The Guardian (2001) s02e05 Episode Script

Assuming the Position

[Pager beeps.]
Let's go.
Come on, come on.
[TV news program.]
[Door squeaks open.]
Can you stop eating those? What? Well they just kind of make your breath Brian, I'm watching this.
Come on, it's just the news.
Yeah, well, I'm watching.
Well, that's discouraging.
What? I guess I should have known when I saw those pajamas.
They're your pajamas.
What's wrong with them? [Sighs.]
I mean, are we ever gonna have sex again? Hey, what do you want? We never see each other, and when we do, it's late, and we haven't talked, and we don't go out, so why don't you at least try acting like you like me before you I love you.
You know that.
I know, Brian.
[Clears throat.]
You know what? I'm just really tired.
TV: We're going to take you live now to Andrew Solomon, who's in Wilkinsburg, where a police raid is in progress.
[Door closes.]
Andrew? ANDREW: Thank you, Julie.
That's right, I'm standing here at the corner of Dover and Penn avenue, where a bust has just occurred at an oriental massage parlor where allegedly, a lot more than just massages could be purchased.
Now as you can see here, the police are in the process of making several arrests.
One of the officers here Oh my God.
ANDREW: This particular establishment CHILD: Mommy? It's OK, Emily.
Don't be scared, OK, honey? Just go with this nice lady, and I'll come see you in a couple hours, OK? All right.
Be my brave girl, honey, OK? Alvin! Alvin, they're taking my daughter! Alvin, they took Emily.
Well, there is trouble in my mind There is dark There's dark, and there is light There is no order But there is chaos and there is crime There is no one home tonight In the empire of my mind There is trouble in my mind All the chaos In my mind ALVIN: Sorry to get you out of bed.
LULU: It's Ok.
I wanted Anthony Hanratty to handle this, but I couldn't track him down.
You'd think a defense attorney would carry a pager That's OK, Alvin, it's all right.
Uh, sorry about the bail.
We we just don't have that kind of money in the house.
So, uh, I'll get it for you first thing tomorrow morning.
Lulu Lulu, could you look at me? Tomorrow, at the clinic, distribute the cases that are pressing and get continuances for the others.
I'll cover for you until you get back.
I need something else.
I need you to go to the clerk's office and find out if bail has been set for a woman named Janine Crane.
Who is she? She's a woman who, uh the woman I was with when I got arrested.
Hey, Jake.
So did you hear about Masterson? Yeah.
I hear the D.
's got an open-and-shut case.
They caught the woman left handed.
Come on.
Well, look, he hired Hanratty to defend himself.
Once again, he's in good hands.
It's a pretty pretty serious matter.
Apparently, the woman claims she's innocent.
I'm pretty certain she had a hand in it.
[Both chuckle.]
So, Jake, we had a partner's meeting yesterday to discuss your deal.
So you are an income partner.
You you don't have a vote yet, but your salary is as we agreed, and your bonus will be commensurate to your performance.
So what's the first order of business? Kessler Kleaners.
Before they commit to franchising, we need a legal feasibility study, incorporation documents, and a master franchise agreement by Thursday morning.
Congratulations, Jake.
Yeah, and it's, uh, it's a shame about Alvin.
Sure hope he gets off.
Hallowell? Oh Seth.
Well, this is a very serious problem for the clinic.
All of us on the board, we're all very, very concerned.
Well, just let me know what I can do to help.
For now, take over the clinic.
Be the face of the place.
Now, make no mention of Alvin.
We're going to do our best to spin this away from Alvin and onto you.
Excuse me? Your image is what we need right now.
Someone like you, married with family values, to meet with the press, I mean, to help us through this time.
Alvin has just been charged, he's not convicted of anything.
Moral turpitude clause, it's in his contract.
It's in yours, as well.
I mean, this is a family clinic, Louise Oh, no, I know, I understand that, I'm just saying You were hired as associate director of this clinic.
It's time for you to do that job.
- Hey.
So, this whole Alvin thing's a little crazy, huh? I think it's stupid, if you ask me.
Really? Why? Yeah, going to a massage parlor? You have a problem with a man going to a massage parlor? I have a problem with getting up at 3 A.
To bail Alvin out, and I have a problem taking on all of his cases because he can't control himself.
Well, I'll I'll be in my office.
