The Bear (2022) s02e03 Episode Script


CARMY: I Googled "fun" the other day.
"what provides
amusement or enjoyment."
That's what it means.
I am, uh, currently opening a restaurant
that's providing
zero amusement or enjoyment.
No, no, I'm kidding, it's, um
it's okay. I'm, uh
I don't know, I-I-I'm trying to
start from a-a healthy place.
A-a-a positive place.
And, um
yeah, that's the goal, right?
I think when I was a kid, um,
anything that would give me
any sort of excitement
or-or-or amusement or enjoyment, uh,
it always got kinda fucked.
You know, I-I don't think
my family meant to ruin it
or anything like that, you know.
I-I don't think they did it on purpose.
But I-I think
sometimes they just, they try too hard.
You know, or they'd make promises
that they weren't able to keep.
Have to remind myself to
breathe sometimes. I, um,
have to remind myself to, uh
to be present, you know.
Remind myself
that the sky is not falling,
that, um, there is no other shoe,
which is incredibly difficult
because there is always another shoe.
I don't know. I think, um
You know, maybe if I could provide
more-more-more amusement
or-or enjoyment for myself,
it would be easier to, uh,
to provide for others, you know.
I don't know. Um
Yeah. Anyway, I'm happy to be here.
Thank you, guys.
Thanks for letting me share.
NEWSCASTER 1: Bridgeport,
known to be the neighborhood diner
people counted on for
the past seven decades
is closing its doors for good.
NEWSCASTER 2: Yesterday, the
restaurant made the announcement
that it would be closing permanently.
WOMAN: Everybody loves the food.
They love the service.
They love this restaurant.
people could always count on
NEWSCASTER 4: for the
many employees that have
worked at the restaurant for decades,
the news came as a devastating
You know what a lot
of restaurants suck at?
CARMY: Hmm. How much time do
I have to answer that question?
Hmm. Desserts.
Do we have any miles?
Uh, yes, Pete at United.
- Could we use 'em?
- Of course.
SYDNEY: Can I pitch you something crazy?
We send Marcus somewhere?
So maybe not so crazy.
No, no, I think that's, uh, smart.
- Yeah?
- Yeah. But, um, how's his mom?
SYDNEY: I think she's
stable, I don't know.
But I just was thinking it might be good
to send him somewhere wild.
Wild, like?
Like Copenhagen?
Yeah. Yeah, I got spots there.
I mean, I figured you would.
CARMY: You happy?
Yeah, I marinated the radicchio,
burned grapefruit,
got a little bit of chili in there.
- CARMY: Alright.
- SYDNEY: Alright.
- CARMY: Mm.
- Fucking shit.
- SYDNEY: Mm-mm-mm. Mm-mm.
- The salt.
- Mm-mm.
- It's too much salt.
- Fuck me.
- CARMY: You got water?
- Uh, yeah.
You marinated it too long.
- It's okay, though.
- I mean, it's not okay
- if it's two times in a row.
That's why we're doing this, alright?
(SIGHS) I wanna make a suggestion.
I think our palates are fucked.
Where is the suggestion?
CARMY: I think that we need to go out.
We need to try some stuff.
Like a reset.
- You're sending me home?
- CARMY: No.
No, I'm not sending you home.
I'm sending us out for inspiration.
It's gonna take me about
an hour to clean this up,
and then I'll, uh, meet you at Kasama.
Sound good?
- Yeah, sounds good.
- CARMY: Okay.
Thank you. And, uh, Syd?
It was really, it was almost perfect.
- See you in an hour.
- SYDNEY: Mm-hmm.
I met her in a bar room ♪
Her name I didn't catch ♪
She looked like something special ♪
The kind who'd understand ♪
The room was almost spinning ♪
She pulled another smile ♪
She had the grace like pleasure ♪
She had a certain style ♪
Sunlight on the lino ♪
- Woke me with a shake ♪
I looked around to find her
but she'd gone ♪
Goodbye, girl ♪
Goodbye, girl ♪
Goodbye, girl ♪
Goodbye, girl ♪
Goodbye, girl ♪
Goodbye, girl ♪
Goodbye, girl ♪
RICHIE: Yeah? Hold on,
hold on. No, that's okay.
