The Time of Our Lives (2013) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

1 A little bit more icing then it's going to be done.
I've gotta go back in tomorrow.
Big job.
No, just one track.
One track that Little Miss Clara Bell will want to do over and over and over again.
Are you working with Clara Bell? Sure am.
I love her.
She's the best singer.
She is? She's not.
Tully, look.
What are you going to make for dinner? I thought the cupcakes would be enough.
They cover all the food groups, don't they? Are you joking? You really think I'm an idiot, don't you? I do.
I'm making tacos.
Yeah, tacos! Woo! I think the seminar should finish at about eight o'clock so shouldn't be too late.
Oh, hi, Matt.
Bye, everyone.
- See you later.
- Bye! Herbert, how are you? Good.
Time for a beer? Ah, no.
I've got to get him home.
Come on, mate.
Where's your stuff, Carmody? In the hall.
Well, come on, let's get it.
You can take a couple of Smarties, that's alright.
You got Carmody for the night? No.
Ah, Caroline won't let me have him overnight so I just try and grab a bit of time with him when I can.
It'll get better.
See you, buddy.
Come on, don't forget the green pen.
Come on.
Hello! Oh, sorry, I just thought you might have been out the back.
That's OK, come in.
Hello, beautiful.
How was he? Not too bad.
How are you? Oh, fine, yeah.
I got offered a job today.
Good on you.
What is it? Oh, one of the barristers from my old chambers has got a criminal case that he can't do.
It's quite complicated.
But he thought that I might be able to get stuck into it.
Oh, that's great.
I was really flattered that he thought of me.
Well, you're a good lawyer so I'm not surprised he thought of you.
Oh, thanks.
Do you want to stay for a bowl of pasta? Yes.
Thank you.
Uh, what can I do to help? Is that hell freezing over? You can grate the cheese.
We've talked about some of the more obvious benefits of girls doing sport but let me tell you about some you may not know.
Physical activity appears to decrease the initiation of cigarette smoking.
We don't know why but we think it's great.
Girls who do sport have a more positive body image than those who don't.
I know many of you are dealing with girls who are over-dieting and overeating.
Sport changes focus.
Do you have any ideas as to how we get girls to play more sport? We have to make it easy for them to join teams and we need to make it fun.
If I go back to work I'm going to need a nanny to help me out.
Well, I found someone I used once as a babysitter.
Did you check her references? Yes, I did.
Well, Andrea rang them all and they all spoke very highly of her.
But maybe you should meet her because it might be good for Carmody if we both use her - a bit of continuity.
Text me her number.
Her name's Marla.
Here, I'll put this away.
He must have had a good time at Luce's.
Will I put him to bed? Yeah, I'll put his pyjamas on later.
Night-night, mate.
I might make a move.
I'd like to do some more reading on it, if there's anything you could suggest.
Yeah, give me your email address and I'll send you some references.
It'd be great to implement sport as a counselling strategy.
When girls do regular sport, a lot of teenage girl problems diminish.
So I might be out of a job, then.
That's our plan.
Right, well, do you need a lift somewhere? No, I'm getting picked up.
Here he is now.
I'll get those references to you.
OK, thanks.
How are ya? Hey.
I am 100% certain it was Matt.
OK, but I mean, how can you be sure he's in a relationship with this woman? It could have been a friend.
Could be a work colleague.
He kissed her on the lips.
Well, I don't know, some people are lip kissers.
And Matt is not one of them.
He's never kissed me on the lips.
He's never kissed me on the lips either.
It makes sense now.
Men don't leave for no-one.
They leave when they've got someone else lined up.
Well, it doesn't make any difference anyway.
Look, he obviously doesn't want us to know or he would have told us.
He has to tell Caroline.
I think we should stay out of it.
If you were having an affair and everyone else knew, I would want someone to tell me.
But everyone else doesn't know.
You know, that's all.
Look, I'm just not convinced Matt's having an affair.
Actually, all three of us know.
Yeah, because you keep blabbing to everyone.
What do you think, Herb? Nuh, nuh, I'm not involved.
I think if after the first verse, you could do a bit of, sort of, freewheeling guitar work? Sure.