Uh, Nick, you have a shelter hearing at 10:30.
Bryant Wilcox.
Barbara! I'm sorry to bother you.
No, no, it's no problem, l I just, uh, I've got a lot of work going on right now, so Maybe later.
Well, what is it? Can I just please, uh, I need some help, and I can't talk to anybody at L.
About it.
OK, why don't you come on in my office? Is your computer on? Yeah, why? Uh, can you go on the internet? Punch in "thelovelorn.
" Why? Just punch it in.
Is this some kind of joke? [Keyboard clicking.]
- Got it? - Yeah.
OK, scroll down to the bottom.
That's a good picture of you.
Click it.
Barbara, I'm sorry.
Gosh, that sucks.
Yeah, I used to go to this site, iron city singles, I'd stay late at work 'cause I don't have a computer.
Anyway, I met this guy there.
Ignatiusjreilly, you know, from "Confederacy Of Dunces," which is a great book, but another story.
I was myrnaminkoff, and we started chatting, and, I don't know, there was something about it, having someone to talk to, just talk, without being judged or stared at.
I just felt like, for the first time in a very, very long time, someone was really listening to me, considering me.
Why don't you, uh how how long did this go on for? [Sighs.]
A few months.
We started chatting.
He asked for my picture after a couple of chats, and I said that I wouldn't give it to him because I've had experiences with men when they see me.
And I didn't want him to imagine me like I am, I guess.
And then at one point I emailed him.
I told him about my size.
He said that it was fine, that, uh, he wasn't perfect, either.
So I had my mom take that picture, and I scanned it at work, and then I sent it.
And then last night he emailed me to go to the lovelorn site.
I'm so sorry, Barbara.
I want it down, Jake.
Yeah, well, I don't blame you, but, uh, listen, this is a tough case.
I mean, we can argue defamation, but he's got his rights.
I want it down.
Come on, Bryant, come on out.
Damn! Miss Solt, where is this child's counsel? I'm here, your honor.
He is out of control, Mr.
Calm him down or you're sanctioned! Hey, come here, come here.
Ow! Ow! Let go of me! Let go of me! Put me down! - Come here, you.
All right, listen.
You're going to stand here and you're going to be quiet, OK? JUDGE: What is going on? What is he doing now? He's having a convulsion.
James, excuse me, we have 3 families coming in with new cases.
Will you take them? I'm swamped.
We all are.
Those [Talking stops.]
Hey, everybody.
Lulu, after I meet with Seth, I need to see you.
[Phone ringing.]
WOMAN: Social Services, sorry to keep you waiting.
Gosh, Alvin, um, we've been concerned.
The clinic is going to get through this.
Well, about you.
Seth, this will all clear up.
I'm facing a third degree misdemeanor and they have a weak case.
Listen, Alvin, you built this place.
You made it what it is.
It's your vision.
You want me out of here? Alvin, it's not me.
Your contract contains a morals clause.
The board wants to suspend you until this is resolved.
I'm on the board.
Hell, I created the board.
If I'm not convicted of a crime, how can the board argue that I did anything wrong? You were arrested in a massage parlor.
Alvin, you did something wrong.
No, Seth, I didn't.
ALVIN: Lulu.
- Yeah.
I need you to represent Janine Crane.
Why? Social services took her daughter Emily.
They put her in a shelter and they're making noises about not letting her out.
Alvin, you know, Mr.
Hallowell said that This isn't Seth's clinic, it's mine.
Listen, she's already a client.
Janine in a shelter hearing.
You don't think this is a conflict? I've already discussed this with her.
She's waived whatever conflict there might be.
Besides, for now, I'm suspended.
LAURIE: He had a seizure.
They took him to Pittsburgh County.
JUDGE: Where's the mother? In prison she was arrested for drugs 4 weeks ago.
The father's not in the picture.
Where's he been staying since the mother's arrest? He's been staying with his aunt Cheryl for the past couple of months.
She took him in because the mother would be gone for weeks at a time getting high, but the aunt can't handle him.
That's why we were in court today.
Can the mother make medical decisions for the child? She's finding recovery challenging.
Just last week, they found drugs in her cell.
Fallin, I need to appoint a medical guardian.
You think you can handle the responsibility? Well, I Ms.
Wilcox said her sister Cheryl could make medical decisions.
Oh, Mr.
Fallin will step in as temporary medical guardian.
