Tokyo Tower (2007) s01e05 Episode Script
Episode 5
Sis right now she's gone to
the hospital.
The hospital?
Ma-kun, Sis is
She has cancer.
Don't worry about it.
You should do your very best
for your job.
"Nakagawa Eiko"
I got blue!
Ah, you two are the winners.
We got 40.
You're surrounding us.
Why have you come?
You should be working.
Ah, what a nice man!
That's right!
He's my son!
Come sit here!
Sit, sit!
In Tokyo,
he's an Illustrator!
Isn't this great?!
Ah, I see.
So this is by your son?
Nakagawa Masaya.
Tomorrow's operation,
is to extract the cancer
that has invaded the thyroid gland.
And then
And then the cancer left behind
around her vocal chords,
we'll try to treat
using alternate methods.
Alternate treatments
Your mother requested we leave
her vocal chords alone,
as a condition for proceeding
with this operation.
"Afterwards, Ma-kun
"not being able to call and talk to you
would bother me."
Will you be okay?
I told you not to worry
about it.
You really won't let them
take your vocal chords?
I've already decided that.
Don't look like that.
Your Okan,
won't die of something like this.
she never changes, does she?
When you came back,
she gained twice her strength.
Hey, Ma-kun
Will you always
be away from here?
Will you come back to
If you were by Sis' side,
it would be the best encouragement for her.
It's Sis
You shouldn't
exaggerate this.
in this case,
those feelings will come out.
Shake hands.
Are you done?
"In Surgery"
Excuse me!
Who are you?
You're cute!
What's your name?
Is Nakagawa-kun here?
What do you want
with Senpai?
He was a classmate of mine
at the University.
I tried to get in touch with him,
but since I couldn't, I got a little worried.
Senpai went back
to Kyuushuu.
Did something happen?
It's pretty.
Did Oton give you that ring?
I know it's short notice, but
Can I get my deadline extended?
Nothing can be done, huh
All right.
About time
What's this
you seem pretty good.
I haven't got my
strength back.
I see.
Okan closed 'Kappa'?
Since she'll be hospitalized
for awhile,
she won't be able to keep up
with the rent.
I see
Can you
stay by Okan's side
for a little while?
I can't spare the time.
Even if I was at her side,
I wouldn't be any good.
Gotta go.
you going back to Tokyo?
See you around.
Hurry and eat.
Today we have Nukatsuki,
to build self-confidence.
"At that time
"I can guess what Okan was imagining.
"That she was getting old
"That she was alone in this town
"Attacked by a disease
"And that she was lucky
to be able to sigh about it."
Because when I told the regulars
you'd be out for awhile,
they got very noisy.
That's really good, isn't it?
They sound like
they've been rejected.
I gotta get back
to Tokyo.
Because of my job.
Yes, yes!
Thank you especially,
for all you've done.
So long.
I got a get-well basket.
Eat it on your
way back!
It's apples and bananas
and grapes.
Geez, I'm not coming anymore!
Have you forgotten anything?
Do you have your
Shinkansen train ticket?
Have you checked what time
the bus comes?
I'll be fine!
Look, go back in.
Yes, yes.
So long!
"Someone in May once said:
"No matter how much
filial respect you give,
"in any event,
you're sure to have regrets.
"Just doing this and that
is good enough."
"Tokyo Tower"
(Okan and Me and, Sometimes, Oton)
Episode 05: "Saigo no Ryokou"
"Final Trip"
"1995 - Tokyo"
There's only 5 more minutes
before the deadline!
Geez, I'm so nervous.
This is the first column illustration
I'm responsible for,
so why did I have to rely
on Nakagawa, of all people
Have some tea.
It's hot!
I'm sorry!
I'll replace it right away!
I can't do it!
Just a little longer.
Don't give up!
At long last, you have work you like
as an Illustrator, don't you?
When the work you like
becomes work
Then it's just work, isn't it
There must be a reason I picked you.
Must be nice.
Write and leave,
write and leave
that's what you do.
If you're so worried about your spare time,
then keep my deadline!
Ah, this'll be fine!
Ah, that's only half done!
It's okay.
It'll work out somehow!
- Your tea
- No thanks.
He's become
a complete square
- I'm back.
- Good work.
Good work
"Sidewalk Magazine"
- I'm back.