What were you thinking of? Maybe a Santana type thing? Santana? Yeah, sure.
Maybe, um, something like this? Yeah, that's got a cool vibe to it.
Sounds good.
Let's give it a go.
But not quite what I meant.
OK, what what were you after? I think that, like, Santana was the wrong choice.
Um, do you know Ray Cooder? Ray Cooder? Do you mean Ry Cooder? However you pronounce it.
OK, well, um, he's got a lot of different styles, so what were you imagining? I really like his blues stuff.
No worries.
Yeah, really good.
Yeah, I'll get it to you this afternoon.
Yeah, cheers, mate.
Hey, could you check Marla the babysitter's references for me, please? Caroline asked after them, didn't she? Hey, you were right, I was wrong.
And could you also look for a two-bedroom place to rent in the Bayside area? OK.
I've got quite a lot on.
Why don't you have a look yourself in one of the real estate websites? I'd really appreciate it if you could do it for me.
Alright, I'll let you know what I find.
So you're really moving out? Yep.
Matt came over last night.
Yeah? Yeah, he stayed for dinner.
Had a couple of wines and yeah, we got on quite well.
Mum, look at me! Do you think there's someone else involved? What do you mean? Do you think he's, you know, having an affair? No.
I can tell by how we were getting on last night that there's no-one else.
Thank God.
Jeff Beck? Yeah.
No worries.
Look, I reckon that's about as Jimi Hendrix as we're gonna get.
Do you know Jack White? Sure.
Do you Do you mind if I get a glass of water or something? Oh, of course not.
Maybe we should all take a break.
Thank you, darlings.
Luce, you OK to come back after lunch, yeah? Yeah, no worries.
I brought some food along I cooked that I thought Carmody might like.
Oh, they look lovely.
Have some of them later.
No, Carmody, we'll have some of them later.
So, um, tell me a bit about your background, Marla.
Ah, I'm halfway through a Bachelor of Education.
I'll get my degree next year and I've been nannying for the last ten years.
Oh, right.
Do you have any children of your own? Yes, I have three.
Three teenagers.
Two are lovely and one is a naughty boy.
Hi, Carmody.
Hello, Marla.
You like that? Was it yummy? Was it a bit sticky? Did you have sticky fingers? It's called a gulab jamun.
So I looked at your draft and I think you've done a great job.
Thank you.
So let's make a time to meet and go through it in a little bit more detail.
There's a couple of budget items I want to go through.
We may be able to move things around a little bit.
Anyway, well done.
Hi, hope I'm not intruding.
No, not at all.
I'm just checking you're both coming for drinks after work? Yep.
What about you, Chai Li? I'd love to.
Can I give you a lift? Sure.
Carmody, darling, don't leave your plate on the floor.
When you've finished eating, you put your plate on the table.
No! Darling, I'm gonna take you to the park in a minute but we can't do that until you put your plate on the table.
It's alright, you take your time but it will mean less time on the swings.
Well done, my darling.
Alright, let's get ready for the park.
Come in.
Come on.
Everything alright? Yeah, yeah, everything's fine.
Um Uh, I hope I'm not interrupting you.
No, no, go ahead.
It's alright.
Um, I went to a seminar last night and I saw you there.
What? It was a seminar on women in sport and it was being presented by a woman called Alice McQueen.
I'm not trying to pry into your private business.
Oh, sounds like you are.
My concern is for Caroline.
I'm hoping that you've told her you're with someone else but I fear that you haven't.
What does that mean? That means I've heard you.
Matt, if you need to talk to somebody, I'm really happy to listen.
Huh, thank you.
If you don't tell Caroline, I'm gonna tell her.
I don't want the burden of this secret and I don't want her to find out from somebody else.
You are not setting a timeline on this, Bernadette.
You're not talking to Luce.
I'll tell her when it's the right time.
The right time is now and if you don't let her know as soon as possible, I will.
I'll see you out.
Here are three places I've printed out for you.
You can go and see any of them by appointment.
Just pick the best one.
Well, it's a matter of taste but with a small child it might be best to go for something on the ground floor, which is this one.
But if I were looking That sounds good.
Get that one.
Well, do you want me to pay the deposit now or Andrea, can you please sort it out? And Marla's references were excellent, by the way.