I'll have my clerk notify you of the new hearing date.
Be prepared to fully brief the court on the child's condition.
LULU: It's pretty simple, Janine.
You win your case, you'll probably keep your daughter.
Otherwise, she will end up in foster care.
Hmm I'm assuming that you want to keep Emily.
Of course.
All right.
Well, they're going to look into your housing situation, so is there anything that I need to know? About? Where you live.
Um, in an apartment.
Above my business.
Oh, you mean you live right above the Yeah.
What? Why do you do this? - Why? - Yeah.
Uh Money.
Why else? I don't know.
I mean, I don't work just for money, so Well, good for you.
What does that mean? No college.
No high school, really.
No parents, no money.
I mean, I'm not trying to tell you a sob story, but looking at you, l I'm guessing somebody out there loves you, helps you.
But, still, I mean, selling, uh a lot of the men that you see are are married.
That's not my fault.
What about their wives? I can't say it's their fault, either.
It's the way some men are.
It's just sex, Mrs.
It's not fun.
I don't like it, but it's something I know how to do.
[Elevator bell dings.]
Mommy! Emily, oh I missed you.
I missed you.
They can't release her.
Why not? I mean, Janine hasn't been convicted of anything yet.
We don't know what's going to happen with the court case, so for now, Emily has to stay in the shelter.
Wasserman I'm looking for.
Wasserman, I'm Nick Fallin.
Bryant Wilcox, right? You're his medical guardian? That's right.
His films show no aneurisms, no brain tumors, he's not an epileptic, nothing normally associated with the type of seizure that he suffered, but the results from his blood work show a lead level of 85.
Is that high? Anything above 10 is considered dangerous.
Well, uh, how could it get like that? The projects are full of lead paint that should have been abated years ago.
The kids eat the paint chips, inhale dust that flakes from the wall.
By the time the parents realize it, their child's already sick.
NICK: Could it have caused his seizure? His seizure, his intense hyperactivity, his speech and developmental delay, and neurological damage.
Can it be treated? Chelation therapy attempts to drain the lead particles from the blood.
It's painful, and only so effective.
Remember me from court? My name's Nick.
WASSERMAN: Bryant likes to hug.
I need a copy of his records.
I'm trying to put together a medical history.
So are we, but we don't even know if he has a pediatrician, and we can't locate the mother.
We were hoping you'd know where she is.
Can you tell me the name of your son's pediatrician? Some clinic.
The one up on Forbes and Oakland.
Took Bryant there.
Well, should I just ask your sister Cheryl? About Bryant? She never took him to no doctor.
You took him even when he wasn't living with you? He's my kid.
Do you remember the name of any of the doctors that treated Bryant? You need anything like that, you talk to my lawyer.
Why would your public defender have a medical record on your son? Not him, my private guy.
- Mr.
- Marc Hansen? Oh, OK.
Thank you.
And me and Mr.
Hansen we're suing the landlord on account of the lead paint.
When I get out, I get Bryant back, right? That's for the court to decide.
Bryant Wilcox? Sure.
Lead case.
Carter Street projects.
A lot of sick kids.
How do you know him? I'm representing him.
His mom's in jail, and I'm placing him.
Jail? Nice to let her lawyer know, huh? But that's the kind of clients you deal with when you do personal injury.
- How's business, man? - It's fine.
You've been all over the place.
I tried calling you two weeks ago at the new firm, but the phones forwarded me back to your Dad's place.
Well, we're working together again.
It's called Fallin and Fallin.
So before I can find Bryant a home, I need a copy of his medical records.
Is there a chance this kid might need to be placed in some kind of group home? Special needs home, yeah.
That helps your case.
Worth more money.
Tara, could you please make a copy of the Bryant Wilcox file? - How's Julie? - Beautiful as ever.
Say hello to her for me.
Hey, why don't you come over for dinner Saturday night, huh, you know? It's been too long.
I know she'd love to see you.
Yeah, it'd be great.
I'd like to do that.
All right, I'll have Tara messenger a copy of Bryant's meds to you tonight.
All right.
Can you can you send them to legal services? How much longer you got to do that? Huh.
I just came by to see how things are going with Janine and Emily.
Uh, well, Social Services is keeping Emily for now.
You can't get her out? No.
Laurie Solt said no, so Alvin are you really going to lose your job over this? The D.