I got you.
Alright, here we go. Ready? Here we go.
Told you.
I got it.
There we go. Okay.
I got you.
How's your mom doing, by the way?
- EVA: Good.
- Yeah?
They said that she got stuck on a Zoom.
Do you know what that's about?
Got a promotion.
Uncle Frank is proud of her.
So am I.
So we had a little party.
- Frank, huh?
- And Mom got a raise, too.
Which is why Uncle Frank
got the good cake from Weber's.
That's awesome.
That mom got a promotion.
She's a hard worker.
And that's important, right?
Yeah, but you still have
to pay child support
'cause fair is fair.
(EXHALES) I love taking care of you.
And I always will.
You know that?
I know, Daddy.
RICHIE: Alright.
Give me a hug.
Alright, backpack attack. Here we go.
I'm gonna watch you
until you go inside, okay?
I love you.
And, Eva?
I love Taylor Swift, too.
I just needed a break, you know.
you really give me a fake number?
Should my feelings be hurt?
I think they're hurt.
No. No, no, no. Sorry, no.
That must have, uh,
that must have been a mistake.
You know I know your entire
family and all the Faks, right?
CARMY: You know all the Faks?
Yeah, I know all the fuckin' Faks.
And they're gonna come beat you up.
(LAUGHS) There are, um,
there are a lot of Faks. Yeah.
Why, just walk me through
giving me a fake number. Why?
CARMY: Hmm No, no. 'Cause I, um
I didn't mean, I didn't mean
for that to happen.
I'm-I'm-I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. It was a mistake, okay?
Thank you. I-I really appreciate that.
Well, I was originally
calling before I found out
I got fake numbered and had to ask Neil
for your real number
to ask if you were busy today.
So now I have two questions.
CARMY: Shoot. Yeah.
Okay. One, is it okay
that I have your number,
or did you really not want me
to have your number?
No, no, no, no. It's-it's, uh
I want you, I want you
to have my number.
Okay, say that one more time.
I want you to have my number.
Okay, cool. Are you busy today?
So, I'm, I, um
Okay, can you just, can
you just not make this weird?
Like, I just need a favor.
My cousin bailed on me.
What, Big Denny?
CLAIRE: No, Mac. Denny's dead.
Damn, Denny.
CLAIRE: Yeah, totally sucks,
but I have to move all this shit
from my mom who is not dead.
She's actually absolutely
thriving, into storage and I-I
There are really big boxes,
and I need a really big car.
Do you still have that van?
Yes. No, we do. We still have that van.
Um, I am in.
Yeah. Yeah, really.
Okay, I'll text you the address.
No, no, I know where it is.
CLAIRE: Are you sure? 'Cause
I'm worried about your number issue.
I know where it is.
You know what?
I'll give my address to Fak.
- And then he can give it to you.
Does that sound good?
And then punch you in the face.
Does that sound good?
(LAUGHS) No, no, I don't need Fak.
CLAIRE: You know, he, um, he told me
that you guys are really close
and that he's your best friend.
Fak said that?
CLAIRE: Mm-hmm.
No, no, no. Fak's not my best friend.
CLAIRE: Really?
No, no, he is.
He's probably my best friend.
CLAIRE: That's interesting,
to sit with, for you.
Um, okay.
I, uh, I will see you soon then?
Yeah, I'll see you soon.
- Okay.
- CARMY: Okay.
- Okay, bye.
- CARMY: Bye.
Secret teardrops ♪
Hi. What can I get you?
When I kiss you I'm in paradise ♪
I held your hand
and you were so close to me ♪
SYDNEY: Can I get the breakfast sandwich
with longaniza and also
can I get a hash brown?
I'll also have the mushroom adobo
and, um, and one of these mango tarts.
And, um, a matcha latte, please.
When I kiss you I'm in paradise ♪
I touched your hand
and you were so close to me ♪

WAITER: Here you go.
Courage and confidence.
- Uh
- WAITER: The book.
Coach K fan?
Uh no. No.
My-my dad got it for me.
WAITER: It's a Krzyzewski thing.
