Tokyo Tower (2007) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Will you come
to Tokyo?
Coming here
is that okay?
Is it
really okay?
Here in Tokyo
let's live together.
How dramatic!
Senpai, you're cool!
You're the man
I want to be like!
Because of that,
Oba-chan is coming to Tokyo?
Well, something like that
but does she have to come?
What's with the tension?
I wasn't expecting that answer
He's forever acting like a child,
but it'll be good to live with
Ma-kun, won't it?
are you really going to Tokyo?
If you get lonely,
come back right away!
I don't know how I'll
go on living without you!
Quiet down already, you guys!
This is my last night.
So let's have one more.
"Okan, I'm worried about you
"I want to receive your feelings"
Did I say that?
I don't know if
those are my true feelings
From now on,
I'll have to take care of Okan.
I'll have to get the funds
to change places again.
Is she really coming?
Why are you asking me?
Senpai, you're belly-aching!
I know that
Anata no usoya, wakaru
You're a liar, I know
Been awhile
So you're going to Tokyo?
An old woman over 60,
leaving all her friends,
won't be able to live
in a big city like that
I'll be there.
I'll be there with Ma-kun.
Anyplace where we can
keep our relationship.
I'm going to Tokyo.
I see.
Better decide to resolve yourself.
See you around.
Waiting long?
Tall, isn't it?
Well then, let's go!
Let's go!
1996 - Tokyo
This is it.
"Sasazuka Bowl"
It's good, isn't it?
Well, it's just the two of us.
Even the kitchen's easy to use!
What about Baka-bon?
Ah, he's living in
my old apartment.
I see
Okan's room is here.
And I
I'll sleep in this room.
You can do your work here!
It has a good view, doesn't it?
it's a little noisy though.
We're close to the station,
aren't we?
What's that?
People are bowling, aren't they?
It's good that it's busy.
Well then,
I'll put my things away.
Is that all the luggage
you brought?
I only brought the important things.
This is my total property!
It would have been better not
bringing that poor, stinking set of drawers.
At any rate,
it's no big deal.
That's not true.
Here are our current
living expenses.
Moving used up quite a bit,
so it'll be painful for us for awhile.
Well then,
I'll hurry and find a job, too.
It's not that easy to find one
here in Tokyo.
The hospitals here
You should seriously look for one
that can cure your illness.
What is it?
Is it
It's really okay for me
to stay here always, isn't it?
Whether it's good or bad,
you're already here.
Well then
I'm in your care.
He was the most important
person to me.
This'll be the first time
I've been alone.
You're moderately good-looking.
What if you find a girlfriend?
Shall I help you
find one?
Hey, hey, hey, I'm back!
I've brought souvenirs!
- Hey, Tezuka-san! Welcome back!
- Hey, it's been awhile!
Where'd you get these?
While drifting around Asia
and the Middle East.
You're as free as always!
What's this?
Where's the idiot son?
Didn't he pay the rent again?!
Senpai moved.
He called his mother here,
and now they live together.
Expensive, isn't it?
"It was 6 years after
"I first left Okan
at the age of 18."
"Okan and I"
"were living together again
here in Tokyo."
Hurry and get up!
You'll be late for work!
I'm gonna be late!!
I'm gonna be late!
So late, so late.
Hurry and eat.
I made your favorite, Nukazuki.
(vegetables pickled in rice bran)
Today's miso soup
is cabbage!
You went shopping?
Vegetables in Tokyo
are expensive!
I was surprised!
Your hair's really messed up!
Ah geez,
it's fine!!
I don't have time for this.
There's a hole
in your pants.
Take them off.
Whaa! Geez, it's okay!
That's the way they are!
You can't go to work
wearing rags.
Here, take them off.
Ah, geez, let go!
I'm sending you back to Chikuhou
by special express!
No matter how ill-tempered you get,
I'm not going back.
"Someone in May once said,"
Here, take your bento.
Don't want it!
"Tokyo or the county,
it's the same everywhere."
When will you be back?
What do you want for dinner?!
Geez, don't yell out 'Ma-kun!'
Take care!!
"After all,
we were together.
was the important thing."
"Tokyo Tower"
(Okan and Me and, Sometimes, Oton)
Episode 06: "Okan Jyouriku"
"Okan's Landing"
"If a couple is watching together
the moment the lights go out on Tokyo Tower,
"they will be eternally happy."
You can then take the
Keiyo connection.
Keiyou connection
From there you can make your transfer
to the hospital line off the Shibuya platform.
I wonder if I can make it
to the hospital
You'll be fine.
Only if you're not smartly dressed
will people here laugh at you,
so you have to
be careful about that.
you're a true Tokyoite now!
That's right.
I'm a city boy!
I've always lived in the country,
now, suddenly after 60,
I'm living in Shibuya ward.
Hey, Okan.
If you're not watching,
turn it off.
Why is the remote
wrapped up like this?
So it won't get dusty.
Isn't it convenient?
For Pete's sake.
You still have the smell of poverty.
