Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) s03e36 Episode Script

9059-037 - Leatherhead Meets the Rat King

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell turtle power they're the world's most fearsome fighting team We're really hip.
They're heroes in the half shell and they're green Hey, get a grip.
When the evil shredder attacks these turtle boys don't cut him no slack teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles splinter taught them to be ninja teens He's a radical rat.
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines That's a fact, Jack.
Raphael is cool but rude Gimme a break! Michelangelo is a party dude Party! teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell turtle power Watch it, Donatello, they could be hiding anywhere.
Why would shredder and that gruesome twosome hang around here? Exactamundo, dude.
This place is a dump.
Actually, it's called a waste disposal area.
Well like Shakespeare said, and I quote, "a garbage dump by any other name still stinks.
" Will you fellows please pay attention? We can't let shredder surprise us.
Look, over there! It's all 4 of them.
Go, green machine! Hi-yi! Ee-ya! Excellent work, my students.
This training session will be of great value, if we can get certain other turtles to take it seriously.
Oh, come on, it's such a bodacious day, master.
We ought to be partying, not fighting.
But we need these sessions to keep up our skills, Michelangelo.
We can't keep our skills up with cardboard bad guys.
Then I will give you and Michelangelo a worthy adversary, Raphael.
Really? Who? Leonardo and Donatello.
The four of you shall pair off as teams.
Each team will defend a Mountain.
Whoever takes the other team's Mountain wins.
How about we just give you guys our Mountain now so we can just grab a pizza? Oh, come on, Michelangelo.
We've got to at least make an effort.
You seem troubled, Leonardo.
I'm worried, sensei.
We're leaving the sewers unguarded.
Right, like there's a big line of people who want to move into them.
One gross alligator shoes.
Four gross alligator handbags.
Ah, two gross alligator suitcases.
And one really gross alligator! You real lucky none of these here be my relatives.
I be looking for four big turtles wearing masks.
Y-y-you mean the teenage mutant ninja turtles? That be them.
Where they at? I don't know.
But I've heard they live down in the sewers.
Uhh! Then I'm going to pay them a little visit.
And so the mystery deepens-- who stole an entire tanker truck full of rat poison from here at the bug off exterminating company? And why? This is April O'Neill for channel 6 happy hour news.
That's it, April? Why, you barely scratched the surface! What are you driving at, chief? You're going to get the real story on this crime.
And I'm sending Vernon along to supervise.
Uh, me? Now let's not be hasty, boss.
No arguing.
Just do it.
Oh, great! I'm stuck with Vernon.
Sounds like a good idea to me.
When you're looking for rat poison, take along a rat.
This sewer is some kind of crazy place.
Them turtles could be anywhere.
I've come all this way just to give them turtles the pounding of they life.
And I'm gonna do it.
I wonder what's up this way.
Sacrebleu! [HORN BLOWS.]
Whoa! Ahh, when I find them four freaks, I'll make the hottest pot of turtle gumbo you ever seen! I guarantee.
Now the way I see it, if we each cut around to the side, we can outflank them.
What do you think, Donatello? Forget strategy, Leonardo.
It's technology that's going to win this war.
Come on, we can beat those losers with our hands tied behind our shells, right, Michelangelo? Michelangelo? Over here, amigo.
What the heck are you doing? Just catching some rays, bud.
I can already see the tide of victory turning against us.
These sewers, they bad as the swamp back home.
At least in the swamp, a gator knew where he stood.
Uhh! This be some kind of trap I'm betting.
How very observant of you.
I am the rat king.
How dare you invade my domain! I be leatherhead, and a Florida swamp gator go where he pleases.
Oh, really? Tell that to my rats.
No stinking rodent ever beat a gator, by gumbo.
Until now.
Here, have a soda pop bomb.
Ha ha ha ha! I crush this silly thing.
This silly thing-- she crush back.
Since my rats and I are destined to rule the world, I shall make you my slave.
This don't be one of my better days, I guarantee.
This is the spot where the tanker truck was last seen.
Look! A hole in the wall.
Sounds like my apartment.
It looks as though someone chewed through it.
Come on, give me a hand with this.
It leads straight into the sewers.
Somebody in the sewers stole a truck load of rat poison? Why? Look.