Thanks for that.
That was great.
I think we got it.
Thanks! No worries.
So, all done? Thank you, handsome.
No worries.
Thanks for the gig, mate.
Um, could you hang around for a second? Y-yeah.
Uh, Clara has some new ideas.
I think it needs a jazz feel.
Jazz? Yeah, I mean I really love the rocky feel that we've got but I'm just I'm really getting inside the song now.
I think, like, maybe a Billie Holiday kind of thing? Like, do you play the mandolin? I can play some.
No, no, no, the banjo.
Do you play the banjo? Yeah, I can, yeah.
I think we should do it all on banjo.
I'll have to go home and get it.
Yeah, look, we can't do it now.
The studio's booked.
OK, we'll call you.
No worries.
Looking forward to it.
Mate, I don't know if I'm the right person for this gig.
I don't think anyone's the right person for this gig, mate.
Look, I know she's frustrating, but her records sell.
You know, she's really naturally talented.
She's just a bit uneducated musically.
Oh, sure is.
Look, she's got a whole heap of festival gigs set up for next year, and she's looking for a guitarist, and for all her little shortcomings, she pays well and you can make four or five grand for a one-day festival gig in Brisbane.
Oh, well, put in a good word for me.
I don't need to.
She's really into you.
I'll see you later.
You know, in my day, people with no talent didn't have big hits.
You don't have to work with these people.
And you're always talking about your musical.
Just write it.
Are you telling me to get off my arse and do something? Yes, I am.
And while we're on a roll, there were people with no talent who had big hits in your day.
Go on.
Does Kris Kross ring a bell? Flock Of Seagulls? Haircut One Hundred? Right Said Fred.
Rick Astley.
I hope you're joking.
What? Rick Astley has talent.
I went to his concert.
It was unbelievable.
Oh, dear.
What? Rick Astley is I'm not even going to say what Rick Astley is.
Rick Astley.
Hello? Hey, Matt.
How are ya? Yeah, good.
What are these drinks for? Nina organised them.
She thinks it's important for group cohesion.
Can I get you something? A mineral water, thanks.
Hello, I'm Toby.
I'm Nina's husband.
I'm Chai Li.
So Ewan's your partner? Oh, no, we're just workmates.
Good decision.
Merging work and love can be a dangerous game.
One I don't want to play.
Any chance you feel like keeping me company while I have a cigarette? Um, sure.
Nina thinks I gave up so I need to be a bit sneaky about it.
Do you want one? Oh, no, thanks.
Nina runs a tight ship.
She's a very organised person.
She's a tyrant.
But what can you do? What I say is what she doesn't know won't hurt her and that can be a bit of fun for me or for both of us.
Know what I mean? I'm going to go back inside.
Toby, I've been looking for you.
Sprung! What do you mean? Nothing.
Just that we weren't expecting you to be there.
I think you should come back in.
They're your workmates, not mine.
Are you drunk? I'll see you inside.
That was Matt on the phone.
Yeah? So you went and saw him today? Yes.
I thought we decided we weren't going to say anything to anyone.
You decided that.
You thought we shouldn't say anything to anyone, I thought Matt should tell Caroline what's going on.
But you don't know if anything's going on.
He didn't deny it, Luce.
Did he deny it to you? We didn't talk about it.
He just said you came into his office and made all kinds of accusations and Anyway, he wants you to pull your head in.
Well, I don't care.
I don't want the burden of this information.
Then forget about it.
I can't forget about it.
That's ridiculous! Well, just don't get involved.
I mean, it's none of our business.
Caroline is my sister-in-law.
I'm already involved.
We're all involved.
Can you Can you just not talk to anyone else about it? Alright, I've got to go to the club, OK? OK.
See ya.
What'd you do to Nina? Nothing.
You're not exactly her favourite person at the moment.
What do you mean? She thinks you're keen on her husband.
Bloody hell.
Don't worry about it.
Why do married women see single women as the enemy? Why do they think we're all trying to get their boring, unattractive husbands? It's insulting.
It's their problem, not yours.
Not only was I not trying to crack onto her husband, I was actively repulsed by him.
I think someone like Nina probably knows her husband isn't very attractive but it makes her feel good to think someone else might want him.