Why did you sew it?
Because it had a big
hole open in it.
Shouldn't you be
smartly dressed when you go out?
That's for work.
It's okay!
I'll get it!
I'm up.
Using such a love struck voice
His girlfriend.
He's going on a date.
Is that your girlfriend?
Hush up!
I'm indebted to you
for Ma-kun.
I'm Okan!
Ah, you're going on a date?
Well then,
couldn't you stop by the house?
I'm making lunch,
so we'll look forward to seeing you.
It's nothing, nothing.
I'm coming right now.
We'll be waiting!
Shall we go?
What's that?
Ah!! Okan!
So Ma-kun has a girlfriend
I'm so nervous!
She's the one
who should be nervous.
Inside and out.
Hey, Baka-bon
Are these clothes okay?
Hey, are these clothes weird?
I wonder if it'll be okay
It's not really necessary
for you to meet her.
Well, it's your long-awaited day off,
so wouldn't you rather
go to a movie?
But, I was especially invited.
I want to meet
Ma-kun's mother.
I'm kinda thirsty.
Let's get some tea.
It's already been an hour
Will they return soon?
Yes, yes!
Nice to meet you!
I'm Ma-kun's Okan!
Nice to meet you.
- Congratulations!
- We brought this!
This is Nukazuki.
Please eat as much
as you like!
You've really done too much
Well then, I'll join you.
Don't you get
this kind of food here in Tokyo?
Is this your Nukazuki?
It was handed down through my mother,
for over 100 years now.
Then, did you bring this
expressly from Kyushu?
No wonder
it's so delicious.
Are you really his mother?
Because of your figure,
I thought you were his older sister.
I'd like to hear more of that story.
More. More!
Go ahead and eat more.
Just a little longer
I wonder what sort of gifts
I should bring
I want to go to the bookstore
Well, it's about time
I got back to work.
- Bye!
- See you!
I'm sorry.
Come back again, won't you?
Thanks for the food.
It was delicious.
Tezuka-san, here.
Please take this.
You like Nukazuki, don't you?
Eat it with Ma-kun.
My mother from the country
used to make it like this, too.
In tiny tupperware,
little by little.
Is your mother in the country?
Ah, well
Whenever I happen to drift by,
I'll stop in.
You should.
Ma-kun's a fine man.
Shouldn't we hurry?
Your mother is waiting, isn't she?
It's not like that.
Let's go.
Nice to meet you!
I'm Ma-kun's Okan!
The deadline's passed?
What a bother!
What shall I do?
I think this is it.
I'm sorry.
He's such a forgetful child.
I'm sure it caused you
some trouble.
It's okay.
Would you like some rice?
Please eat.
Oba-chan's rice is delicious.
I can't,
I have a previous engagement to get to.
Are you busy?
That's right.
I see
Well then, excuse me.
Can I eat that?
Please do.
Still, Ma-kun sure is late
Senpai might not come back home.
The two of them are probably
having fun, aren't they?
I guess you're right.
Could it be you don't want to
introduce me to your mother?
that's not the reason
Really, really.
It's true.
Let's go then.
Then let's go.
When you see her,
don't be disappointed.
She's just a poor,
old country woman.
That's all right.
Did you see?
I guess we should go.
Nice to meet you.
I brought gifts for you.
Nice to meet you!
I'm Ma-kun's Okan.
I win!
As expected.
It's from Kyushu.
You're skilled.
Back when I was with my parents,
I used to help out.
What do your parents do?
My father died when I was small,
and my mother runs a hotel.
Your mother must be proud
of her daughter.
Hey, Okan!
Why are you asking that?
We're having a pleasant
You're over there, drinking.
- Don't call me Ma-kun!
- Ma-kun is Ma-kun!
Enough already!
You get along well, don't you?
He's always in his
rebellious age.
Do you like that
short-tempered person?
I think so.
Sorry about today.
Next time you have time off,
Would it be okay
if I came over to your house again?
I'd like your mother to teach me
more of her cooking.
Manami-chan is a nice girl.
Keep a level head
and make sure she's happy.
Keep your promises at work, too.
Narusawa-kun is very busy,
after all.
I know, already!
Hey, Okan!
Ma-kun! Ma-kun, look!
It's very funny!
Ah, I'm sorry.
It'll be done in 30 minutes
- Narusawa!
- Yes!
That picture we're expecting.
What up with it?
I'm sorry.
It's not quite done yet.
Get it together!
What do you think
you're doing?
I'm sorry.
Haven't you cut him
There are lots of other
illustrators out there.
But, Nakagawa's illustrations
have a good reputation.
That project you've been waiting for
is going to pass you by.
I expected more from you.
Get someone better for this,
or it's the end of your career!
Excuse me!
Sorry for making you wait!
I'm sorry.
Recently I've had some trouble
focusing on work
Ah, that job
I already gave it to others.
Then, what about my fee?
When we ask you again
for other work.
Bye, I have to go
to a meeting.
We're friends, right?
You may be able to get by
with just an apology,
but I'm the one stuck with
the blame afterwards.
