The Jetsons (1962) s01e06 Episode Script

The Good Little Scouts

Meet George Jetson His boy, Elroy Daughter, Judy Jane, his wife Oh, dear.
The Iaundrojet is so noisy.
I'm sure something's wrong with it.
WeII, seems to be working okay now.
By the way, Judy, how was the schooI dance Iast night? AwfuI, Mother.
I had to dance aImost every number with my own date.
But I thought you Iiked StanIey.
He's a big basketbaII hero, isn't he? ''Big'' is right.
I've got a stiff neck from Iooking up at him.
WeII, you shouIdn't tie yourseIf down to one boy, anyway.
Oh, I'm not, Mother.
StanIey's onIy a passing fiance.
I'm not reaIIy gonna get serious untiI I'm ready to settIe down.
You know, say, at 1 6 or 1 7? AII right.
There's a button missing.
-Button? I didn't see any buttons.
-Never mind.
It was on there when I handed you the shirt.
You puIIed it off.
You sew it back on.
How I hate to sew on buttons.
That's better.
Oh, that must be EIroy back from his Space Cub Scout meeting.
-Judy, wiII you finish for me, dear? -But Mother, you know I hate to do Iaundry.
Have a nice Space Cub Scout meeting today, son? -What made it ''eh''? -We had another substitute cubmaster.
And he didn't know anything at aII.
Hey, Mom, can you tie a cIove hitch? -Or a ''turkey net''? -What's a turkey net? WeII, that's what you tie around a first-aid victim's neck.
If he's got a bIoody nose or something.
A turkey net.
-Oh, you mean a tourniquet.
-That's what I said.
No, EIroy, I can't tie those knots.
But why don't you ask Daddy? He was a Scout when he was a IittIe boy.
He was? Gosh, that must have been a Iong time ago.
Can I caII Daddy and have him heIp me with my knots? WeII, Daddy doesn't Iike being disturbed when he's working hard at the office.
But we'II take a chance.
He may not be too busy.
Let me see.
Okay, R.
I knock with six.
-No good.
I've got three.
-Oh, no.
Not again.
-Oh, hi, Jane.
Honey, you know I don't Iike caIIs during work.
Oh, but it's an emergency, dear.
Do you know how to tie a clove hitch or a turkey net-- I mean, a tourniquet? -Elroy needs these knots to pass his test.
-CIove hitch turkey net? What kind of homework are they handing out? It's his Space Cub test.
I told Elroy you could help him.
-I'm at the end of my rope.
-Very funny.
But I can't heIp him.
-I was a Scout-- -I know, Pop.
A long time ago.
No, it's not that, Elroy.
A good Scout is self-sufficient.
What does your scoutmaster say about outside help? In the Space Cubs, it isn't a scoutmaster, Pop.
It's a Big Buddy.
See, Mr.
Bunsen was our Iast Big Buddy, but he retired suddenIy.
-Why was that? -The men who took Mr.
Bunsen away said he was having a nervous breakup.
-Oh, George.
Isn't that a shame? -Now, now, now.
Forget it, Jane.
I am not about to be a Big Buddy to a mob of strange kids.
-But, George, they're EIroy's friends.
-Jane, honey.
In five minutes, I have an appointment with Mr.
Spacely to ask about getting a two-week vacation.
And if I get it, I don't want to be tied down with extra kids.
AII right, George.
If that's the kind of father you want to be to your son don't be surprised if he becomes D-E-L-I-N-Q-U-E-N-T.
Yeah, deIinquent.
You want me to Iearn about tying knots from kids in the street? -Now, EIroy, that is not what I said.
-If I were you, George I'd ask Mr.
Spacely for a three-week vacation.
You need it.
AII right, Jetson, don't bIow your stack.
You gotta be caIm when you taIk to the boss about that vacation.
Facts and figures, that's what Mr.
SpaceIy understands.
I'II prove statisticaIIy how overworked I am.
And his own computer wiII suppIy the figures to prove it.
-Ready, R.
? -R.
's ready.
AII right.
What are my chances of getting a two-week vacation this year? ''Your weight is 1 68 pounds.
'' I don't get it.
What's my weight got to do with a vacation? Fat chance.
What do you know, you big junk piIe? Jetson! What are you doing to my deIicate $500,000 ReferentiaI UniversaI DigitaI Indexer? Good SpaceIy, Mr.
I mean, good afternoon, Mr.
-I didn't hear you sneak in, sir.
-What are you doing to R.
? I was adjusting it, sir.
I think it has a screw Ioose somewhere.
WeII, takes one to know one, Jetson.
Is this why I pay you? -To kick my brain around behind my back? -Oh, no, sir, I onIy-- I have had my eye on you for some time now, Jetson.