- Welcome back.
Senpai, a friend of yours is here.
- Who is it?
- Come on in.
Good evening
Wa wai wai..
Wait just a minute.
Hide everything!
Hide everything!!
Thanks for waiting
Come in.
It's a bit dirty though.
Sorry for coming so suddenly.
Ah, how are you?
Why have you come?
Ah, this
I wanted you to be
the first to see it.
My first work.
Well, it came much later
than Nakagawa-kun's.
"Photo / Masaki Manami"
Thank you.
Some tea.
Um, just to confirm this
You two are just friends, right?
You haven't kissed or anything,
Do you like Ma-kun?
- That's rude!
- Who are you to him?
The air's really bad in here.
Let's go outside.
Hurry and move your
relationship forward!
Go for it!
Shut up!
Hey, hey
If you get half a chance,
give her a kiss for me!
Good luck!!
Ah umm
Sorry about them.
They're very interesting people.
It's been awhile, hasn't it?
Sorry for leaving you so suddenly
that time.
Don't be.
How's your mother's condition?
She's left the hospital
She helps my Aunt around her store,
and she's recovering from her illness.
she's still alone in Kyushu?
I see
Doesn't it worry you
being so far away from her?
Ah, I think she'll be okay, but
Are your parents well?
Hey, did you know?
The color of the lights from Tokyo Tower
are different in summer and winter.
The first time we saw the Tower
was in winter.
That guy, he really doesn't
boil like a man.
I wonder if Senpai
is being tricked by that woman
Ma-kun doesn't know how
to handle a woman!
3 seconds after meeting,
I'll tell a girl I like her.
That's why he should wait.
(Baka-bon knows Chinese?)
First thing he needs to do,
is hold the woman.
That would be a mistake!
Were you dumped?
Of course not!
- You kiss?
- Did you push her down?
Be quiet!
Geez, leave me alone already!
You got a call from your aunt in Chikuhou.
It's been awhile, hasn't it?
What have you been doing?
I've been busy with work.
You've been working hard!
Of course
What's up?
Recently, both mine and Sis' health
has been really good,
so we've been talking about
going on a trip!
A trip?!
That would be nice.
It would!
Our destination is
Hah how extravagant!
We'll let you take care of
the travel expenses.
No, there's no way
I can do that right now.
Ma-kun, I can't go
on my own.
When I get better,
I want to go with you to Hawaii.
You can't get presents
from the other world, right?!
You can't come back from there
at all!
So show some filial respect.
Got that?!
We're going to Hawaii!!
What was that
Ah it's nowhere near enough!
I could use some
more work
Well, I'll check around but,
will you make sure and keep
to the deadlines?
- That's no good!
- I'll keep them!
Then you'll hear from me.
Sorry about this!
This way, please!
"Hawaii - 112,800 - 174,800 yen"
($940 - $1,450)
Woah, that's expensive!
"Hawaii Fund"
Senpai, Narusawa-san's
calling for you.
Tell him I'm not quite ready yet.
All right.
This is impossible
There's just not
enough time.
Got no choice.
I'll help out.
Me too!
Why me
Do you want
a sketch made?!
No one wants one at all!
Got no choice, huh?
Leave it to us!
Sorry about this.
- How about this?!
- How about this?
That's mine!
- How about this!?
- How about this!
They look at me
and run away!
That's 'cause you're scary looking!
- It's scary.
- Can't help that.
Here, watch this.
How 'bout this?
Ah, Kan-chan!
Want this?
Here you go.
Here we have LP's!
You're gonna sell those, too?!
It's for Oba-chan's sake.
- Filial piety!
- Filial piety!
Your Mama's precious!
Why does it always end up
like this
"Mangaizer Z"
You've kept it all this time,
didn't you?
You like Oton, don't you?
"1982 - Fukuoka Prefecture - Chikuhou"
For the next school term,
would you like to live in Kogura?
are we moving again?
If we rent an apartment, would you like it
if the three of us lived together?
The three of us
living together.
It's pretty.
Did Oton give you that ring?
We'll come to Kogura, too,
and we can play once in awhile!
take this as a farewell gift.
Thank you.
This is from me.
Thank you.
You absolutely, positively
have to come and play!
I see
I guess we won't be going.
We won't be going
to Kogura.
Are you joking?
We're not going.