's offering me a deal.
Oh? I give up Janine, and they reduce my charge to a violation.
Well, do it.
Well, they're asking me to lie.
Janine and l it was never about money.
I never paid her.
Alvin, you know, you work so hard and and everyone respects you, I don't understand.
I mean, why? Why would you go What's one got to do with the other? Am I any less of a lawyer because I have a sex life? No, but but the prostitute is what I'm talking about.
She may have been a prostitute, but she wasn't with me.
[Hip-hop music playing.]
Ignatiusjreilly? Who the hell are you? I'm Jake Straka.
And this is a cease and desist letter.
What? Myrnaminkoff wants off your web site.
I expect it to be down by midnight tonight.
You're the one that told me to come here? Yeah, that's right.
Where's my money? You don't get it, dumb ass.
If you don't take this down, I'm going to sue the crap out of you and your parents, OK? - Oh, really? - Yeah.
Where's my money? All you're getting is a lawsuit, pal.
Fellas! This guy posed as a fat chick.
Look, guys, this is a legal dispute, OK? I don't care what it is.
Hey, take it easy.
He's the one that promised us 600 bucks.
Hey, take it easy, OK? Just take it Ohh! [Coughs.]
Hey, I want my money.
OK? Eat this.
[Phone rings.]
I met with Ignatiusjreilly.
So he's not gonna take the pictures down.
So we're gonna go after him in court.
We are? I'm gonna hit him with a petition for special injunction, haul him into court today.
- On what basis? - Defamation.
- Yeah, but you said - No, the site states that you wanted to have sex with him.
That goes to your character.
That is defamation.
So, first we're gonna get him to take the site down, then we're gonna sue him.
If he doesn't have any money, we go after his assets.
If he doesn't have any assets, we go after his parents' assets.
His parents? Yeah, I went to Pitt, too, and I know people.
So I'm getting him thrown out.
He's a college student? Yeah, I'm sorry, he is.
I'm gonna bury his ass.
I came as soon as I got your message.
Uh, this seizure was worse.
He's in a coma.
But he's gonna come out of it, right? It's too early to know.
I have a copy of his medical records.
They say that his lead levels kept increasing up until the last month and then leveled off.
Well, if they leveled off, that means the exposure probably ended.
If a decision needs to be made about life support No.
L No, what? Just no.
L Alvin, come on in.
ALVIN: Listen Alvin, you don't have Janine and I have an adult relationship.
What I mean is, years ago, after I got divorced, I represented her.
We spent time.
We liked each other.
Why are you telling me this? I never paid her, Laurie.
She was not is not the kind of person who deserves to be known just as another Another what? A prostitute.
Then what is she? She's a kind woman.
A good mother.
She deserves to have her child with her.
And if she goes to prison? Well, then that's another story.
But until the criminal charges are resolved, why not allow her to have the time she should have with her daughter? OK.
Thank you.
- Alvin? - Yeah? If you paid for it, so what? - Cynthia Wilcox? - Yeah? Hi, I'm Nick Fallin.
We spoke earlier.
How is he? Um, have you ever had your apartment tested for lead paint? The Department of Health came through.
And what did they find? Told me it was clean.
In the time that Bryant was with you, did you ever notice any kind of change in his behavior? He was just going backwards.
Forgetting stuff he already knew.
Boy couldn't even dress himself anymore.
I have the records of Bryant's blood tests the weeks leading up to your sister's arrest.
Did you take him for those tests? No.
Myriam did all that.
Even when she was out binging, she'd always make sure she'd come by to take Bryant to the clinic.
She's got her problems, but she's a good mother.
Thank you.
Amy, I need a copy of the cases on internet privacy law, OK? [Knock on door.]
Jake, look, I took a look at these Kessler Kleaner papers that you prepared.
Um OK.
I can't give them to my father.
They're bad? Well, they're not great.
OK, I'll have them done on time.
What are you working on? Uh Uh, Barbara Ludzinski came by to see me.
She she got into this relationship with this guy on the 'net, and he humiliated her, so I'm just trying to get him to take the site down.
Do you need a hand with that Kessler case? No, no.
I'm on top of it.
- I could take it over.
- No.
Do you want me to help with the Ludzinski problem? No.
This is my thing.
All right.
Amy! Damn it, I need a copy of the case law, OK? Thank you.