Someone should let her know that nobody wants him.
I think she probably knows that.
But, you know, it's a pretty heavy truth to have to have to carry around.
Hey, let's go.
Let's go somewhere and have some fun.
Right now? Yeah, right now.
Aw, mate, are you seriously one of those crowds? Good, alright, you're gonna love Elbow Skin! Thank you.
This song goes out to all the mums out there tonight.
This is a song for my mum To tell her that I love her And to thank her for the things she's done Oh, I invited Mum tonight.
Oh, is she back in town? Hmm.
You reckon she'll show up? Hmm.
Even if it was a two-man race She'll make your sandwiches with tender loving care She knew that triangles taste better than squares She'd let you lick the cake tin She'd lick a tissue and wipe your chin She'd always tuck you in at night But you're a pansy so she leaves on the hallway light You OK? I'm very good, thank you.
It's OK.
I'm going to sit quietly.
Sit, sit, sit, sit.
But you can never get it out of your head That your Mum's had sex in your hand me down bed Is she alright? Yep.
Oh, Mum She's vomited.
Yeah, sorry.
Sorry, guys.
At least she had lasagne.
Get up.
I'm sorry.
Get up.
I'm sorry.
Just let me do it, please.
I can do it! Excuse me, guys.
Excuse us.
I'm sorry, Herb.
Alright, guys, sorry about that.
You can take it away when you're ready, guys.
Because mums can be sexual too She's been having sex for longer than you Yeah, mums have sex all the time You might have a problem but for me that's just fine I've never had bad sex.
I've never drunk-dialled.
Actually, I have.
Um Oh, no, your turn.
Oh, sorry.
Um, I've never I've never cheated on anyone.
I've never had a threesome.
Ewan! There's more to you than meets the eye.
Another round? Yep.
Another round.
I ate something bad.
No, you didn't.
You're just a pisshead.
A stupid, filthy pisshead.
Now, you listen to me.
Keep your eyes open and listen to me.
Don't you ever come into my club again.
You hear me? Don't ever come again! If I ever see you in my club again, I will throw you out myself.
Alright, a few steps.
You're such a lightweight.
I'm starting to think your game of backgammon might be a little ambitious.
Come on.
You have a lie down while I get the set.
Good idea.
Bloody hell.
Ewan? Ewan? You right to start the strategy meeting? Yep.
Nice shirt.
I love your colours.
You've chosen such lovely ones.
No, Carmody, don't paint your toy.
Let's paint on the paper.
No, no, Carmody, let's paint on the paper.
Do you think you're stifling his creativity? No, no, I don't.
Every house has its rules.
Kids like them as long as they make sense.
Come on, Mum.
You can paint too.
What are you painting? I'm painting a house.
Me too.
We're going to go to the swings in a minute.
Do you want to come with us? Uh, I'm supposed to be working but yeah, I'd like to take a break.
Why don't we all go? Want to go to the park? Yeah.
Carmody's got a good heart.
Yeah, I think so.
He's an interesting boy.
I like him.
I like him a lot.
So do I.
Oh, sorry.
Oh, OK.
I'll, um, I'll ask Marla if she can stay.
Thank you.
Marla, that was just Matt.
He wants to meet up tonight.
Is there any chance you can stay later? Yeah, I think I can.
So as you know, we're off to Cambodia soon.
Nina's been doing amazing work setting us up with great on the ground contacts so we can review our data.
We've developed some relationships with health workers.
We're hoping to further those relationships during the visit.
Nina and I were speaking earlier today and we both agree that as the specs of the project have changed slightly, we need someone with monitoring and evaluation skills.
So, Chai Li, I'd like you to come on this trip and Nina will provide you with any support you need from here in the office.
OK, let's move on.
Uh, can you give us a bit of a rundown So were you surprised that Ewan wants you on the Cambodia trip? Yeah, I was actually.
I wasn't planning on going back for another six months.
Ah, and now you're going back with Ewan.
Well, I hope that works out for you.
What are you talking about? What do you think? I don't think anything.
Well, I do.
I think that you're playing politics in a way that I find abhorrent.
I think that you're manipulating Ewan and that you don't care who you hurt in the process.