What about Oton?
Don't know.
Stop it already.
Both Okan and Oton,
should know better by now.
Just because they don't have
good relations with one another,
I get blamed for having
a lack of filial piety.
"Igarashi Real Estate"
Anyway, I'm not collecting
any more money.
That's enough already.
I'll tell Okan
to just give it up.
This is unusual.
Even when I come out here,
you're always too busy
to come see me.
Hey, Mom.
I've finally reached the point where
they let me take magazine photos.
It's still small, though.
How long do you plan to
flutter around Tokyo?
Isn't this sufficient?
It's embarrassing for me when I have
to explain what you do to other people.
When are you planning
on coming back?
how long do you think
you'll stay in Tokyo?
You haven't had the chance yet to
grab anything certain.
I wonder if you'll stay here
for a long time.
I don't know.
I don't know, but
Probably until I have gotten something
I can grab onto,
I don't think I'll go back.
I see.
That's true.
Hey, did you know?
If, exactly at midnight
A couple is watching
the moment the lights go out on Tokyo Tower,
they will be eternally happy.
Winter breeze hurts gently my heart
I know I don't need to be alone
Can we go back to the precious days
when our love was strong?
Every time I was holding you,
Seemed like an eternity
I'm asking you asking you comeback to me
Hard to say goodbye
But I'll take sweet memories
I want to show everything I got from you
I'm back!
Welcome back.
What's this, Senpai,
you're in a good mood.
A little, I guess.
Come here a minute.
What's with you
and those clothes?
What's this?
We found some really cheap tickets
and bought them.
How could you do something
so selfish?!
I was gonna use this for dates
from now on!
You're too busy to be
worried about some woman.
If you're seriously in love,
just seeing her is enough.
I don't want to hear
that sort of confession from you!
Why do you have to be
such busybodies
Just saying you're dutiful
isn't enough.
I haven't been dutiful myself.
I did some bad things there,
and got thrown out of the house.
Even now, I haven't gotten
a single call from them.
Me either.
I haven't gone back or gotten money,
or even seen my Mama's face in 8 years.
I only like Oba-chan.
This is something
we all picked out.
You don't need to take all that.
You never know what
might happen.
What are you going to do
about this?
What should I do
Sis, you fool,
why did you have to meet him?
I'll think about it
when I get back.
"Notice to Leave"
"In the year they operated
on the cancer in Okan's thyroid gland,
"the two of us went traveling
"for the first time since I was born."
My name is Kanae
- Ma-kun!
- It's Ma-kun!!
"It would be
the first and last trip we would take."
How are you?
Behave yourself
when you're alone.
Don't follow anyone
you don't know.
If you're lost,
go back to the hotel at once.
Got that?
we're counting on you!
Well then,
let's get on the bus.
Are we going to Hawaii
by bus?
Never mind.
Get on!
What is this?!
I had a problem
with the budget.
If you complain,
I'll take you back.
Are you from around here?
From Tokyo.
Ah! Us, too!
Would you show us
This feels soooo good!!
Ow, ow, ow!
What's the matter?
It's been awhile since
I've gone swimming so my leg
- Are you with anyone?
- I'm alone!
Do you know them?
Not at all!
Come play with us!
Stop shouting 'Ma-kun'!
What's with those caps?!
But, we need them to keep
our hair dry, right?
We'll be
Ma-kun, come teach us how
to do the breaststroke.
Take those off,
they're embarrassing!
Does it stand out?
I can't wrap a scarf around it
when I'm in a pool!
You look like Frankenstein.
I can't do this!
How do we use these?
What are you doing?!
I don't want to waste it.
You brought that?
That ring?
Whenever I dress up,
I put this on.
Brother was head over heels
for Sis!
They met at a party and,
3 days later,
they exchanged engagement gifts,
and went to meet his parents!
This is the first time
I've heard this story!
It's a story from
my youth.
That's hard to imagine.
Okan in her youth.
I wasn't an old lady
from the start, you know!
Have you been meeting
Oton recently?
Back when I had
my operation.
We haven't met
since then.
Would you come dance with us
on the stage?
Our family loves to dance!
Let's go!
Come dance, too!
Forget it!
Being alone is so boring.
You're embarrassing me!
At least get out a little
and be with her.
Sis doesn't get that many
so you should resolve yourself
to spending time with her.