Courage and confidence
leads to decision-making.
- Sure.
- WAITER: Go, Devils.
Come on, feet, start moving ♪
Got to get me there
Oh ♪
Hey, hey ♪
Uh-huh, huh, huh, huh, oh ♪
Uh-huh, huh, huh, huh, yeah ♪
Oh ♪
Twenty-five miles from home, girl ♪
My feet are hurting mighty bad ♪
Now, I've been walking
for three days ♪
And two lonely nights ♪
You know that I'm mighty mad, huh ♪
But I got a woman waiting for me ♪
That's gonna make
this trip worthwhile ♪
Hey, what can we do for ya?
Uh, I'm Sydney.
We were emailing earlier?
- Oh, Carmy's sous chef, right?
- Yeah.
So I gotta keep on walking ♪
Mm-hmm, huh ♪
- It's great to see you.
- You, too.
Hey, Syd, what it do?
Hi. How you doing?
So glad you came.
I'm glad I came
'cause I get to eat this.
MAN: Slice up.
I got 15 miles to go now ♪
And I can hear my baby
calling my name ♪
So this is the forequarter.
Does that go into the short rib?
ROB: This is the end of the
short rib is where the navel begins.
And the only thing that separates
it is that little line of cartilage.
WOMAN: Okay. Pre-shift time.
We've got a busy night tonight,
so we've got 180 on the books,
and it starts right at four o'clock.
So I wanna make sure
that everything is perfect
right when we open.
And I forget
about these feet of mine ♪
Where you at right now?
I'm actually about
to open up a new spot,
on Orleans, yeah.
Always tryin' to be the best.
Yeah, always. Yeah.
- So how's it going?
- It's not bad. It's just, you know
a lot.
Is there a timeline to opening?
We wanna open in May.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- SYDNEY: Okay.
Great response. (LAUGHING)

Did I hear you mention that
you're-you're looking for staff?
SYDNEY: Yeah. Front of house.
But-but even back of house, you know.
All of the staff that work at Avec
have been here for years.
Sure. Yeah, yeah.
But if I hear of anyone,
- I'll send them directly to you.
- SYDNEY: Thank you.
I do have a couple menu changes.
Ray's picking 'em up right now.
We're gonna do a short rib hummus
instead of the lamb neck.
Come on, feet, don't fail me now ♪
I got ten more miles to go ♪
Ten more miles ♪
SYDNEY: If there's
any advice that you have,
I will take it.
- I know that you're gonna have great food.
- SYDNEY: Yeah.
You just, you have to make sure
that your hospitality
and service is overwhelming.
- Yeah.
- DONNIE: And, um,
make sure you have a great partner,
someone you can trust.
Although my feet are tired ♪
I can't lose my stride ♪
SYDNEY: But you had
a restaurant before, right?
Yeah, my wife and I had
a restaurant over in Bucktown.
Why do you think it closed?
We had a terrible business partner
who took all of our money
and flew off to Hawaii.
I wish that wasn't
a common story in this business,
but, you know, these things
happen all the time.
I'm so tired, huh ♪
But I just can't lose my stride ♪
- Walkin' ♪
- Yeah, huh
I got to walk on ♪
- You're gonna be fine.
- I know.
- DONNIE: Truly.
- I know.
- Thanks, Donnie.
- DONNIE: You're gonna be fine.
- NAYIA: Congrats on going solo.
- SYDNEY: Thank you.
It's like, not exactly solo,
but you know
NAYIA: How not exactly solo?
Oh, I have a partner.
Ah. Okay, cool.
What's your profit share?
Oh, um, not like that.
We're just, um,
we're working together, yeah.
Ahh. Got it.
(SHARP LAUGH) Been there.
Uh, just, you know
Listen to your gut.
- Yeah. Yeah, heard.
- NAYIA: Alright?
- Yeah. Yeah, you too.
- NAYIA: Great to see you.
Hey, hey, now ♪
I got to walk on ♪
Let me tell ya, y'all, gotta say ♪
Your call has been forwarded
to an automatic voice message system.
Carmen Berzatto
is not available
- Yo, what are you doing?
- I'm trying to pull it!
Get your foot down.
