Thao Kradangnga (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Stay here tonight.
Switch everything off,
and we’ll start fresh tomorrow.
It's bad enough that Ya
did this to me, Da.
I don’t want to lose a talented employee
and a good friend.
Mr. Tony is interested in having
the street artist performing in Thailand
stay at our hotel.
Here's some additional information
from the detective.
Why are you here again, Mr. Krit?
I need to talk to Miss Rin.
Back here, please.
How could Susie have fallen like that?
was she dealing with something
I didn’t know about?
Why would she do something like that?
Why would she even think about it?
Miss Rin…
You need to calm down.
Don’t say anything just yet.
Just breathe in and out.
and slow.
I can still see it clearly in my mind.
Why would she go to such extremes?
I don’t get it.
It’s okay, Miss Rin.
The police will be here soon.
Just stay calm.
You’ve still got a lot to take care of.
We’re taking the body for a full autopsy
to figure out the cause of death.
From the initial check,
we didn’t find any weapons.
It looks like
the deceased fell from a height.
It could have been an accident,
or it could be…
Could be what?
How could that be?
Who would kill someone here?
With so many people around?
That’s impossible.
Killers don’t care about the location.
It’s all about the timing
and the situation
between the victim and the perpetrator.
These things can happen in a split second.
Are you saying
someone meant to kill Susie?
It’s just a theory.
We can’t rule anything out
until we’ve reviewed all the evidence,
witness statements,
and the forensic report
to determine the exact cause of death.
I’ll need all the CCTV footage
to go over it thoroughly.
Do you still think
it’s impossible, Mr. Mek?
I just don’t see how it could be.
If what you’re saying is true,
wouldn’t the killer
have already run off by now?
Haven’t you heard of this theory?
A lot of killers
stick around at the scene,
acting like nothing happened,
to avoid suspicion.
Are you the one
in charge of this case, Charan?
Yes. Don’t worry.
I’ll investigate every lead carefully.
I’ll need to question everyone
who was at the scene.
Da, where’s Rin?
Are you okay?
I think I remember
Da and Paron
acting strangely at the event,
then running out of the room.
Charan’s handling the case.
Really? Do you know why Susie did that?
Was it an accident, or was it intentional?
Calm down, Rin.
I need to investigate the scene
and talk to the witnesses first.
I’ll excuse myself now.
I also need to speak with
all the staff who were at the scene.
I’ll take my leave.
Are you okay, Rin?
I’m still in shock. It’s just…
I remember now.
When I was taking pictures,
I saw you and Paron rush out of the room.
What was that about?
A staff member reported
that Mr. Krit was here at the hotel.
Mr. Krit?
He was demanding to see you,
but I told him there were
reporters at the event, so he left.
Did you actually see him leave, Da?
What is it?
There’s been an incident at Sirin Bangkok.
Is it possible that
Mr. Krit’s angry because…
we outed him?
-And so, he wants revenge
because you rejected the marriage?
It really damaged his reputation.
Something like that.
But why would he do that to Miss Susie?
She wasn’t the one
who leaked the story, was she?
I asked Susie to find out
who posted about Mr. Krit.
If someone killed Miss Susie,
they wanted to silence her
or stop something from getting out.
Miss Susie might be holding onto
one of their secrets.
By the way,
was Mr. Krit
close to Miss Susie?
No, not really.
He’d only see her
when he came to visit me at the hotel.
That’s about it.
But when I saw Mr. Krit,
he seemed really angry
that we didn’t welcome him.
He kept insisting he wanted to see Rin.
I’ve never seen Mr. Krit
act this intense before.
Right now,
everyone at the scene is a suspect.
We can't trust anyone yet.
Leave this to me.
Yes, sir.
How’s it going, Lieutenant?
We’ve started interviewing
the initial witnesses
and collecting evidence from the scene.
We’re also
sending fingerprints for analysis.
Have you found anything else,
like the victim's bag or phone?
In the initial search,
we didn’t find anything, sir.
I want you to conduct
a more thorough investigation.
I feel like there’s something off
about this case.
Yes, sir.
First case back,
and it’s already a tough one, Captain.
Make sure to assign
extra patrols around the area
and have some plain clothes officers
on standby as well.
Understood, sir.
Someone died at the hotel?
That’s going to put
her hotel in the headlines.
I wonder
how that woman
is going to handle this mess.
Where were you,
and what were you doing at that time?