When we go back,
she'll have lots of things to think about
Like how they might not
be able to cure her cancer.
Even now she's full
of anxieties.
Her only son
won't come back from Tokyo.
Even in the best of times,
she feels she's living a lonely life.
And now her house
she'll have to leave it soon
You haven't heard?
That hospital house,
the owner changed,
and now they want to
demolish it!
That house
will disappear?
You really don't know
anything, do you?
She did?
Oba-chan said we should
sleep here.
I see.
It's been a long time,
hasn't it?
Ma-kun and I
sleeping together.
Eating dinner together,
coming back to the same room,
saying "Good night"
to each other,
it's been quite awhile,
What is it?
About Oton
Both of you,
are already getting up in years
So, one more time
wouldn't it be good
if the two of you lived together?
You're both equally obstinate.
For both you
and for Oton
it would be the best thing.
That's what I think.
is living with another woman.
Do you remember?
Back when the three of us
how it was suddenly canceled?
At the time,
he was living with that woman.
So that's okay.
You shouldn't worry about it.
This was a fun trip!
will never forget it
my whole life.
So long.
We're going home.
Take care of your health,
and keep a level head.
All right, all ready!
Take care.
"They might not be able
to cure her cancer.
"Even now she's full
of anxieties."
"That house
"will disappear?"
"Will you live with Oton again?"
"Oton is living with
another woman."
"I might want us to
live with him later on."
"That's okay with me
"As long as I can be with you,
Did you want something?
Will you come
to Tokyo?
In Tokyo
let's live together.
what are you saying?
Coming here
is that okay?
Sis, wait.
You've never lived anywhere
but the country,
and you still have
your illness.
Is it
really okay?
Here in Tokyo
let's live together.
For both Sis and
for Ma-kun, too
that would be the best thing,
"Kogura to Tokyo"
"Not knowing any of the station names,
or which train to ride
"To a city in which
she knew no one
"Okan came."
Excuse me.
Can you tell me where the bus station is?
"Just as I had,
when I was 18 years old."
Tall, isn't it?
"for me
"it was just a reason
to be in Tokyo."
February 5, 2007
"This drama is fiction based on real persons.
Various associations are different."
the hospital.
The hospital?
Ma-kun, Sis is
She has cancer.
Don't worry about it.
You should do your very best
for your job.
"Nakagawa Eiko"
I got blue!
Ah, you two are the winners.
We got 40.
You're surrounding us.
Why have you come?
You should be working.
Ah, what a nice man!
That's right!
He's my son!
Come sit here!
Sit, sit!
In Tokyo,
he's an Illustrator!
Isn't this great?!
Ah, I see.
So this is by your son?
Nakagawa Masaya.
Tomorrow's operation,
is to extract the cancer
that has invaded the thyroid gland.
And then
And then the cancer left behind
around her vocal chords,
we'll try to treat
using alternate methods.
Alternate treatments
Your mother requested we leave
her vocal chords alone,
as a condition for proceeding
with this operation.
"Afterwards, Ma-kun
"not being able to call and talk to you
would bother me."
Will you be okay?
I told you not to worry
about it.
You really won't let them
take your vocal chords?
I've already decided that.
Don't look like that.
Your Okan,
won't die of something like this.
she never changes, does she?
When you came back,
she gained twice her strength.
Hey, Ma-kun
Will you always
be away from here?
Will you come back to
If you were by Sis' side,
it would be the best encouragement for her.
It's Sis
You shouldn't
exaggerate this.
in this case,
those feelings will come out.
Shake hands.
Are you done?
"In Surgery"
Excuse me!
Who are you?
You're cute!
What's your name?
Is Nakagawa-kun here?
What do you want
with Senpai?
He was a classmate of mine
at the University.
I tried to get in touch with him,
but since I couldn't, I got a little worried.
Senpai went back
to Kyuushuu.
Did something happen?
It's pretty.
Did Oton give you that ring?
I know it's short notice, but
Can I get my deadline extended?
Nothing can be done, huh
All right.
About time
What's this
you seem pretty good.
I haven't got my
strength back.
I see.
Okan closed 'Kappa'?
Since she'll be hospitalized
for awhile,
she won't be able to keep up
with the rent.
I see
Can you
stay by Okan's side
for a little while?