We can't move it if your foot's up.
- Come on.
- Okay, push.
- Pick up with your shoulders.
- Yeah. Wait, hold on, hold on.
I'm gettin' a phone call.
- Use your shoulders.
Hold on, one second.
- What up, Chef?
Sorry, I'm by a fucking train.
Did anybody, uh, come through?
Uh, just like 15.
Ooh, looking for jobs?
MARCUS: Looking for permits.
- Wait, permits?
- MARCUS: Yeah, permits.
Fuck. So many reps.
Yeah, so many.
Yo, Fak, any new hires roll?
Nah, just people that weren't nice.
Yeah, people that weren't nice.
Yeah, no, I-I actually heard that.
Um, okay, uh,
just let me know if anybody comes by.
- MARCUS: Yes, Chef.
- Oh, also, Marcus,
there's something
I want to run by you later.
- Looking forward.
- SYDNEY: Okay. Bye.
Did you just say, "looking forward"?
Yeah, I don't know. I've
never said that before in my life.
You're looking forward?
Why don't we push this?
Why don't we look forward to that?
- Yeah, yeah, okay.
- Okay.
MAN: See. That's good, right?
Hey. (LAUGHS) Um, do you guys work here?
Random question,
are you, like, happy at all?
'Cause, um, do you know
The Beef on Orleans?
I-I heard these people are,
um, they're revamping it.
It's gonna be like
a cool, fine dining spot.
They're looking for, like,
front and back of house.
CHEF: Yo, what the fuck?
You're seriously not poaching
in front of me right now?
- No. No.
- CHEF: Fuck off.
- SYDNEY: Yep. Sorry. Yep.
- CHEF: Jesus.
- You tell me stories ♪
- You speak in pictures ♪
- You tell me stories ♪
- You speak in pictures ♪
Tell me some stories ♪
Don't live in the future ♪
- You tell me stories ♪
- You speak in pictures ♪
Tell me some stories ♪
Don't live in the future ♪
Don't live, don't live ♪

I'm just the kind of man ♪
Work hard every day ♪
To make you happy ♪
Real happy now, baby ♪
To earn a dollar more ♪
'Cause I know for sure ♪
It's gonna make you happy ♪
Ooh, ooh ♪
That means I love you ♪
And all I wanna do ♪
Is make you happy ♪
So happy, little baby ♪
Oh girl, I never do ♪
Nothing to hurt you ♪
Just wanna make you happy ♪
Happy ♪

- Hi.
- Hi. Wh-what are you doing here?
Come on, I'd love to show you. Come in.
Richie, you're just spreadin'
shit everywhere right now.
Yo, I'm spreading shit
into the same pile you are.
What, uh
What? What? What? What?
Yeah, what's hap What?
What is this? What happened?
Well, you got wood rot.
You got termites, you got roaches,
you got dead raccoons.
Plural, raccoons?
FAK: And, uh, rotten wood.
So obviously the wall is fucking gone.
This isn't a facelift anymore.
Yeah. You know what, pal?
I think you might be right.
Yeah, it was terrible.
- Like terrible.
- Um
Um, what What's Um Sorry.
So we just knocked everything down?
CARMY: Yeah, yeah.
Sorry. You would have
preferred that we
Call me?
That I call you to tell you
the-the-the walls are rotting
- and they need to be knocked down?
- Yeah, exactly.
Okay, sorry, so just, um
You know, for-for next time,
what should I have done?
Um, th-this just feels like, uh,
- obviously a really big decision.
- Sure.
And it would have been nice
to have been included in it?
Okay. Got it. No, no.
Next time the, uh, the walls
need to be knocked down,
there's nothing we can do about it
You let me know.
I'll let you know.
- I'll let you know.
- Yeah.
- Thanks, Chef.
- Yeah, thank you, Chef.
Hey. Uh, yeah. Good. Thanks.
Um, I was wondering if I could
cash in on that favor.
Um, yeah.
Do-do you still have
a kitchen I could borrow?
- You all good? Awesome.
- Yeah.
- Thank you so much for
- Yeah, for sure. No.
- We're hiring if this doesn't work out.
- Stop!
Fuck me.
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