Stage of Number One (2024) s01e22 Episode Script

Episode 22

There's an order to terminate
your contract
at the end of this month.
We're quitting.
You're just abandoning me?
What were you thinking
getting someone dumped by Giant
to work on par with Suda and Kaeota?
I think Bell is a new rising star
who will eclipse all the other singers.
There are ways
to get you two nominated.
You two have to release a duet.
-A duet?
-A duet?
Kaeo, listen to me.
I won't listen to anything.
I don't want to sing with her.
You understand, don't you?
I understand.
But you need to understand that now,
neither you nor Khwan
are on the rise anymore.
If you sing with Khwan in the show,
you'll attract more attention.
You don't have to explain.
I won't do it.
Where is Khwan?
She left.
She'll think about it.
Saoek, actually I
I didn't quite agree.
I'm not sure now
if it's you or Khwan
who doesn't want to do it.
This is the only way
to make both of them successful.
And I believe that if we succeed,
they both will reconcile.
For Kaeo,
don't worry. I'll do the talking.
For Khwan, I'll leave it to you.
Don't stay up late. It's cold.
You might get a sore throat.
That's right.
I must take care of my health.
I should go to bed early then.
Mr. Nop.
Don't forget to tell Saoek that
our song must be easy to sing.
Because the easier the song,
the catchier it will be.
And it will be famous.
And the sooner it's released,
the longer people will hear it for.
It will be famous for longer too.
That will increase the chance
of winning the award.
Are you serious?
Don't you worry about your voice?
For this award, even if I couldn't
sing again, it would still be worth it.
I'm sleepy now.
I'll go to bed and dream about the award.
I talked to Kaeo.
She won't do it.
She said she'd rather wait
for this award for another ten years.
It's the opposite on this end.
If the recording was scheduled
for tomorrow,
I think she would do it for sure.
It's normal for Kaeota and Khwanchai
to never be on the same page.
You're right.
Just go for it.
I'm ready to support you all.
I'll try my best.
See you tomorrow at the company.
That's not bad.
We must work harder.
With more news and PR campaigns,
the numbers will go much higher.
Do it now. And don't forget
to check the choreography.
What are you looking at?
Voting scores.
How are they?
You shouldn't know.
Not now. You're their coach.
Keep their excitement up.
Kaeo, there you are.
You can go to the class.
Arty has already warmed up.
With this overwhelming vote,
there's no need for judges.
The one with more fans can easily win.
Not just fans but money too.
Think about it,
they spent millions for voting.
Let's go, Kaeo.
-Please summarize the total amount.
People said that Bell
is doing better than me.
It's okay, you'll catch up for sure.
What is it? Are you discouraged?
The thing is I don't know
if my fans
would have enough money to support me.
What if I do something to make the news,
so that more people know me
and vote for me.
What do you think?
Do you want
to be a singer
or just someone in the news?
I want to be a singer.
Don't be afraid of anything then.
Just sing and perform well.
People will certainly vote for you.
Wear this one.
-The photographer is coming.
Thank you, Kaeota.
This is not a concert, Mei.
Pay attention to the lesson.
Have you memorized the lyrics?
I'll record the other room first.
when the composers here compose songs,
do they write songs for a specific singer,
or do they have a stock of songs
for producers to choose for a singer?
It's not like that here.
Here, the composer writes
a song for a specific singer
to fit him or her.
That's good.
That's why singers always have
their own favorite composer.
If I had a composer who composed for me,
I would give my all when I sang my songs.
I should be famous
before the new wave comes.
Are you thinking that far?
Yes, I am.
I'm already 20 now.
If I don't, I'll be left behind.
I'll continue practicing.
No, must be this.
Na na
Na na na na
Do you think the level I'm holding the mic
is too high or too low?
It's a little too high.
Lower it and see how far it is
from your mouth.
It should be three inches away.
I think it is a little too far right now.
Hold it a little closer.
The sound of your voice will be clearer.
Where is she?
-Where's Bell?
Who are you cheering for?
Soon, the next rising star of Siang Thong
will be announced
through the show that uses divas
as a ladder to achievement.
Let's see when the goal is reached,
they will get tossed aside
or if new songs will be made
for the old divas.
Suda is okay,
but Khwanchai and Kaeota are fighting.
Two tigers can't live in the same cave.
Right. I wonder whether the fight
we see on the screen
is actually happening behind the scenes.