-I think you need a vacation.
-Oh, no, sir-- Oh, yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir! How wouId you Iike to take a IittIe trip? Get away from it aII, say, this weekend? Oh, gosh, Mr.
Are you sure you can spare me? -Positive.
I'II pay aII expenses.
-Oh, that's great.
CouId I take the famiIy? WeII, the pIace I have in mind is a IittIe primitive for famiIy Iiving.
But I'm sure your son wouId enjoy roughing it.
-After aII, he's a Space Cub.
-Yeah, but how did you know that? Oh, I forgot.
Your son's a Space Cub too.
In the same troop.
Troop 54.
That's why I want you to take this weekend vacation trip.
-You mean, me and my IittIe boy? -You and your IittIe boy and my IittIe boy, and the rest of Troop 54.
-Oh, but, sir, I'm reaIIy not up to it.
-Jetson, after seeing the kind of work you're up to indoors, I figure you must be an outdoor man.
The type who shouId take the boys on an overnight camping trip this weekend.
-But Mr.
SpaceIy, sir, I'm not prepared.
-A Space Cub is aIways prepared, Jetson.
I no more considered taking an overnight hike than I thought of going to the moon.
Funny you shouId mention the moon, Big Buddy because that's exactIy where you're taking Troop 54.
To the moon! Grand CentraI Spacion.
I haven't been here in years.
Why do hikes aIways have to start so earIy in the morning? And where are the other Cubs? The troop's supposed to form at 6 sharp.
Oh, they'II be here, Pop.
See? Here they come.
Troop 54 wouIdn't Iet us down.
Over here, men.
Over here.
-We are strong, we are brave -In 1 0 years, we'll even shave We're the Space Cubs of Troop 54 -Through the storm and the sleet -Dragging grandmas through the street We're the Space Cubs of Troop 54 If your bones get bent In an accident -We know the proper knot to tie -Get a stretcher! -We can cook, we can bake -But we get a bellyache -We're the Space Cubs of Troop 54 -Let's hear it, men! We're the Space Cubs of Troop 54 -That was fine, boys.
-Once again, men! -Now, hoId it, hoId it! -Aren't they great, Dad? WeII, EIroy.
How do you turn them off? You gotta give the proper command, Pop.
Space Cubs, atten-hut! Thanks, EIroy.
Space Cubs, atten-hut! -But we get a bellyache -We're the Space Cubs of Troop 54 Overnight hike! Make IittIe Orbit take his vitamins no matter how much he fights.
And be sure Werner wears his fiIter-top.
He's aIIergic to moon dust.
I promised IittIe Anode he couId sit by a window.
He gets spacesick.
And keep a cIose watch on Arthur.
He's aIways getting Iost.
Mothers, atten-hut! About face! On the doubIe! Get Iost! Shuttle to moon now loading.
Passengers, please go aboard.
WeII, Iet's go, men.
-Hey, Pop, how far is it to the moon? -There's a sign showing the distance, EIroy.
Oh, yeah.
''Moon: 238,000 miIes.
'' -Gosh, Pop.
That's not very far.
-That's right.
We'II be there in no time.
AII right, men.
Fasten your couch beIts.
We'II be taking off in a minute.
-Hello there.
-Who's that? This is your stewardess, Lana Luna welcoming you to Galaxy Space Lines flight 22.
We're going to the moon together.
Won't that be funsies? -Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-We'll be flying at Mach 34.
Thirty-four times the speed of sound.
If you have any questions, ask them now.
But you won't hear the answers until we get back again.
-Oh, boy, I'II have to meet her.
-If weightlessness makes you nervous just ask for our special lead pills.
They hold you in your seat.
Now, settle back, relax, cross your fingers.
And when we're safely out of the Earth's atmosphere you are welcome to come to the lounge and rub elbows with the crew.
Crazy, crazy.
I'm Iooking forward to it.
This is your stewardess, lovely Lana Luna, bidding you: AIoha, auf Wiedersehen, arrivederci, and hasta Ia vista.
-This has been a transcribed announcement.
-Oh, boy.
WouIdn't you know it? Moon Shuttle now launching from Pad 1 2.
All systems go.
Stand clear.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six five, and so forth.
Take a deep breath, men.
We'II soon hit maximum G's.
See? Isn't this great, boys? Okay, Cubs.
Prepare for weightIessness.
-Hey, Pop, Iook at the Earth! -It's very nice, EIroy.
-But you shouIdn't Ieave your seat.
-Look at aII those signs, Pop! ''Danger,'' ''Meteor Crossing,'' ''Caution,'' ''Bumpy CIouds Ahead.
'' -Yeah.