I was attending to guests at the event.
And where exactly were you
during the incident?
I was at the entrance,
greeting guests.
Where were you, what were you doing,
and when was the last time
you saw Miss Susie?
I was working in the event area,
welcoming guests
and reporters who were arriving.
Susie mentioned
she forgot some documents
she needed to hand out to the reporters,
so she rushed back
to the office to print them.
She was gone for a while,
then suddenly, she fell.
I had asked Susie to track down
the person who posted about Mr. Krit
because someone shared that post
anonymously on the hotel website.
we hadn’t heard back from her yet
before all of this happened.
Was there anything unusual before?
Any signs of stress or personal problems?
No, Susie was always cheerful.
I didn’t notice anything odd.
In that case, I’ll need to take
Miss Susie's computer as evidence.
There might be something that could lead
to the person who posted about Mr. Krit.
If we found a clue, we might be able
to track down the culprit.
You’ll catch the killer, right, Charan?
Don’t worry.
If this really was a murder,
I’ll find the real killer.
Could you tell me what you were doing
on the day of the incident?
Before the event started,
my team and I
were setting up
and making sure everything in the area
was in order.
Did you talk to anyone
or notice anything strange?
No, I didn’t.
And where were you
after you finished setting up?
When the reporters started arriving,
my team and I
packed up and left the event.
And where did you go then?
I was heading back to the office.
But when I heard all the noises,
I rushed back to the event
and saw Susie
had fallen.
What did you do then?
I saw Miss Sirin looking really shocked,
so I went over to her
and took her somewhere to rest.
You seem pretty close to Miss Sirin.
Thank you for your cooperation.
I still can’t
get the image out of my head.
Poor Susie, gone too soon.
What did the police say, Mr. Paron?
They said
they needed to investigate more thoroughly
to figure out if it was an accident
or a murder.
Mr. Jin.
Mr. Jin,
do you think
Susie was pushed?
Everyone, I think
we should avoid jumping to conclusions.
Let’s leave it to the police.
And besides, something like this
happening at our hotel,
it’s already a huge blow.
We shouldn’t spread rumors.
It’ll affect the guests.
It’s too late for that, Mr. Jin.
Sirin Bangkok
is already trending
as the top search result.
"The hotel where someone died."
Yes, sir.
We've had a lot of cancellations today.
The reporters still haven’t left?
No, they haven't.
They’re waiting to interview
Miss Rin about what happened.
Calm down, Sirin.
have you seen this? What’s going on here?
-What is it, Mom?
It’s all over the Internet.
They’re talking about
the death at our hotel. It’s everywhere.
What’s the situation at the hotel?
How bad is it?
Right now, most of the guests
have checked out early.
About 80% of the reservations
have been canceled.
I just spoke to accounting,
and if this keeps up,
the hotel might not last six months.
We won’t be able to cover the loan,
and we might have to lay people off
or even sell the hotel.
But the biggest issue right now
is the reporters.
They're waiting to interview you,
and they won't leave.
What are we going to do?
I’ll head there now.
-I’ll be right back.
-Where are you going?
To the hotel, Mom.
Don’t worry.
I won’t let the hotel
Dad built go to waste.
With the death at the hotel,
do you know
any details about it, Miss Sirin?
We’re still
in the middle of the investigation.
With a tragedy like this,
how will the hotel take responsibility?
No one ever wants
something like this to happen.
We’re all
deeply saddened by what happened.
Please make sure
to report the facts
we’ve given you, please.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Right now,
let us treat you to some coffee inside
before you head out.
Please come on in.
We’ve also prepared some snacks.
Please follow me.
Mr. Krit.
What is it?
We still haven’t been able
to reach Mr. Thee.
His phone’s off,
and the condo check came up empty.
Where has he gone?
Also, at Miss Sirin's hotel,
almost all the reservations
have been canceled.
And on the day of the incident,
Mr. Mek was there as well.
The police are still investigating
the cause of the employee’s death.
Let me know as soon
as you get in touch with Thee.
Yes, Mr. Krit.
We’ve got a big group
coming in, right, Mr. Thanong?
About 200 rooms
have been booked. It’s all confirmed.
I want you to send those customers
to Sirin Bangkok.
I can’t do that, Mr. Araya.
If the boss finds out, I’m done for.
Then make sure he doesn’t find out.
Please, let me help with something else.
I really don’t want to get fired.