They should make a special episode
of the coaches fighting.
Both sisters should be starring
in a drama.
I'd be their fan.
These people are all crazy.
You said coaches shouldn't see the scores.
Why could Khwanchai?
I didn't see the scores.
I'm checking the trends.
How are the trends? Who's leading?
You'll know tomorrow.
What do you think
about the Stage of Number One award?
Are you begging me for help?
If life was more generous to me,
I wouldn't share this award with you.
And today
who will be the winner
of the Country Stars award?
Meifah, Arty, or Bell?
Before voting closes,
I'll let each of them say a few words.
Let's start with Arty.
First of all,
I would like to say thank you to Kaeota
for your detailed attention.
I won't forget today.
Thank you from the heart, Kaeota.
Thank you very much, Arty.
If you won the Country Stars award
what's the first thing you would do?
I would run to hug Khwanchai
because she is my idol.
And I would thank my parents.
I would bow down to my parents.
And Bell.
Bell, please say a few words.
Thank you very much, Suda,
for coaching me.
And thanks to Siang Thong company
for giving me
the best opportunity of my life.
Even if I'm not the winner today,
it would be all right.
I would like to ask all of you
to remember this one girl named Bell.
Thank you.
And the voting is about to close now.
We'll count down together.
Five, four, three, two, one.
The voting is closed.
Please give me the result.
the results of the votes
from everyone around the country
are now in my hand.
The person with the highest score is
Bell Malee.
Let me take photos of the winner
and her coach only, please.
Miss Kaeota and Miss Khwanchai
to the changing room, please.
What do you think
about the Stage of Number One award?
It's the Stage of Number One Award.
It's only given out once every ten years.
It's the goal that Kaeota and Khwanchai
must achieve.
Why are we recording at the same time?
There are computers now.
We can record separately.
I think so too.
It's a duet.
You need to sing together.
Your moods must be in alignment.
I understand about the moods,
but we can record separately and edit it,
so I won't lose my concentration.
The thing is I want both of you
to sing together. Understood?
Are you ready?
When Khwan's health gets better,
make sure the notes
aren't too high for her voice.
Let's start.
I have a dream, and I have a goal
I won't let anyone get in my way
Focus more.
Can you stay still? I can't focus.
You can't sing, so you blame me.
How old are you now?
Be professional, won't you?
Stop being childish.
You are grown-ups now.
You know what you're doing it for.
Can you behave?
-In my life
-In my life
-I just want
-I just want
Only you
Finally, it's done.
I let go of a few mistakes Khwan made.
I don't want to take any more risks.
I also lowered all the high pitch notes.
Thank you, Saoek.
The song turned out good.
It's because of the two of them.
We have chosen them.
I never ever thought
that I would see both of them
singing together.
I'm really glad.
Apart from a good song, I hope that
they both will understand each other more.
You can let Khwan rest.
But after we release the song,
if it's famous
and popular enough
that they can be candidates,
they will have to perform together.
They must sing live.
Please ask Khwan to practice more.
Got it.
Why don't you play my song?
You only play other's songs.
That's usual.
They're all Siang Thong's songs.
They'll shuffle.
Take a look here.
This is the recent poll
about country music singers.
The top five country singers are Chonly,
Wai, Namnueng, Bell, and Kaeota-Khwanchai,
which are counted as one.
That's Mr. Nop's plan,
that they'll be duo candidates.
What are you talking about?
You look stressed out.
The top five country singers
from the Stage of Number One poll.
Fifth place.
Is there any chance for us to win?
I think yes because
the society keep voting open
till the last minute.
Those who are allowed to sing
on the stage that day
are the top three singers.
If Bell, Kaeo, and Khwan
make it to the top three,
anything can happen on that day.
If it's like this,
what should we do, Mr. Nop?
I think
we must ask all the media
we know for help.
Bell's schedule is packed
every day, right?
-I heard.
I think it will be good
if Kaeo and Khwan sing live on TV.
Let's wait another two weeks.
The doctor said Khwan
shouldn't use her voice now.
Ask the PR team to find other ways.
I can go alone.
You should wait.
Drag me down.
I believe that Siang Thong's singers
will be the final candidates.
Don't you want to swim, Kaeo?
For stronger lungs.
My lungs are already strong.
Not weak like someone's.
Instead of making appearances,
she has to limit the use of her voice.