I can't spare the time.
Even if I was at her side,
I wouldn't be any good.
Gotta go.
you going back to Tokyo?
See you around.
Hurry and eat.
Today we have Nukatsuki,
to build self-confidence.
"At that time
"I can guess what Okan was imagining.
"That she was getting old
"That she was alone in this town
"Attacked by a disease
"And that she was lucky
to be able to sigh about it."
Because when I told the regulars
you'd be out for awhile,
they got very noisy.
That's really good, isn't it?
They sound like
they've been rejected.
I gotta get back
to Tokyo.
Because of my job.
Yes, yes!
Thank you especially,
for all you've done.
So long.
I got a get-well basket.
Eat it on your
way back!
It's apples and bananas
and grapes.
Geez, I'm not coming anymore!
Have you forgotten anything?
Do you have your
Shinkansen train ticket?
Have you checked what time
the bus comes?
I'll be fine!
Look, go back in.
Yes, yes.
So long!
"Someone in May once said:
"No matter how much
filial respect you give,
"in any event,
you're sure to have regrets.
"Just doing this and that
is good enough."
"Tokyo Tower"
(Okan and Me and, Sometimes, Oton)
Episode 05: "Saigo no Ryokou"
"Final Trip"
"1995 - Tokyo"
There's only 5 more minutes
before the deadline!
Geez, I'm so nervous.
This is the first column illustration
I'm responsible for,
so why did I have to rely
on Nakagawa, of all people
Have some tea.
It's hot!
I'm sorry!
I'll replace it right away!
I can't do it!
Just a little longer.
Don't give up!
At long last, you have work you like
as an Illustrator, don't you?
When the work you like
becomes work
Then it's just work, isn't it
There must be a reason I picked you.
Must be nice.
Write and leave,
write and leave
that's what you do.
If you're so worried about your spare time,
then keep my deadline!
Ah, this'll be fine!
Ah, that's only half done!
It's okay.
It'll work out somehow!
- Your tea
- No thanks.
He's become
a complete square
- I'm back.
- Good work.
Good work
"Sidewalk Magazine"
- I'm back.
- Welcome back.
Senpai, a friend of yours is here.
- Who is it?
- Come on in.
Good evening
Wa wai wai..
Wait just a minute.
Hide everything!
Hide everything!!
Thanks for waiting
Come in.
It's a bit dirty though.
Sorry for coming so suddenly.
Ah, how are you?
Why have you come?
Ah, this
I wanted you to be
the first to see it.
My first work.
Well, it came much later
than Nakagawa-kun's.
"Photo / Masaki Manami"
Thank you.
Some tea.
Um, just to confirm this
You two are just friends, right?
You haven't kissed or anything,
Do you like Ma-kun?
- That's rude!
- Who are you to him?
The air's really bad in here.
Let's go outside.
Hurry and move your
relationship forward!
Go for it!
Shut up!
Hey, hey
If you get half a chance,
give her a kiss for me!
Good luck!!
Ah umm
Sorry about them.
They're very interesting people.
It's been awhile, hasn't it?
Sorry for leaving you so suddenly
that time.
Don't be.
How's your mother's condition?
She's left the hospital
She helps my Aunt around her store,
and she's recovering from her illness.
she's still alone in Kyushu?
I see
Doesn't it worry you
being so far away from her?
Ah, I think she'll be okay, but
Are your parents well?
Hey, did you know?
The color of the lights from Tokyo Tower
are different in summer and winter.
The first time we saw the Tower
was in winter.
That guy, he really doesn't
boil like a man.
I wonder if Senpai
is being tricked by that woman
Ma-kun doesn't know how
to handle a woman!
3 seconds after meeting,
I'll tell a girl I like her.
That's why he should wait.
(Baka-bon knows Chinese?)
First thing he needs to do,
is hold the woman.
That would be a mistake!
Were you dumped?
Of course not!
- You kiss?
- Did you push her down?
Be quiet!
Geez, leave me alone already!
You got a call from your aunt in Chikuhou.
It's been awhile, hasn't it?
What have you been doing?
I've been busy with work.
You've been working hard!
Of course
What's up?
Recently, both mine and Sis' health
has been really good,
so we've been talking about
going on a trip!
A trip?!
That would be nice.
It would!
Our destination is
Hah how extravagant!
