This Country (2017) s01e04 Episode Script

King of the Nerds

'I tell you what, Kerry,
'there are some days I wish
you'd never been born, and '
Basically, Kerry's mum
got a massive electricity bill
and she reckons
it's cos of Kerry's PlayStation.
So she's threatening to
give it away to the Ethiopians.
Oh, fuck off!
What are they going to do
with a PlayStation? Eat it?!
Yeah, well, why don't you get
a job as a Meatloaf tribute act?
That's who she looks like!
That's your PlayStation
she just smashed.
I saw that can of Tango
you dumped on the corner
Oh, shut up. Shut up, then.
Go home, mate disgusting.
'Yes, sadly, there aren't
a lot of job opportunities
'for young people
in the village.'
Kerry and Kurtan, neither of them
have worked since leaving
school, which means they've got
a lot of time on their hands.
Which is definitely
not a good thing.
Change your fucking
trousers, mate. They stink.
That's charming.
So, basically, there's a talk in
the village hall today, with this
really strong businesswoman
called Shaz.
And she's going to teach me
how to make an absolute shitload.
It was wanted by a poltergeist.
I'm going to be just so rich.
I'm going to build
a helipad on top
of my mum's house and land on it
in a little copter.
And then I'm going
to say to my mum,
"Oh, hi, Mum. How are you doing?"
And she'll be like,
"Oh, Kerry, I'm so sad."
"I I'm so sad
what I did to you."
"It was so disgusting
and I'm such a vile pig."
And I'll be like, "I'm so sorry,
but I can't have
this conversation",
"cos I've got
to go on Dragons' Den,"
"cos we're filming it
in five minutes."
Will I be there?
What we going to do on it?
No, we're the, we're the judges.
We'll be sat on a seat, like,
with Deborah Meaden and that.
My life did not get off
to the best of starts.
I was a single mother
with no qualifications,
no job and struggling
to make ends meet.
And then, one day,
I caught myself looking at
a reflection of
myself and I said,
"What is up with you, Shaz?
"You used to be so bubbly"
Oh Kerr? Yeah?
She keeps guffing. Who?
Her - farty pants.
Shh! ..I had a sachet of that
stuff and I never looked back.
So I said, hang about, let me
get this straight - if I become
an Eternal Vitality sales rep,
I can earn £15,000 a month?
I can work from home,
I can be my own boss
This is just quite
boring isn't it, Kerry?
..and the start-up pack's
only £200 Kerr? What?
Boring, isn't it? No, it's not.
All of your dreams, guys,
can come true.
Just as long as you've got
that £200 start-up fee, OK?
What if you don't have
the 200 quid, though, Miss?
Yeah, that's a very, very good
What's your name, darling?
Kerry. Hi, Kerry.
What if I was to say to you,
"You're dying, Kerry,
and the tablets you need"
"to stop you from dying
are going to cost you £200."
What would you do then? Hmm?
You'd beg. You'd steal.
You'd borrow.
You'd find that money.
Next question, please. Yes?
I did a similar thing selling
Tupperware, and it turned out
to be a pyramid scheme.
OK, no, no, no, no, no.
Bless you.
This is not a pyramid scheme, OK?
This is a multi-level
management scheme -
two very different things, as
you can see here, in the slide.
Multilevel management
You just got owned.
..all coming together
to form one legal scheme.
Is that clearer for you?
Er, so Kerry's just asking Shaz
ways of how we can raise up
the money for the start-up pack.
Very rude man!
Very rude!
How was I being rude then?
I wasn't being rude, was I?
Right, come on.
You would not
believe what June just
did to me then,
what just happened.
She just came up to me, jabbing
her finger in my face, going,
"Very rude man", like that.
So, right, Shaz has given us
loads of ideas of what we
need to do, so we really
need to start cracking
on with it now. All I've
ever been is nice to her!
Daft cow.
Shaz told me, to raise the
start-up fee money,
we should just
flog all our old shit, which is
exactly what we're doing.
I reckon we'll make
that 200 quid in about half hour.
Oh, Warhammer.
Go on, rummage through.
I wondered how much?
Standard-bearer. Er
Don't know, really. I suppose the
Snotlings will all come together.
As you can probably tell, I went
through a serious Snotling phase.
And there's a few chaos bugs
in there as well.
So I've got my orcs here, yeah?
Wastelands are there. Yeah.
And we're heading
straight for them.
No. See, you can't use orcs
to seize the wastelands.
It's practically suicide.
Oh, my God,
can you lot just shut up?
Honestly, it's embarrassing.
Kurtan is a fucking nerd.
About three years ago,
he started his own Emmerdale blog
where he picks apart
all the production gaffes.
And he's got a chart on the wall,
which he ticks off every time
he sees a reflection of a boom.
And I honestly am ashamed
to know him, sometimes.
Do you know what?
It's been an absolute,
utter pleasure meeting
you two gents today.
Well, because Deputy
Dickhead over here
didn't want to sell
his Star Wars
Warhammer the yard sale
was an utter disaster.
But Shaz said money trees
don't grow on trees.
You've got to buy the money tree.