"Forego the sour for the sweet."
Have you heard of this idiom?
It's good that Khwan
is taking care of her voice.
When it's time for real performances,
she won't make mistakes.
Singing on a stage
can't be edited like
in the recording studio.
I wish my mom was still alive,
So mom could know how much I endured
and struggled before reaching today.
If you want Phanni to know,
just visit her grave.
Make merit for Phanni.
It's almost Phanni's death anniversary.
Phanni is singing in Heaven now.
Don't think of it as a sad thing.
Making merit is another way to do PR.
We should go. I will tell Mr. Nop,
so he can ask for his mom's blessings too.
I have two free days.
Do you want me to ask Khwan to go too?
Of course.
Both sisters asking
for their mother's blessings together.
It's a good thing to do.
Jeez, Ek.
You can say I'm bossy,
but I think it's good
for both you and Khwan,
at least to visit Suphan
and stay there for a night
to make Phanna happy.
She would be relieved. She misses you two.
I, myself, want to sit by the pond,
to find myself a nice spot to sit.
I miss the rural life.
Are you sure to go for only one day?
One day is enough.
Making merit for Mom in the morning,
offering food to the monks at noon,
then coming back.
Don't you need to stay over
to prepare things?
I don't want to.
Mr. Nop, look at this.
My song is ranked fifth on every station.
Do you think it will go up?
Wait and see.
But if your song
makes it to the final round,
you will have to perform.
Are you okay with that?
I've come this far. I'll do anything.
For the Stage of Number One award,
I'll give it my all.
I'm here to tell you that
I'm halfway to the goal now.
I don't know how far I can go.
Please cheer for me.
Thank you.
Go to your sister.
Pay respects to Buddha and your mom.
Well. It's time now.
Mr. Nop and Khwan, stay here.
I'll pick up the monks.
I'll go to welcome the guests.
-You stay with your sister here.
-I'll go with you.
Let's go.
Are you here to help Auntie prepare food?
What can you do?
I can't, but I can order delivery.
For Mom, I'll do whatever I can.
There might be something
I don't want to do, but I have to.
Please sprinkle the holy water
throughout the house.
Let's go.
What are you wishing for?
I have to make a phone call.
Kaeo, your duet song
is nice. I like it.
Yes. I like it too.
If you like it, please vote for us.
How can we vote? I don't know.
Did you bring your phone?
I'll show you how.
Click here.
-And press this number.
-Do it for me.
-That's it.
How can I do it?
Press the number and asterisk sign.
And send.
How can I send it?
Where? Here?
That's right.
Our song
is now in first place.
Really, Mr. Nop?
Oh, my.
Mom. Did you hear that?
Thank you, everyone,
-for your votes.
Please continue voting.
If we win the Stage of Number One award,
I'll hold a big celebration.
I'll tell the whole village.
Yes, sure.
She left again.
She never thought of helping you.
Khwan has helped me since she was young.
Back then, she swept and mopped the floor,
washed and ironed the clothes,
and helped with everything.
Saying it like that
makes it seem like I never helped you.
Mom kept ordering me to practice
singing and dancing.
I never had time to rest.
I'm sad when I think about it.
Besides, back then,
when Mom gave the song
that Saoek wrote for me to Khwan,
I was terribly sad.
Sweetie. I knew.
Everyone knew about it.
But I
just want to tell you
that Khwan loves you so much.
When you sang on the stage
as a singer for the first time,
that was because of Khwanchai.
Khwanchai? How was it related to her?
Mom told me to sing
because Chochaba was fired.
Don't you remember that?
I remember more than that.
Khwan loved you so much
that she could commit a wrongdoing
for her sister to have a good chance.
Did you know that?
If you need my help, you can tell me.
I'm not that good,
but I won't let you fail.
We're sisters. We have to help each other.
When we were young,
I always did everything for you.
I always let you win.
Have you taken a second to think
about people
other than yourself?
I forgot to tell you something.
If not because of me,
you wouldn't have had
your first day on stage.
Hello, Sala.
This camera, please.
Please step forward.
Please step forward.
2554 BE
Welcome, everyone,
to this significant event
that country songs lovers
all over the country has been waiting for.
Today is the day we announce
the Society of Thai Country Songs'
Stage of Number One award,
which is given out once every ten years.
We can say it's the award of the decade.
And this year,
it's also an award of public opinion
because half of the scores
are from public votes.