We'll let you take care of
the travel expenses.
No, there's no way
I can do that right now.
Ma-kun, I can't go
on my own.
When I get better,
I want to go with you to Hawaii.
You can't get presents
from the other world, right?!
You can't come back from there
at all!
So show some filial respect.
Got that?!
We're going to Hawaii!!
What was that
Ah it's nowhere near enough!
I could use some
more work
Well, I'll check around but,
will you make sure and keep
to the deadlines?
- That's no good!
- I'll keep them!
Then you'll hear from me.
Sorry about this!
This way, please!
"Hawaii - 112,800 - 174,800 yen"
($940 - $1,450)
Woah, that's expensive!
"Hawaii Fund"
Senpai, Narusawa-san's
calling for you.
Tell him I'm not quite ready yet.
All right.
This is impossible
There's just not
enough time.
Got no choice.
I'll help out.
Me too!
Why me
Do you want
a sketch made?!
No one wants one at all!
Got no choice, huh?
Leave it to us!
Sorry about this.
- How about this?!
- How about this?
That's mine!
- How about this!?
- How about this!
They look at me
and run away!
That's 'cause you're scary looking!
- It's scary.
- Can't help that.
Here, watch this.
How 'bout this?
Ah, Kan-chan!
Want this?
Here you go.
Here we have LP's!
You're gonna sell those, too?!
It's for Oba-chan's sake.
- Filial piety!
- Filial piety!
Your Mama's precious!
Why does it always end up
like this
"Mangaizer Z"
You've kept it all this time,
didn't you?
You like Oton, don't you?
"1982 - Fukuoka Prefecture - Chikuhou"
For the next school term,
would you like to live in Kogura?
are we moving again?
If we rent an apartment, would you like it
if the three of us lived together?
The three of us
living together.
It's pretty.
Did Oton give you that ring?
We'll come to Kogura, too,
and we can play once in awhile!
take this as a farewell gift.
Thank you.
This is from me.
Thank you.
You absolutely, positively
have to come and play!
I see
I guess we won't be going.
We won't be going
to Kogura.
Are you joking?
We're not going.
What about Oton?
Don't know.
Stop it already.
Both Okan and Oton,
should know better by now.
Just because they don't have
good relations with one another,
I get blamed for having
a lack of filial piety.
"Igarashi Real Estate"
Anyway, I'm not collecting
any more money.
That's enough already.
I'll tell Okan
to just give it up.
This is unusual.
Even when I come out here,
you're always too busy
to come see me.
Hey, Mom.
I've finally reached the point where
they let me take magazine photos.
It's still small, though.
How long do you plan to
flutter around Tokyo?
Isn't this sufficient?
It's embarrassing for me when I have
to explain what you do to other people.
When are you planning
on coming back?
how long do you think
you'll stay in Tokyo?
You haven't had the chance yet to
grab anything certain.
I wonder if you'll stay here
for a long time.
I don't know.
I don't know, but
Probably until I have gotten something
I can grab onto,
I don't think I'll go back.
I see.
That's true.
Hey, did you know?
If, exactly at midnight
A couple is watching
the moment the lights go out on Tokyo Tower,
they will be eternally happy.
Winter breeze hurts gently my heart
I know I don't need to be alone
Can we go back to the precious days
when our love was strong?
Every time I was holding you,
Seemed like an eternity
I'm asking you asking you comeback to me
Hard to say goodbye
But I'll take sweet memories
I want to show everything I got from you
I'm back!
Welcome back.
What's this, Senpai,
you're in a good mood.
A little, I guess.
Come here a minute.
What's with you
and those clothes?
What's this?
We found some really cheap tickets
and bought them.
How could you do something
so selfish?!
I was gonna use this for dates
from now on!
You're too busy to be
worried about some woman.
If you're seriously in love,
just seeing her is enough.
I don't want to hear
that sort of confession from you!
Why do you have to be
such busybodies
Just saying you're dutiful
isn't enough.
I haven't been dutiful myself.
I did some bad things there,
and got thrown out of the house.
Even now, I haven't gotten
a single call from them.
Me either.
I haven't gone back or gotten money,
or even seen my Mama's face in 8 years.
I only like Oba-chan.
This is something
we all picked out.
You don't need to take all that.
You never know what
might happen.
What are you going to do
about this?