And if you can't afford
to buy a money tree,
you just borrow off
someone else's money tree.
So you've got a money
tree loan out. Yeah.
But I'm going to be making
15 grand a month, basic,
so I'll be laughing.
Yes, the interest rate
on that loan is very high,
but my overheads are low, see?
Because I'm working out
of my mum's shed,
and I have zero
staff costs, because
I'm not going to
be paying Kurtan.
But don't tell him that.
Can't wait to try
this one, Kerr -
apple and wheatgrass.
Look at how good
this looks, Kerr.
This'll be so good for me, innit?
Yeah. This sweet nectar.
How is it?
You all right?
Just, I could really taste
the grass.
I feel better already.
Do you? Really? Yeah, it's weird.
Do you really? Yeah.
In what way?
Does my skin look any different?
It's Glowing?
Yeah, it's glowing
a bit more, yeah. Is it glowing?
I That's enough now.
That's enough.
Right, have you
learned the script?
What script?
Are you joking?
You are joking, right?
Yeah. The script I gave you.
Right, OK. Well,
read it to me now.
Hello what?
Sir. You haven't learned it,
have you?
My attitude towards business is
sell, sell, sell.
If you knock on someone's door,
this is what Shaz told me,
don't take no for an answer.
Get into their house.
If they say, "Leave
my house", stay.
And if they say,
"I'm going to call the police",
you walk upstairs
and see if there's
anybody else
upstairs to sell to.
What do I make of Kerry
the businesswoman?
Have you seen the state of her?
What does she think she looks
like in that suit, honestly?
She looks like Uncle Fester.
I take one look in the mirror
in this suit
and I feel proud.
I used to just dressed in rags.
Now I really feel
like I've made it.
Can't see her neck.
Where's her neck gone?
Hello, madam. Me and my colleague
here, from Eternal Vitality
Right. I'm going to piss in
their flowers, then. No, come on.
What are you two after?
Hello, sir.
Me and my colleague here are
from Eternal Vitality Juicing -
a company that offers a wide
range of health boosting juices -
and just wondered if we could
borrow a few
minutes of your time.
Year, I've got a few minutes.
Eternal Vitality juices slowly
release vitamins throughout
your body all day,
giving you extra energy
And then me wife died
on the Thursday.
And me brother died
on the Saturday.
And then, me stepson rang me up,
and he said, "Dad",
"I've found a lump."
So that was him gone.
Grandson dead, stepdaughter dead,
and that bastard only got three
years and a slap on the wrist.
Oh, OK, well,
thank you so much for your time,
and we're really sorry
that And then they
rung up from the
hospital, and they said,
"Could you get down here now,"
"cos they're draining the
fluid out your sister's spine?"
"Heart disease", he said.
And I never smoked
a single fag in me life.
And the doctor, he just shrugged
at me like this, look.
Aye, like this.
Yeah. He just shrugged.
Sorry, are you going to actually
buy something today?
Eh? Are you going to buy
something today?
God, no.
Thank you very
much for your time.
That's all right.
Enjoyed it.
See you. Bye.
So, I've let Kurtan
take the lead on this one,
because, basically,
he's just not engaging enough.
And he needs to build up his
confidence, because, honestly,
I'd be better off carrying around
a sad sack of shite with me.
How long do you reckon
he's been in there for?
Must be like 20 minutes.
I reckon he's selling loads.
Hello, Kurtan?
Do you need any more stock?
Kurtan? Four, five, six
Forgot you was outside.
Utterly unprofessional!
It's your go, innit?
Yeah, it's your go. Yeah.
My guide to managing a team is
pretty simple, really.
Make the underlings
feel like shit, because
you're the big boss.
Take up the space.
It's like a bull in a field.
There can't be too many bulls,
because they'll ruin it.
Look, if you don't want to be
involved in this business,
then, seriously,
just don't be involved.
Is that all right?
The fuck, Kurtan?!
I thought we were doing this
together! It's just
Thing is, OK,
it's just so much effort.
Yeah, cos you're not pulling
your weight, to be honest.
That's why it's so much effort.
It's actually more
effort for me
And we're in a business meeting -
why do you think it's OK to
get your phone out? Who is that?
What did they say that's so
funny, then? You wouldn't get it.
I would get it. You wouldn't.
I would get it.
All right, then. He said,
"That awkward moment when an Orc
lord asks you for
a clack handle."
You don't get it, do you?
Right. I want these delivered
to every house in the village,
I mean it.
And stop with the
attitude as well.
Thing is, I don't know
what you actually do.
I've really
..really had it today.
And she was like,
"Oh, you've got to hand out
all these leaflets by tonight."
And I was like,
"Whatever, Orc-slammer."
Kiss my arse.
Oh, my God, you can't do that!
Mental! Can do what I want.
Watch this, then.
I can't do that.
Yeah, it's nice having new mates,
to be honest.
Not being bossed around
by Baron Greenback.
It's great, as well,
cos they're proper lads.
And, honestly,
when we lot get together,
we are proper mad bastards.
Oh, my God! Did you see the look
on the vicar's face then?