Hang on.
Ewan said that you agreed that my skills base is better suited to this trip.
What was I supposed to say? Ewan wanted you to go.
He's the boss.
I'm not going to argue with him.
Firstly, Nina, I don't even want to go to Cambodia.
I'd much rather stay here.
And secondly, what you're saying shows that you have very little regard for me and even less for Ewan.
Well, you're right about one thing.
Let's put one here.
Let's put one there.
And let's put one here on its head.
Time for dinner.
Oh, we're just in time.
What'd you cook for me tonight, Luce? Bernadette cooked tonight.
You're welcome to stay.
I'm trying something new.
Thank you.
That'd be lovely.
You want to choose some stories, I'll be up in a minute.
Come on, let's clean our teeth first.
Night-night, Uncle Herb.
Night, girls.
What was in that meal? Was that chicken? I don't know.
I don't like to ask.
What she does, it's like magic.
She grabs a perfectly good piece of meat and then she does, I don't know, something to it that tastes like something you've never tasted before and you never want to taste again.
It is a skill of sorts.
Your mum used to make us some shockers too.
I know.
She had an excuse, though.
She was always pissed out of her brain.
Yeah, yeah.
Good times.
She get home alright last night? Yeah.
Oh, she shouldn't have come out.
She wasn't feeling good.
Ooh, yeah.
Anyway, do you want to talk about who's coming up at the Wise Crack this week? No, I might leave it.
No worries.
Alright, girls, what are we reading tonight? You look lovely.
Oh, thank you.
Can I get you a wine? Yes, please.
Um I'd really like Carmody to stay the night next visit.
I could pick him up in the afternoon, have an early dinner, then we could go back and watch a DVD together.
Oh, he would love that.
I could pick him up about four? That's fine.
The other, um, reason I've asked you here is What? I've met someone else.
I've met someone else and we're together.
Who? A woman who lives in Sydney.
Oh, is it serious? It is quite serious.
You've moved on very quickly.
I know it's a lot to take in but I just didn't want you to hear it from anyone else.
So she's the reason we broke up.
We broke up because we didn't get on.
Is she the reason we broke up? Well, I met her before we separated.
So you've been having an affair.
What's her name? You don't know who she is.
What's her name? Alice.
And how long has this been going on? How long? How long? About a year.
You are a liar, Matt.
You are a disgusting, philandering liar.
Where's Matt? Uh, he's gone for the day.
What, he's gone home? I'm not sure.
Can you just tell me, Andrea, because I don't feel like driving around town with Carmody in the car.
He's supposed to be on a plane coming back from Sydney.
Did he go and see that woman? I don't know.
You do know.
I don't know.
He said he had a meeting in Sydney, that's all.
Well, I am just going to get some stuff out of Matt's office.
Keeping an eye on me, are you? No, I thought you might need some help.
You're the one that found Marla, aren't you? Yes.
Well, that's worked out really well.
Come on, monkey boy.
Mum! Wait for me! Come on.
OK, I'll, um, I'll give it to him.
What do you think of what your son's done? I think it's very sad.
But you know he's been having an affair.
What? He's been having an affair, Rosa.
The golden boy's not so golden anymore, is he? I don't want you and Carmody not to be part of our lives.
Well, then, talk to Matt about it, because he is the one that's ended the marriage, not me.
I just want you to know that we still want to see you and Carmody.
I mean, you're part of our family and I hope you feel the same way.
Tell Matt not to contact me directly again.
If he wants to talk to me, he can talk to me through my lawyer.
I have to go.
Mmm, my favourite year.
Can I have a word with you? Of course.
Um, did you know that my husband was seeing someone else? Uh, he mentioned that he had a new partner, yes.
So did he send you here to spy on me? What? Is that why you invited me to the park the other day? To get information from me? What? What are you talking about? My husband is a very smart man, and I know he will do anything possible to make my life very difficult.
Well, I don't know anything about that.
Has he asked about me? No, he told me that you were looking for a nanny and that's all.
Marla, I have to be honest.
I don't think that this is really working out.
What do you mean? I don't I don't think you and Carmody are a very good fit.
Well, I think actually that we are a very good fit.