What should I do
Sis, you fool,
why did you have to meet him?
I'll think about it
when I get back.
"Notice to Leave"
"In the year they operated
on the cancer in Okan's thyroid gland,
"the two of us went traveling
"for the first time since I was born."
My name is Kanae
- Ma-kun!
- It's Ma-kun!!
"It would be
the first and last trip we would take."
How are you?
Behave yourself
when you're alone.
Don't follow anyone
you don't know.
If you're lost,
go back to the hotel at once.
Got that?
we're counting on you!
Well then,
let's get on the bus.
Are we going to Hawaii
by bus?
Never mind.
Get on!
What is this?!
I had a problem
with the budget.
If you complain,
I'll take you back.
Are you from around here?
From Tokyo.
Ah! Us, too!
Would you show us
This feels soooo good!!
Ow, ow, ow!
What's the matter?
It's been awhile since
I've gone swimming so my leg
- Are you with anyone?
- I'm alone!
Do you know them?
Not at all!
Come play with us!
Stop shouting 'Ma-kun'!
What's with those caps?!
But, we need them to keep
our hair dry, right?
We'll be
Ma-kun, come teach us how
to do the breaststroke.
Take those off,
they're embarrassing!
Does it stand out?
I can't wrap a scarf around it
when I'm in a pool!
You look like Frankenstein.
I can't do this!
How do we use these?
What are you doing?!
I don't want to waste it.
You brought that?
That ring?
Whenever I dress up,
I put this on.
Brother was head over heels
for Sis!
They met at a party and,
3 days later,
they exchanged engagement gifts,
and went to meet his parents!
This is the first time
I've heard this story!
It's a story from
my youth.
That's hard to imagine.
Okan in her youth.
I wasn't an old lady
from the start, you know!
Have you been meeting
Oton recently?
Back when I had
my operation.
We haven't met
since then.
Would you come dance with us
on the stage?
Our family loves to dance!
Let's go!
Come dance, too!
Forget it!
Being alone is so boring.
You're embarrassing me!
At least get out a little
and be with her.
Sis doesn't get that many
so you should resolve yourself
to spending time with her.
When we go back,
she'll have lots of things to think about
Like how they might not
be able to cure her cancer.
Even now she's full
of anxieties.
Her only son
won't come back from Tokyo.
Even in the best of times,
she feels she's living a lonely life.
And now her house
she'll have to leave it soon
You haven't heard?
That hospital house,
the owner changed,
and now they want to
demolish it!
That house
will disappear?
You really don't know
anything, do you?
She did?
Oba-chan said we should
sleep here.
I see.
It's been a long time,
hasn't it?
Ma-kun and I
sleeping together.
Eating dinner together,
coming back to the same room,
saying "Good night"
to each other,
it's been quite awhile,
What is it?
About Oton
Both of you,
are already getting up in years
So, one more time
wouldn't it be good
if the two of you lived together?
You're both equally obstinate.
For both you
and for Oton
it would be the best thing.
That's what I think.
is living with another woman.
Do you remember?
Back when the three of us
how it was suddenly canceled?
At the time,
he was living with that woman.
So that's okay.
You shouldn't worry about it.
This was a fun trip!
will never forget it
my whole life.
So long.
We're going home.
Take care of your health,
and keep a level head.
All right, all ready!
Take care.
"They might not be able
to cure her cancer.
"Even now she's full
of anxieties."
"That house
"will disappear?"
"Will you live with Oton again?"
"Oton is living with
another woman."
"I might want us to
live with him later on."
"That's okay with me
"As long as I can be with you,
Did you want something?
Will you come
to Tokyo?
In Tokyo
let's live together.
what are you saying?
Coming here
is that okay?
Sis, wait.
You've never lived anywhere
but the country,
and you still have
your illness.
Is it
really okay?
Here in Tokyo
let's live together.
For both Sis and
for Ma-kun, too
that would be the best thing,
"Kogura to Tokyo"
"Not knowing any of the station names,
or which train to ride
"To a city in which
she knew no one
"Okan came."
Excuse me.
Can you tell me where the bus station is?
"Just as I had,
when I was 18 years old."
Tall, isn't it?
"for me
"it was just a reason
to be in Tokyo."
February 5, 2007
"This drama is fiction based on real persons.
Various associations are different."