For getting them to give Emily back to me.
You know that might only be temporary? - Lf you're convicted - I know I'm in trouble.
The D.
A they're pressuring that new girl, Lee, to testify.
They're pressuring me, too.
But I never asked you for money.
Nobody wants to believe that.
[Janine Sighs.]
Look, Lee's gonna say whatever they want her to say.
She's 19.
She's scared.
Janine, she could implicate both of us.
You're gonna take a deal? I know our relationship wasn't like they want me to say it was, but I also know how you make your living, and they're gonna get you for that with or without my help.
JAKE: Henry Lean posted Miss Ludzinski's personal correspondence and photograph on a website under a heading which read, "Check out this fat loser who wants to get it on with me.
" Now, this insinuates that Miss Ludzinski is willing to have sex with a complete stranger, and is therefore, under common law, defamation, per se.
How so? Well, a claim that a woman is unchaste is defamatory as a matter of law, and has been since the 1700s.
Judge Ahem.
I'm not a lawyer, but I am pre-law.
We have covered what the First Amendment means.
So, I know that as soon as Miss Ludzinski gave me that material, I was allowed to do whatever I wanted with it.
Now, I asked my law professor, and he told me that, uh, she [Chuckles.]
Excuse me.
"Miss Ludzinski has no reasonable "expectation of privacy.
"It's been well established by the courts already.
" I mean, that's what he told me.
Jake? Jake, you did your best.
My best? Just got my ass handed me on a platter by a college student? - Well, uh - did you ever ask that little Did you ever ask that little Did you ever ask him to not show the letters or the photos to anyone? I don't remember.
Think, damn it.
Did you ever ask him? I may have.
Is there any correspondence that I haven't seen? I don't remember.
I'm gonna subpoena his computer.
Listen, Jake Look, just go back to work.
Check everything that you ever saved.
See if you ever asked him not to show the letters to anyone.
Well, I don't think I did.
Do it! We can claim breach of contract.
- But, Jake Look, just do it, OK? I'll come by later.
I know you've been feeding Bryant paint chips.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Then explain to me why Bryant's lead levels kept increasing the month before your incarceration.
Well, I don't know.
There was lead all over that damn apartment.
He wasn't living in your apartment that last month.
He was living with your sister, and her apartment is lead-free.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You would pick Bryant up once a week, and take him to your apartment and feed him paint chips.
A few hours later, you would take a drive to the clinic, and he would get a blood test.
You're crazy! I'm gonna go and talk to the D.
He didn't say nothing about no seizures.
- Who? - The lawyer.
Hansen? When I took Bryant to the doctor for his start of school check-up, they said he had the lead.
So one of my friends in the building said I should go see Mr.
Hansen, that he could get us some money.
But Mr.
Hansen said that that my boy's level was too low to be worth his time.
But I could do stuff that could make the case worth a million dollars.
He told you that? Yeah.
He told all the mothers that.
What are you doing here? Just just working on a case.
You? Snuck in.
After everybody was gone.
Didn't feel like sitting around my apartment.
I thought about you this week.
That night in jail.
I've been there before, you know.
Getting arrested for protests.
But, uh, when you're in for something personal, it's - Scary.
- Yeah.
When you were awaiting trial, they offered you a deal, right? Mm-hmm.
- But you didn't take it? - No.
Why not? I didn't do anything wrong.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Oh, thank you.
So? I can't find anything.
You looked everywhere on the site? Well, l I never told him he couldn't show anyone else.
You sure you looked? What about your hard drive? Did you Jake, please.
Um, l I don't wanna look at this stuff anymore, OK? I mean Lie.
- No.
No, just say that maybe you have it on - Jake, no.
Look, Barbara, l I know you mean well.
And these last couple of days, I never imagined that you would feel so strongly Barbara about me.
That that that you could - could drop everything and be so, I don't know, passionate? They they beat me up.
When I went to see them, they, uh the kid and his friends they They they punched me and they threw me on the ground, OK? L I am a partner in a law firm now.
And they they did that.
So what what I am asking you to do is Let you get even, right? Let you get even.
No, l I just misunderstood.
Let it go, Jake, OK? If I can, so should you.
Just just let it go.
[Knock on door.]
Hey, man.
Have a seat.
Get those files I sent you? Yeah.
Saturday night Julie has a friend coming in from Philly.