Well, that surprises me, but, regardless, I just think it's very clear that he's just too young to have a nanny.
He misses me.
Have you not been happy with my work? Uh, I do think that you are trying to impose too many rules on Carmody.
Well, I felt that what I was doing was making his life feel safe.
What do you mean? Well, I think rules make children feel secure and I know that you've both been going through a difficult time, so I was trying to be very clear about boundaries and behaviour.
But I do feel that I have been loving at the same time.
I don't think he is going through a difficult time.
I've kept the stress far away from him.
Anyway, the decision's been made.
May I say goodbye to him? Um, I'd rather you just left.
Matt's having an affair.
Oh, that's terrible.
I I'm so sorry.
You can drop the act, Bernadette.
What? You knew.
You knew when we took the kids to the park.
You knew and you didn't tell me.
Well, I'd only just found out.
You are lying.
As soon as I found out, I spoke to Matt and I told him to tell you.
Why didn't you speak to me? I thought it was better for you to hear it from him.
Why? I don't know.
I didn't think it was my story to tell.
Who else knows? Luce and Herb.
So all this has been going on around me and everyone is laughing at me.
No, I wasn't laughing at you.
I wasn't laughing at you.
No-one's laughing at you.
He must be in love with her.
It might just be a fling.
I don't know.
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know anything about her.
I don't know what I'm up against.
How long's he been seeing her? He said a year.
A year.
I just think back to this time last year and something had changed between us and I just thought, 'Oh, he's just suddenly in a good mood.
' He's helping me around the house and And he looked good too.
He bought all these new clothes, which was a bit He never does that.
I usually buy all his clothes for him.
I said, 'Oh, we're going through a good patch.
' But now when I think about it, I just think, oh, he was happy because he was falling in love.
Hey, listen, whatever happens, Caroline you are our family.
Come back inside.
Come on.
Um, can I have a word about this trip to Cambodia? Sure.
Nina's annoyed that I'm going instead of her.
And I'm thinking, well, you know, I hoped you weren't going to ask me to go because Because what? Because we get on well and I don't want people to think you've asked me Chai Li, if you don't want to go on this trip, then that's something we should discuss.
Oh, it's not that.
I do want to go.
My concern is that it might look like you're favouring me over Nina.
I am favouring you because you have monitoring skills that she doesn't have.
If you believe I'm favouring you for some other reason, then perhaps you need to take your complaint higher.
Oh, no, I'm not making a complaint.
I'll go.
Uh, hi, it's Matt.
I'm at home to pick up Carmody as planned, so can you please give me a call when you get this message? Cheers.
Hi, Mum, it's Matt.
Carmody's not with you, is he? Hi, is Caroline here? Yeah, she is.
Where's Carmody? You're not taking him.
Carmody! You're not taking him.
Yes, I am.
Carmody! You are not telling me when I can see my son.
Yes, I am.
He is not going with you.
Matt, go home.
I will go home but I'm taking my son with me! You should stay out of this, Luce.
I will stay out of it but you're in my home.
Look, you're both agitated.
We've got four kids here, mate.
It's not working out today.
Just go home and sort it later.
You should be supporting me.
I do support you, mate, but I can't support this argument that I know is about to happen.
But I'm not letting her keep my child away from me.
Thanks, Luce.
Don't thank me, Caroline.
I'm not doing this for you.
I did that for our children.
I don't like you keeping Carmody away from Matt and I won't support you if you do that.
You don't know all the details.
Just don't use Carmody as a weapon against Matt, OK? I'm not.
I've got work to do.
No, you can't wear your swimmers to bed.
You'll wear your pyjamas like everyone else.
Oh, Tully, stop crying.
This is ridiculous.
You've never worn your bathers to bed.
You're not wearing them tonight.
I wear my bathers all the time! Frances, put them away.
Put them away! I'm not wearing my PJs! I just have to count to ten.
Go and have a break.
They've gone crazy.
They need an exorcism.
Time for bed now.
Come on.
In you get.
Dad, I want to meet Clara Bell.
I want to meet Van Morrison but it's just not going to happen.
I don't know who Van Morrison is but you do know who Clara Bell is.
You're not going to have another day off school.
Maryanne'd freak.