Must be nice,
Always doing what you want.
But, when it comes to
honest work,
somehow that pace of yours
never seems to match up.
Your food is always the best!
- It's great!
- Yeah, it is!
This stuff's great!
- Hey, welcome back!
- Welcome back!
Welcome back!
Hurry and eat.
Food is ready.
I've got to work.
You should eat dinner!
It's okay!
"Electricity, water, etc. bills"
"Ward Office Notice"
Hey, Okan!
What is it?
Why'd you do this?
Your old futon was hurting
your back.
Wasn't it worn out?
You need to be energetic every day,
so I bought one.
you'll be able to sleep!
Do you still have any money?
The savings
they're all gone.
Ma-kun! Ma-kun?
Where are you going?
Welcome back.
Did you stay up all night
working again?
- Okan.
- Hmm?
What'll you do with all this?
It's for when your friends
or people from work come over.
They're so hungry it's pathetic.
No one's coming today.
Well then
I'll split the rice
with our neighbors.
You can't just appear
around the neighborhood.
Getting food from some unknown granny
would upset them!
Are you angry?
I am angry.
Because this isn't the same
as the Kyushu countryside!
You can't just treat everybody
who comes in.
But they all say "It's great, it's great,"
when they eat it.
Whose money do you think
it is?!
Enough already.
They all like you.
You treat everyone
who likes you.
Where are you going?
Where am I going, who am I meeting,
when will I be back
Do I have to report
each and every thing to you?!
You're already stifling me!
This is my house!
You should go back already.
Thank you very much.
Like I thought,
it's calm here.
Is it okay if you don't go back?
Won't your mother be
worried about you?
If we keep on living like this
it'll continue forever.
After all the thought
I've given it
I feel faint.
You said,
"I feel my hometown is far away."
Would you be happier if your mother
moved back to Chikuhou?
Well, after getting used to life in Tokyo,
anyone might feel that.
Tezuka-san, where is your
Once in awhile I have to show
my face at my parent's home,
so what happens when
I go back to the country?
They miss me
for the first 10 minutes.
After that it's
What kind of job
have you gotten?
It's been a good year,
so get married.
We want to see
our grandchildren's faces.
I turn around and leave
after one day there!
My parents rub me
the wrong way.
Without them, it's lonely.
But with them,
it's depressing.
Good afternoon.
I thought I had made it exactly
as you taught me,
but some ingredient
is off.
The dried shiitake needs more broth.
I forgot that!
But, the flavor is good as is!
Ah, I cooked too much.
Has something happened?
I thought it was great.
When I first heard
you'd be living with your mother.
If it was me, I couldn't do it.
When I heard my mom
was seriously ill,
I just drifted around here.
Well, I didn't think she'd die
somehow or other.
And then
She died.
She was seriously ill after all.
it will come to Ma-kun.
How many years from now
or how many decades
I wonder how many days you'll have
to eat this wonderful Nukazuki.
This isn't the time
to be talking about separating!
Your mother's only resolution in carrying
that huge pot to Tokyo
do you understand it?
Maybe I've stopped.
Inside me
time has stopped
when Ma-kun was 18 years old.
I was so used to taking
lots of care of him, but
He has Manami-chan
He has his friends
He has the work he does
his best for
Ma-kun is doing wonderfully
on his own here in Tokyo.
I'm happy.
Coming to Tokyo
Getting to know places
only Ma-kun knows
It was worth coming here
just for that.
About Ma-kun
I'll like your help
from now on.
I've been giving it
a lot of thought.
You asked me before,
"What is it that attracted
you to Ma-kun?"
When I first met him,
he was someone who lived as he pleased.
That wasn't something I could do
I'm sure Nakagawa-kun
became that way,
because he was someone who could
reach for anything.
So he could become so free.
Meeting you,
I understand why.
I'm envious.
"Eligibility Notice
Nakagawa Masaya"
"Certificate of Graduation Fine Arts Degree
Nakagawa Masaya"
"Celebrate! Ma-kun's first Illustration
Woman Style Magazine, May, Congratulations!"
"Ma-kun Illustration File"
"Your mother's only resolution in carrying
that huge pot to Tokyo
"do you understand it?"
"I only brought the important things.
"This is my total property!"
You've come back?
Did you eat?
I'll prepare something
right away.
All this time
Where did you go?
Since you spoke so rudely to me,
I ran away from home.
been giving it
a bit of thought.
I'll go to Yokohama's Sanae.
I'm indebted to Kanae.
That's what I was thinking
I guess
except for you,
I wouldn't have come.
I've been trouble, huh?
From now on
this is
Okan's and my home.
until you die
you should stay in Tokyo.
What a great view up here!
So cooold
It's very pretty,
isn't it?
I'm sure if you went up it,
the view you'd see
would give you
a good feeling!
It's cold,
so let's go back.
Next time
I'll take you there.
I'll look forward to it!
February 12, 2007
"This drama is fiction based on real persons.
Various associations are different."
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