In order not to waste time,
please welcome the first candidate,
Miss Chonly.
Do you know her?
Yes, I do. She's very famous.
-Very famous?
Which way?
That was the first candidate.
There are two more songs
before the result announcement of
the Stage of Number One Award.
This singer has become hugely popular.
She's a new country singer
who received such high voting scores
that she will also perform today.
Please welcome Bell Malee.
It's a shame That couldn't find
a flight back here in time.
or else she would have been here
with an electric sign for the both of you.
Miss Kaeota, Miss Khwanchai,
please stand by.
Let's go, Kaeo.
Let's go.
Fortunately, you sought
medical advice right away.
Your throat is still inflamed.
Please refrain from singing.
If you do,
you might not be able to sing again.
If you want to vote,
it's open until the end of the next song.
Let's listen to the last song.
These singers are so popular
that tonight, it has brought them
to the final round
of the Stage of Number One award.
Though these two sisters started singing
at almost the same time,
this is the first time
they'll sing together.
It's Kaeota and Khwanchai in
"Let the Cloud Drift Away".
-Please enjoy.
-It's Kaeo and Khwan, Auntie!
-It's Kaeo and Khwan.
-Yes, I know.
You're blocking the TV.
Sit down.
I have a dream, and I have a goal
I won't let anyone get in my way
I hate when someone tries to stop me
Just like the day you stepped in
I have a dream, and I will not lose
I don't care and am not afraid of
What others think
My heart focuses on the achievement
I must be the number one
-I won't be discouraged
-I won't be discouraged
-I won't lose
-I won't lose
Remember that it's a rivalry
-I want you to know
-I want you to know
-What I've dreamed of
-What I've dreamed of
Will never be shared with anyone
I don't need to have anyone by my side
There's only me, even though I'm lonely
You killed Mom!
Someone like me
Will do anything
To reach the finish line
I will try every way I can
To stand out from the crowd
Being a winner matters
More than having someone by my side
-I want
-I want
Only that
-My life
-My life
-Must be better
-Must be better
Than others'
I have a dream, and I will not lose
I don't care and am not afraid
Of what they think
My heart focuses on the achievement
I must be only the number one
-I won't be discouraged
-I won't be discouraged
-I won't lose
-I won't lose
After all, it's a rivalry
-I now realised
-I now realised
-I doesn't need to hurt anyone
-I doesn't need to hurt anyone
To achieve my dream
What's good is to have you by my side
Holding my hand on a long journey
There's only tomorrow, no yesterday
Let the cloud drift away
Once, we walked a different path
Finally, I came to understand
Being a winner doesn't matter
As much as having you by my side
If I get my wish to be the number one
What's it for
If we don't have each other
What's good is to have you by my side
Holding my hand on a long journey
There's only tomorrow, no yesterday
Let the cloud drift away
Once, we walked a different path
Finally, I came to understand
Being a winner doesn't matter
As much as having you
By my side
-I understand
-I understand
-In my life
-In my life
-I just want
-I just want
Only you
The winner
of this decade's
Stage of Number One award
goes to
Bell Malee!
We'll bring you this award, Mom.
The Stage of Number One will be ours.
I have a brain tumor, Auntie.
The most suitable person to be the leader
of the training department is you.
I will be the leader
who produces diamonds for Siang Thong.
I have decided
not to have treatment.
I have a dream, and I will not lose
I don't care and am not afraid
Of what they think
My heart focuses on the achievement
I will be only the number one
-I won't be discouraged
-I won't be discouraged
-I won't lose
-I won't lose
After all, it's a rivalry
-I now realised
-I now realised
-I doesn't need to hurt anyone
-I doesn't need to hurt anyone
To achieve my dream
What's good is to have you by my side
Holding my hand on a long journey
There's only tomorrow, no yesterday
Let the cloud drift away
Once, we walked a different path
Finally, I came to understand
Being a winner doesn't matter
As much as having you by my side
If I get my wish to be the number one
What's it for
If we don't have each other
What's good is to have you by my side
Holding my hand on a long journey
There's only tomorrow, no yesterday
Let the cloud drift away
Once, we walked a different path
Finally, I came to understand
Being a winner doesn't matter
As much as having you by my side
I understand
-In my life
-In my life
-I just want
-I just want
Only you
Subtitle translation by: Chonnikarn Ounob
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