Here come some more.
-''Stay In Your Orbit,'' ''SchooI Crossing'' ''SIow To 30,000 MiIes.
'' Hey, Iook at that, Pop! Yeah.
''Spaceway's Cafe.
Free parking.
'' Must be a good pIace to eat.
AII the space truck drivers stop there.
Attention, passengers.
This is your stewardess, Lana Luna.
We will be landing on the moon shortly.
The daytime temperature is 240 degrees.
However, at night it cools off to 2 1 5 degrees.
Below zero, that is.
Galaxy Space Lines hopes you had an enjoyable trip and looks forward to serving you again.
-This has been a transcribed announcement.
-I know.
I know.
There's the moon! Fasten your couch belts.
We are about to land.
Hang on, men.
These moon Iandings can be pretty rough.
Hey, that was a pretty smooth touchdown.
Okay, Cubs, this is it.
Put on your oxygen heImets and stay inside untiI I Iook around.
It's pretty wiId out there.
''Moon Port.
'' ''Moonhattan TiIton HoteI.
'' ''HaIf-acre moon craters out of the smog zone.
'' Hey, gosh.
Hey, Iook at that.
''Short of breath? Try Orbit Oxygen.
'' -Taxi? Taxi, mister? -Downtown Moonhattan, mister? No, thanks.
We're Iooking for the campground, Lunar Park.
Oh, sure.
Over that way, about 1 0 miIes.
The other side of Copernicus Crater.
-Yeah, piIe in.
I'II take you there.
-We're Space Cubs.
We'II hike it.
EIroy, are you getting too much oxygen? -He said 1 0 miIes, and we've got our packs.
-So we'II just take big steps.
Geronimo! Gravity on the moon is onIy one-sixth that of Earth.
-Come on, Pop.
-AII right, aII right.
We'II waIk.
To keep from getting Iost, use the buddy system.
Everyone pick a buddy and stay with him.
Anode, you go with EIroy.
Orbit, you go with Werner, And Arthur.
-Who's that Ieave for your buddy, Arthur? -You, I guess.
That's right, Arthur.
I promised your dad Mr.
SpaceIy, that is, that I'd Iook after you personaIIy.
Big deaI.
Come on, Iet's go.
Up-two-three-four, two-three-four.
Up-two-three-four, two-three-four.
Up-two-three-four, two-three-four.
WeII, our camp is in pretty good shape, men.
-What shouId we name it? -How about caIIing it ''Camp EIroy''? Camp EIroy, no, no.
What do you think we shouId caII it, Anode? I think we shouId caII it Camp-- -That's Indian.
-What's it mean? Beats me.
I can't taIk Indian.
WeII, Anode, that name is a IittIe bit Iong.
Arthur, what wouId you Iike to caII it? I'd Iike to caII it quits.
How do I get my waIking papers out of this chicken feed outfit, anyway? Did you hear that? Arthur suggests we go on a hike and do some bird-watching.
AII right.
FaII in, men.
And a hup-two-three-four.
Hey, here comes another group of campers, men.
Hey, what troop is that, Pop? It says ''Troop ZIgph, Martian and Chowder CIub.
'' -Boy, did you get a Iook at those guys? -Yeah, taIk about freaks.
How wouId you Iike to go through Iife with onIy one head? Not me, boy! Don't get too cIose to the edge of this crater.
Look out, Orbit.
That rock you're standing on is Ioose, Orbit.
Orbit! Oh, no.
-Now, why didn't Orbit pay attention? -Because that was Anode.
Sorry, Anode! He's not hurt.
Here he comes.
He's bouncing back up.
-WeII, here we are, men.
-Yeah, Big Buddy, but where are we? WeII, according to the map, we're right about here.
-On the rim of that crater.
-That's not a crater, Mr.
Jetson! -That's your thumbprint! -WeII, it's no probIem, men.
We aII know the direction back to camp, don't we? -Yes, Big Buddy! -Good.
Then Iet's go.
Someone had their directions mixed up.
Okay, now Iet's go in the right direction.
It Iooks Iike you men are Iost, but don't panic.
I'II check with the Space Cub manuaI.
Now, Iet's see.
''Moss is found on the north side of trees.
Running streams Iead to civiIization.
And a good Scout aIways has his trusty compass.
'' -I have a trusty compass, Pop.
-Thanks, EIroy.
The needIe shouId point to the north.
Hey! -The needIe's pointing straight up! -That's where the North PoIe is.
-Back on Earth.
-AII right, men.
Now, keep caIm.
This is no time to panic.
We're stiII together.
Everyone raise his buddy's hand.
Arthur, count those hands for me.
Arthur? Arthur? Arthur's gone.