A very pretty friend.
Did you tell your clients to feed their children paint chips? What are you talking about? Myriam Wilcox.
She told me you wouldn't take her case until her son's lead levels were higher.
Her case wasn't worth enough, but I didn't tell her She said you told that to all the mothers in the building.
Yeah, well Let's remember who you're talking with here, Nick, All right? This is a crack addict in prison.
Come on.
You didn't find it strange that the kid's levels were 4 times higher on the second visit to your office? I have 37 lead cases, Nick.
I'm not a doctor, OK? I don't monitor them all.
But you did tell her the case would be worth more with higher lead levels.
Why are we even having this conversation, man? I mean, if this woman is stupid enough to feed her kid lead paint, huh? If she's that dumb, anything I say to her could be misconstrued.
Misconstrued? Or was she just following instructions? I didn't do anything wrong.
Nick, if you make any noise about this, your client, my client, won't see a dime.
Is that what you want? I spoke to the D.
Testify against Hansen and you won't be prosecuted for child abuse.
L l I don't know.
They don't care about you, they care about Hansen.
And so I gotta I gotta snitch on all the moms in my project? Yes.
The ones giving their kids the lead? Yes.
There's one more thing.
What's this? It's your consent to relinquish parental rights.
What's that mean? It means that you will no longer have legal standing as Bryant's mother.
You wanna take my baby away from me? You gonna do that to my boy? You know what it's gonna be like for him, growing up without a mother? Yeah.
[Lndistinct chatter.]
Do not disrespect me! Ever! [Groaning.]
[Door opens.]
You look very pretty in these pajamas.
But you look a lot better out of them, huh? Brian Brian.
[Brian Sighs.]
What the hell's wrong with you, Lulu? I mean, I've been nice all week, and, we, uh, went out to dinner.
And I called you at the office at least 3 times a day to tell you I love you.
I mean, what else do I have to do? Stop having sex with hookers.
What are you talking about? You know what I'm talking about.
A few weeks before we got married, you got arrested for solicitation by an undercover cop in the bar of the grand hotel.
You pled no contest, got a $600 fine and 4 Saturday afternoons at John School.
Not extra classes in Columbus John school.
Lulu - Do you think I'm stupid? I was a clerk, for God's sakes.
I've got friends all over the court system.
Nick told you? No, but I know he represented you.
Lulu, listen You know, I just don't know how you could do that with other women.
And then come home to me.
It's not you.
You're damn right it's not me! [Lronic laugh.]
It's you! It was a stupid thing I did.
Like last-second jitters.
Oh, OK.
So then you only did this once? Yes.
- Don't lie to me.
- I mean I'm sick.
It's a sickness.
I need help.
Shut up! You're not sick! But, Brian, why I mean, what are you what are you looking for out there? Really, what the hell are you looking for? Should I leave? [Lulu sighs.]
I accepted a deal.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Two years I'll be out in 12 months.
I'll make sure Emily gets a good placement.
If it wasn't Lee, it would have been one of my other employees or one of the customers that were busted.
I wouldn't have testified against you.
Why not? Because Because you don't pay me money.
Alvin, a few years ago you helped me out with my kid.
Every time I had a legal problem, I called you.
Alvin, That's how you paid me.
Jake, I took a look at that work.
It's very good.
L I stayed up all night working on it.
I was kind of, like, in the zone.
Well, it was worth it.
Kessler's gonna like it a lot.
I know.
What happened with Barbara Ludzinski that thing? Uh, the kid.
I I dealt with him.
Come on in.
They dropped the charges.
All they wanted was Janine, so it's behind us.
Well, I got a lot of work to do.
Alvin, we're pleased.
We're very pleased.
And we have no qualms in you retaining your position as director of the clinic.
Thank you.
However, your seat on the board has been reassigned.
There was no conviction.
We're not comfortable.
I founded this clinic.
Right, but you report to the board.
The bylaws require that a director of the clinic be on the board.
In this case, the associate director will have to do.
What? Mrs.
Olsen has been appointed in your place.
So, you'll still be director of this clinic, but Lulu will have the vote upstairs.
I'm sorry, Alvin, but we have donors to think about.
Oh, l hi.
I just visiting hours are Yeah, I know.
I got held up at work.
That's fine.
Take your time.
You're the only one to come visit him, anyway.

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