That's your mum now.
Yes, here it is.
Mum says I can have the morning off school.
She loves Clara Bell so she wants to come too.
Wow, that's great news.
How many sleeps till Marla comes again? Well, Marla's not going to come again.
I didn't think she was quite the right fit.
What does that mean? It means that I don't think she was the right person to join our family.
So I'm not gonna see her again? Probably not.
Choose another piece, bub.
Go on.
That place I chose, you can move in anytime after Saturday.
Thank you.
Is it furnished? No, it's not.
Well, could you organise that for me tomorrow? If I were you, I'd just go to one of those big homeware stores.
You can get everything you need in one place.
Yeah, could you do that for me tomorrow? Matt, it's not really my job to be doing this sort of thing.
Why don't I pay you a little bit extra for the time you spend on doing tasks that you consider to be outside your normal job description? Matt, I don't want to do it.
Go on, have a think about it.
You can charge me a little bit more than your hourly rate if you think it's fair.
I'll think about it.
Thank you.
Where's my wine? Caroline came and picked it up.
Did she take the Grange? Yep.
I love your songs.
Thank you.
Would you like to come in and watch us record my new song? Sure would.
Sounds good, mate.
You nailed it.
Thanks, Luce.
You're amazing.
All part of the service.
Now could I get you to do something for me, Georgie? I would love to start the song with the ting of a triangle.
Could you do that? Just going to take a little break.
You're a natural! Now, Luce, do you know anybody that plays the cello? For this track? Mm-hmm.
Hey, hi.
Uh, yeah, I do, but I'll be honest - I don't know whether the banjo and the cello would sort of go well together on this one, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm.
What about the cello instead of the banjo? Instead of? So are we going back to the guitar? No, I think we should just have the cello.
Yeah, I can give you a few names.
Sorry, are we not using any of my stuff at all? No, I don't think so.
Sorry! Oh, that's fair enough.
Thanks, Luce, you really are the best.
No worries.
Alright, well, we've gotta get going, Georgie.
Actually, no, she can stay.
I'd still like to keep the triangle.
OK, I'll um I'm just gonna go and get a coffee.
I'll be back, darl.
Think I can say goodbye to that festival tour.
Hey, I hear you played just about every guitar style in the world in there.
I told him.
She couldn't quite make her mind up.
Yeah, Tim played me some of your stuff.
It's pretty good, man.
I'm Jimi Hocking.
Yeah, I know.
Luce Tivolli.
A pleasure.
Hey, actually, our guitar player's called in sick.
Any chance you might help us out? Yeah, I'd love to.
Hey, hang on.
That's your song, right? That's the one.
Whistle that.
Yucky Carmody.
Yucky poo poo head.
Carmody, I'm Daddy.
You're a naughty boy.
Carmody, I'm going away.
I'm Marla.
You're a naughty boy.
Carmody, I'm going away too.
OK, Carmody, that's enough playing.
You are a very good boy.
Let's go for a drive.
Hey, you should go home.
You work too hard.
I'm happy to do that extra work for you at a rate of $60 an hour.
That's pretty steep.
How about 40? How about 70? Let's stick to 60.
You know how to win.
Taught by an expert.
Mum, where are we going? Just for a drive.
To nowhere? Oh, everywhere and somewhere.
Is Marla here, please? Mum! Hello, darling.
It's Marla! There's a lot of water under the bridge now the water's turned to wine You wrote your number on the front of my fridge And signed it 'From your valentine' Walked around for the next three days with a middle distance stare Car broke down, rent wasn't paid But I just couldn't care Couldn't care Less About the little things that rose up in my way Or about the bigger picture standing in my doorway This is ma-ma-ma-ma-my time This is ma-ma-ma-ma-my time This is my time My time.
Thanks, mate.
We plead guilty.
We do? You are much more likely to have an accident when you have alcohol in your system.
I know what you must be thinking.
You don't know what I'm thinking.
I just know that Carmody misses his father.
Mum? Mum.
Someone is gonna have to look after you for a few days.
Will the hospital take care of that? We can always call DHS.
I'll do it.
She wants to have a drink, just let her have one.
She doesn't want one, alright, it's her choice.
Let's go.
Piss off!
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