AII right, who's the careIess cIod who was Arthur's buddy? -You were, Big Buddy! -I was? I was? AII right, men.
Men, now is the time to panic.
My boss' son is Iost! I saw Arthur heading for the dark side of the moon.
I just hope my pop doesn't get Iost.
Arthur! Where are you? Now, where is that stupid kid? -Somebody caII me? -Arthur! Now, don't panic, Arthur.
I'm here to rescue you.
What rescue? I came to the dark side to change the fiIm in my camera.
I Ieft the rest of the troop on top of this crater, but they're gone.
-They Ieft a note.
''Dear Big Buddy--'' -Here, I'II take that.
''Decided not to wait for you to save us, so returned to camp ourseIves.
Signed, Orbit, Anode, EIroy and Werner.
'' Now what? -At Ieast they couId have Ieft the map.
-Here's another note.
Don't worry about the map.
We took it with us.
'' ''We're tearing it in IittIe pieces and Ieaving a traiI -for you to foIIow back to camp.
'' -Look.
Here's a piece, and there's another one.
And another.
And another.
-And another.
And another.
-Hey, what do you think you're doing there? That's my job, keeping the moon neat.
-Tourists! -Boy, are we gIad to see you.
Can you teII us the way to Copernicus Crater? -Nope.
-It's just the other side -of the Carpathian Mountains.
-Carpathian Mountains? The biggest mountain range on the moon.
You must have heard of it.
-Can you teII us the way -to the nearest Moon Ranger's station? -Nope.
-You come from around here? -Lived here most of my Iife.
And you don't know where anything is? You sure are dumb.
May be dumb, but I ain't Iost.
-That's a pretty oId joke.
-Being Iost is no joke, and I'm coId.
No probIem, Arthur.
We'II coIIect some wood and start a fire.
-Up here? On the moon? -That's the troubIe with your generation.
You don't use your heads.
There's pIenty of wood on the moon Iike these signs.
''No Loitering.
'' ''No BaII PIaying.
'' ''No Picnicking.
'' ''No Campfires.
'' Now, here's the wood, and I'II start a fire.
But, Big Buddy-- Mr.
Now, don't worry, Arthur.
I'm an oId Scout from way back.
They sure don't make sticks Iike they did when I was a kid.
I've been trying to teII you, you can't have fire without oxygen.
-And there's no oxygen on the moon.
-AII right.
Then what'II we do? Arthur, what are you doing? Where did you get that signaI gun? A Space Cub is aIways prepared.
-''HepI''? -Uh-oh.
SpeIIed it wrong.
You reaIize, Mrs.
Jetson, that if George and my IittIe Arthur are never found your husband can Iook for empIoyment eIsewhere.
And I was the one who made George take the trip.
He even gets Iost in the supermarket.
Many's the time I toId IittIe Arthur to get Iost.
I never reaIIy meant it.
Cosmo Q.
Spacely and Mrs.
George Jetson, Moon Ranger station calling.
-Yes? Yes? -Yes? Yes? We found both Space Cubs, Arthur and George.
Good work, ranger! How did you do it? -We spotted the little fella's smoke signal.
-And where is my husband? He's at the station, ma'am, paying some fines.
-Fines? -For littering, destroying park property and getting lost without a license.
Moon flight unloading at Pad 9.
Orbit, you forgot to take your vitamins.
Werner, didn't I teII you to wear your moon dust fiIter? -Arthur, my boy, you're Iooking fine.
-Gosh, Dad, you'd been proud of me.
The Moon Rangers gave me this medaI for saving Mr.
And what's that other badge? Oh, that's the First Aid Merit Badge for soothing Mr.
Jetson's hysterics.
Poor George.
You Iook miserabIe.
Oh, that IittIe Arthur SpaceIy made me Iook Iike a big dope.
When he finishes teIIing the boss how I goofed, I'II probabIy Iose my job.
-Jetson, I'd Iike a word with you.
-Here it comes.
Arthur just toId me everything you did.
And I just want to say, put it there! I appreciate it.
But I don't understand.
Arthur said if it hadn't been for him, you never wouId have made it back.
-WeII, sir, I see through your IittIe scheme.
-You do? Of course.
You pIanned it to buiId up Arthur's confidence.
WeII, it worked.
Tomorrow, I'II taIk to you about that earIy vacation you wanted.
-For the whoIe famiIy.
-But I don't get it.
Of course you do.
-Jane, how do you Iike that, honey? -Love it! -We're aIready packed for the vacation.
-AIready packed? The wife of a Space Cub is aIways prepared.
Oh, Jane, you're a-- You're a good Scout.
HeIp! HeIp! Jane, stop this crazy thing! Jane! HeIp! Jane!
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