I have more clothes now.
Are you not going with me?
I'll be in your way.
I think I'll go back to Suphan.
By the way,
are you sure you want Maluli and Malila
to work with you?
You think you can trust them?
I don't trust them 100%.
But they confessed
and asked to work with me.
We'll see.
having some friends
is better than being alone.
That's good.
Have you packed everything?
Where are you going?
You haven't talked to me for months
-I'm leaving you too.
Because you're mad at me?
That anger has pushed me to this point.
I have my own song now.
I won't wait for leftovers.
My song,
my future.
Thank you very much, Ek.
Because of you, I have come this far.
I'm leaving now, Auntie.
I promise that
I'll make you and Mom proud.
Good luck.
-Go now.
-Hey, Ek.
Please give this song to Khwan.
I'll take you to grooming.
It's how you organize your body, image
Would you like to work with me?
Be a composer here.
Your music video
-is banned on every station.
Subtitle translation by: Chonnikarn Ounob
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