I’m sorry, Mr. Araya,
but I’ll recommend
other customers to them.
Is there anything you need?
What kind of plant is this? It’s so cute!
It’s a hoya plant.
I found it at a shop.
The seller said
it’s good for cheering people up.
when people see it,
they smile, just like you are now.
I just wanted to see you smile.
I hope you’ll accept it as a gift.
Miss Sirin,
if you’re not too busy,
would you like to grab a meal with me?
Since you’ve been working so hard today,
I thought you could use a break.
I’ll pick the place.
I promise you’ll love it.
what are you doing here?
Just checking on a few things.
How’s the investigation going?
We’re still working on it.
We’ve interviewed some witnesses,
but we need more evidence to wrap this up.
If we find Susie’s phone,
we’ll know who she was in contact with,
which could lead us to something.
By the way, are you done with work?
I was thinking of inviting
you and Rin out for dinner.
You two could use a break.
That sounds good.
Rin’s been busy all day.
She definitely needs a break.
-Let’s go then.
-Let's go.
Where did she go?
She was just here.
She probably went home.
She has a plant?
You don't need to call her, Da.
She probably went home to be with Tam.
Should we grab dinner then?
I’m starving.
Hello? What?
Okay, I’ll be there soon.
Sorry, Da. Something urgent just came up.
Let's do it another time.
What? Charan!
Don’t leave me hanging next time!
Drive safe, Miss Rin.
-Is this mine?
Miss Rin, when did you get it?
This plant really does make people smile.
Thank you so much.
I’ve had
such a great day,
I’m ready for tomorrow,
no matter what it brings.
I’ll keep smiling through it all.
Let’s smile together, okay, Miss Rin?
You're back.
What are you doing?
Why are you sitting in the dark?
I put Tam to bed.
I thought you'd be tired.
Your mom went upstairs a while ago.
She seemed pretty stressed
about the hotel news.
Is something wrong, Araya?
I just feel like
I can't do anything to help you,
when you're going through all this.
The best I can do,
it’s just this.
for being useless.
just being here is enough help.
I'm sure Tam
appreciates you being here, too.
Thank you for caring.
It's getting late.
I need to get some rest.
I've got a lot to do tomorrow.
Drive safe, okay?
Do you think it's possible
that she was running away from something?
And the autopsy results?
The cause of death
was brain swelling from a severe impact,
from falling from a height.
No drugs in her system,
But what?
The victim was pregnant.
Mom, this is Miss Sirin.
Rin, this is Susie's mom.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Please don’t worry
about the funeral arrangements.
The hotel will take care of everything.
never wanted
something like this to happen.
It’s okay. It was an accident.
No one wanted this.
But tell me. Do you know
who Susie’s boyfriend was?
-Her boyfriend?
Susie told me she was seeing someone
and that
they were going to get married soon.
But I’ve never met him.
I think he works in the same field,
but I’m not sure.
I wonder
if he knew
she was pregnant.
Please, calm down.
Let’s sit down first.
Did you know Susie was pregnant?
I didn’t even know she had a boyfriend.
What does
Miss Susie’s pregnancy have to do with me?
Why did you go to the hotel
the day of the incident?
I went to see Miss Rin.
There was
something I needed to talk to her about.
But I don’t think
I need to get into the details.
I didn’t get to meet her
because she was busy.
And after that, when you didn’t
see Miss Sirin, you left right away?
Yes, I left right away.
I don’t understand why I’m even here.
Don’t tell me you think
I’m a suspect in Miss Susie’s death.
You said you didn’t meet Miss Susie?
I can’t remember
whether I saw Miss Susie
before or after meeting Miss Da.
Do you mind telling me
what you two talked about?
From the footage,
you seemed a little tense.
Why didn’t I know anything about Susie?
How was she?
Was she happy?
Did she have problems?
Why didn’t I know any of this?
It’s not your fault, Rin.
People sometimes
have a lot of personal issues
or secrets they don’t want
anyone to know about.
Susie was just trying
to run away from her problems.
Hi, Charan?
It's really Mr. Krit?
What about Mr. Krit?
What’s going on with him, Da?
Is this Mr. Mek's house?
Let’s do something fun.
I’m about to confess
my feelings to Miss Rin.
Do you think she likes me, Mr. Jin?
I saw Mr. Mek acting strangely,
so I followed him.
Mr. Mek makes you happy, right?
Subtitle translation by: Praeploy Mahawan
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