A piece of cloth, the same kind that the rat king wears.
Care for a morsel of muenster? [CHUCKLES.]
I'd rather take a bite out your hide.
Insolent slave, when my rats and I have taken control of the world, you'll sing a different tune.
Is that so, cheddar breath? And how you be doing that? Since you are an inferior non-rodent and cannot possibly harm me, I will show you With this.
Enough poison to help me rule the world.
You going to rule the world with a truckload of poison? Coo! You'll be one beaucoup crazy guy yet.
Crazy, am I? Ha ha ha ha.
This rat poison will no longer threaten my beloved rats.
Rather, it will serve them.
By altering its formula, I shall change it into a hypnotic gas whose vapors will turn humans into mindless slaves.
A pinch of this, a smidgen smidgon of that, and my faithful rats and I will take our rightful place as masters of the world.
And while the formula settles, I shall search for suitable test subjects.
Just to make certain it works.
Ha ha ha ha.
This fellow be a few shrimp shy of a boatload, I'm thinking.
I'm wet, tired, and hungry.
And I want to go home.
But Vernon, bern said you have to dig for these stories.
He meant you, not me.
Look what I found.
What is it? One of rat king's soda pop grenades.
A rat! Oh, I hate rats.
Quick, let's follow it.
It might lead us to the rat king's lair.
Wait, where are you going? Don't leave me.
I'd rather follow a four-legged rat than stay here with a two-legged one.
Once I cook them turtle shells, I going to make me a big batch of rat king stew, I guarantee.
A key.
By gumbo, that be what old leatherhead be needing.
Now I get me some fine revenge-- cajun hot style.
We're still on its tail.
What an ugly tail it is.
This way! So, my beauties, did you find some test subjects for me? You! Ew! Ew! I've got a vacation coming, and I'm taking it.
Don't run away.
I can't take any more of this.
Aah! Vernon! Don't tell me you're thinking about leaving, too.
Aah! Oh! Miss O'Neill, come back here.
I am the king, and I command you.
Come back.
Oh! Now-- we'll all get to go back to my lair and have a nice little chat.
Like a visit with mom.
I don't believe this.
I nearly get blown to pieces by the rat king.
And now I'm completely lost.
What else can go wrong? Huh! Leatherhead! I'm happy for you to see me again.
What is this place, swamp annex east? Whatever it is, it sure be the last place you ever gonna see.
Those cardboard cutouts will get their attention.
While we attack them from the side.
Excuse me.
Which one of you ordered the pizza with chocolate sprinkles and clam sauce? Yo, dude.
Right here.
I think we've got you, Raphael.
My beautiful strategy done in by a pizza.
The winners of the next contest will be champions for the day.
It's time for you to get motivated, Michelangelo.
There, with this incredibly clever garbage bomb launcher, we can't lose.
I'll face them single-handed.
Wish me luck.
Charge! Fire 1.
Come on.
You guys don't fight fair.
Fire 2.
Don't you care that we're getting trashed? Hey, it's only garbage.
It'll wash off.
Fire 3! Besides, why fight when you can eat? That does it.
This senseless destruction of innocent food has got to stop! Party-poopers! Pepperoni pirates! Pizza wreckers! Victory! Mount trashmore is ours.
I've got to admit it, Michelangelo, you were terrific.
All he needs is the proper motivation.
Hmm, we can use these for target practice.
Yes, April, what's up? I've got a little problem, guys.
Actually, it's a big problem.
Leatherhead? We're in the sewers near-- what you be doing? You carry pictures of them no-good turtles? Leatherhead, let April go.
Well, well, turtles, I be looking for you.
Where are you? If'n you don't find me pretty quick, you don't find her Ever.
Leatherhead's looking for us.
He's got April.
And we've got to rescue her.
Come on.
Listen, you overgrown handbag, you'll never get the turtles.
Got no time for talking.
I going to finish this here bazooka and blow y'all to catfish bait.
Don't hurry on my account.
Then I'll get me that rat king fellow.
He's going to turn us into zombies.
Zombies? How? He done stole a big truck, yeah.
Going to make some zombie gas out of the stuff in there.
So that's what he meant by test subjects.
Huh! Irma.
You two have the honor of being my first test subjects.