He was livid, wasn't he?
Yeah, he was livid.
That was madness, man.
That was
He was fuming!
When I see them three together,
I think
we could have another Columbine
on our hands.
And that's very scary.
Look at the clouds -
look how mad they are!
They're crazy.
Don't you just think
sometimes - you
look at the clouds
and you just think
Sometimes you look at the sky
and you think
how insignificant that all is.
Yeah, do this.
Put your hands like that.
Yeah, open them up, look inside.
That's what they actually
look like. Ugh
Look at this stupid bloke here.
Look at him.
Look how stupid he is.
Do you reckon he saw that?
He's coming out!
He's coming! He's coming!
Yeah, he's not coming.
He was going to, though.
He was livid, wasn't he?
Yeah, he was.
Yeah, I was supposed to be
delivering leaflets for Kerry,
but fuck it.
I ain't running round for her
like a blue-arsed fly no more.
And, anyway,
she's promoted Levi above me now.
And he's only ten.
And he can't sleep
without a night-light.
So, how'd it go last night?
Yeah, pretty good.
Er, delivered all the leaflets
round all the houses.
Even went down
Charlie Bottom Farm,
which was quite a trek,
but I don't mind.
Yeah, it's actually
quite surprising how many houses
are in this village, as well.
But, no - it was
great, all in all.
Levi, get them pictures up
on your phone.
500 leaflets,
just dumped in the stream.
Have you been
here all night? Yeah.
You really need to go home.
Your mum's called the police
and everything.
Are you serious? Yeah.
OK, go home now.
But, if anyone asks,
you fell asleep by accident, OK?
Go home, now.
What was he doing here all night?
Do you think I'm going
to get in trouble?
Are those debt letters? No.
And you're fired, by the way.
What? And you're also fired from
being my best mate, by the way.
Well, I have new mates anyway,
by the way.
Oh, what - the nerds?
No. They're not nerds. They have
names like human
beings, actually.
Oh, yeah?
What are their names, then?
Count Fartula
and Weak Nathan.
Sorry, I couldn't
quite hear that.
Count Fartula and Weak Nathan.
They're honestly
not nerds, though.
They're just my mates,
they look up to me.
What, so that makes you
king of the nerds?
Do you know what, yeah?
You're just a bully.
And you've been conned in some
shitty little pyramid scheme.
Well, it's a multilevel
scheme, so get it right.
And the juice tastes like ass.
No, it doesn't. Yes, it does.
No, it doesn't.
Drink some now, then.
No, because I'm not thirsty,
so what's the point?
That's cos you know
it tastes like ass. No.
It is! Drink some now.
If you believe in this business
so much, yeah, you drink some.
I don't mind drinking it.
It doesn't bother me. Excellent.
Now, have some now.
Tastes like ass, doesn't it?
That's all I wanted.
I'll see you later.
Embarrassment, you are.
'In business,
there will always be setbacks.'
I don't drink my own juice,
Fray Bentos doesn't
eat his own pies.
But that's business.
'I'm not assed about being fired.
'Gives me more time
playing Warhammer.'
Having said that, the lads are
getting a bit annoying now.
Since when have you had
the Forbidden Forest?
Since I bought it
off the Troll King
in the last round.
Please keep up.
Oh, my God
They just love playing
by the rules.
Sort of sucks the fun
out of everything.
Do you know
what, I don't actually
want to play this any more,
because it is actually
very, very boring.
Erm, hello, Shaz.
Erm, I've left you
a few messages before.
This is Kerry from
the Cotswold area
'So Shaz's phone ain't working,
which is a bit weird, '
because all I wanted to do
is ask her
how she makes any money
from these juices,
because, at the moment,
I'm losing money
and I can't shift these juices
to man nor beast.
Kurtan, what shall we do now?
I don't know. But which one
of you is breathing so loudly?
Because I can't
hear myself think.
Sorry, that would be me.
What you saying sorry for?
Why can't you stick up
for yourself, both of you?
Do you know what?
I think I'm just going to go
for a bit, and just chill out.
On my own, yeah?
Seriously, what you doing?
Why you following me?
Fuckin' hell, what
was I thinking?
They are massive, massive nerds.
I'm ashamed of myself,
that's not usually me,
so don't get the
wrong impression.
Normally, I'm beating
those sort of kids up.
All right? Yeah.
Who was that?
Monetary loans?
You been crying?
How was your mates?
Not mates with them any more.
Why not?
Cos they're nerds.
I did say. I know.
I genuinely think one of them
fancies me as well. Really? Yeah.
Look, I think I know how we can
pay your loan off. Yeah? Yeah.
Cos that would be really great.
Honestly, it'll be fine.
A Snotling Pump Wagon,
24 Lizardmen,
32 Orc hammers
and an entire Orc
industrial army.
'So, Kurtan very kindly offered
'to sell his Warhammer.
it was worth fuck-all, '
but it's fine, because
I've got it all sorted out,
cos I've got out a loan
to repay the first loan
and to also buy a PlayStation.
And if I fall behind
on the repayments of that,
I just get out another loan,
and so forth and so forth.
It's working the system.
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