What are you going to do to us? Allow the fumes from this compound to turn you into mindless zombies.
In exactly 10 minutes, you will be the first human beings to become slaves of the rats.
Ha ha ha! [SCREAMING.]
Only 9 more minutes, until you two become slaves of the rats.
Oh! Oh! Please! I don't want to be a zombie.
I need my sleep.
Too late.
The gas is already at work.
Irma, we've got to do something.
Ahh, my peaceful domain.
Something seems to be missing, though.
Leatherhead! He's gone! He's escaped! Come, my faithful followers! We must find him.
You gonna lead me to them turtles, or I'll whip you into cajun bean dip.
I'm telling you, they aren't even in the sewers.
Just how stupid you think old leatherhead be? Do you have an hour and a half? I'll use this here turtle stomper on you, too! Now, tell me where they at? Never! Ok, then.
I guess I'll track them by my lonesome.
Uhh! What in the bayou is a-going on? Uhh! Uhh! Get going, you little cheese-chewing chumps! That rat king be nearby, gumbo.
See if he be out there.
Hold on, that could be dangerous.
It be dangerouser not to go, I guarantee.
Now get! All I can say is, oh, rats! All right, leatherhead.
Come out and fight like a rat.
I gonna fricassee your tail for that.
That was a rat king soda can bomb.
Let's go! You dare challenge the authority of his majesty the rat king? Huh! Aah! Heads down, April.
Turtles, your timing is incredible.
Uhh! An infield double, at least.
I knew she be lying about them turtles being gone.
Boy, you turn your back for one afternoon, and everybody gets rowdy.
The rat king's got Vernon and Irma.
He's testing out some zombie gas on them.
All right, dudes.
Like, turtles to the rescue! What about leatherhead and the rat king? We'll let those 2 pests exterminate each other.
Oh! You'll be the rat fink now.
Uhh! Hurry, my furry little followers.
Hurry! This time leatherhead don't be missing.
Jumping jambalaya! Uhh! Uhh! I'll teach you to defy me.
Uhh! No need to.
Leatherhead, he already know how.
Well, where's Irma and Vernon? They must be behind that door.
Here goes.
Vernon! HaHoWah.
He'sA zombie! Nah.
He just saw one rat too many.
Watch this.
Was that really necessary? Hey, Vernon.
One good drip deserves another.
Thank goodness that gas didn't affect you.
What do you expect from a recipe off a bubblegum wrapper? What the heck? This stuff may not be zombie gas, but it's becoming real unstable! In fact, I'd say it was becoming Explosive! Say, how'd y'all like to teach the rat king a lesson for trying to rule the world? Bodacious notion, dude.
How about we include leatherhead for trying to make us El extincto? Why not? Ok, huddle up.
Here's what we're going to do.
Now, michelanglo, you and Donatello And Leonardo's gonna-- uh, this may take a while.
Anyway, what I was saying Now you be Southern fried ratatouille, Mr.
king! Now you will be my willing subject, Mr.
Oh, boys! If you're looking for us, we'll be back at the rat king's place sabotaging his plans for world conquest.
What? You can't do that.
I'm scheduled to rule the world by this evening.
And I'm going to get my revenge on you little possum pusses, I guarantee.
I'll stop those turtles.
No! I stop them.
What incredible footage.
Where they be? In here, I'll wager.
There they are.
Now I got you.
No, you fool! Don't! I guess they found our cutouts.
Yeah! And we cut out just in time.
Jambalaya Those wretched turtles and that stupid gator! I'll show them all not to trifle with royalty When I get out of here.
This may take a little time.
I don't never want to see another turtle so long as I live.
This gator staying put in his swamp, ho ho, I guarantee.
Well, I don't think we'll be hearing from those two again very soon.
This is the story of the century, and I got it.
All by myself.
With my video camera.
Who cares? I'm channel 6's new star reporter now.
Oh, of all the low-down, back-stabbing, double-dealing-- chill out, dudettes.
The whole world's got his numero.
He'll be lucky if he can keep his own job.
Yeah, once it gets out that he totally blew the story of the century.
Just what are you blabbering about? Looks like you forgot to take the lens cap off, Mr.
star reporter.
I don't believe it.
All that incredible footage gone! Uh-huh.
Just like your chances of stealing my job.
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