Tokyo Tower (2007) s01e07 Episode Script
Episode 7
"1996 - Autumn"
"Okan's Farm"
(white radish)
"Various vegetables"
"2 Heads of cabbage, 2 carrots,
2 spring onions, 1 daikon"
"Nakajyo Kiyoshi
'Uso' - 'Liar'"
"Shibuya Ward Thyroid Medical Center"
"Side Job Contract
Accessory beads production - Nakagawa Eiko"
"Shibuya Ward Old Age Circle:
Shirakaba Meeting Schedule - October"
"As the two of us lived together,
"after a while,
the days streamed by
"Ma-kun, I'll be out for
awhile. Okan"
"steadily got used to life
here in Tokyo."
"Reference Material"
"My Birthday!!"
"Reference Material"
"Pink (Peach) Ecstasy"
Do you have a boyfriend right now?
I don't right now.
Everyone has been
I'm back!
I told you to knock first!
I went shopping.
A gift for you.
I put your name here.
Great, isn't it?
I bought it in Sugamo.
Okay, okay
And these, too.
Rice won't stick to them.
I bought them in Sugamo.
Pass them out to the people
you're indebted to at work.
I've got to work.
What is it?!
There's more.
It's your exact size!
It matches you well!
I bought it in Sugamo.
Enough of Sugamo
I can't concentrate!
What's that?!
I've come to play.
I'm in the middle of work.
Ah, that's okay.
Where's Oba-chan?
I'm already at my limit
with convenience store jobs.
All I do at my register
is read bar codes.
I need a good
part-time job.
Part-time job, huh?
There there, I did it!
I never lose!
Wa wait.
One more time.
Hey there!
I'm in the middle of work.
Is Eiko-mama here?
Thanks for everything.
I get to see
Mama's smile every day.
You say such cute things,
Not like that.
Your mom in?
Tokumoto-kun, want seconds?
You eat too fast!
It's okay!
Of course it is!
You're growing boys.
Tokumoto-san can handle it!
Just leave it to me!
Mama, this is the best!
Thank you.
Our home's Engel coefficient is
(proportion of income going to food)
is out the roof.
don't you have an appetite?
Not really.
- More!
- Yes!
You eat too fast!
We're sold out again today.
Tokumoto-kun always cleans his plate
That makes me feel good.
Because it tastes the best!
You can eat as much
as you like,
I must make it just like
you mother used to, huh?
Ah, Tokumoto-san,
he did something bad
and was kicked out of his parents home.
You said so yourself.
So that's it
No, that was 10 years ago.
I was really naughty back then.
You had an extremely
impetuous youth, huh?
have you ever gone back home?
I would go back,
but I can't go back
I see
Everyone, let's say it together!
Thank you for the meal!
I'll help you wash dishes today.
Thank you, Baka-bon.
That's my job!
Yeah, it's me.
Just calling to remind you.
Watch that deadline!
We're going with your plan
for the special edition this time.
But, aren't you
maxed out?
Aren't you spending all your time
here at the company?
I'm fine.
I'm changing the way
I work.
Counting on you!
"Someone in May told me.
"The view from there,
"was lonely, they said"
"Photo by:
Sasaki Manami"
"Sasaki Keiko"
"In this empty capital,
"where we continued to be
spun around
"We began to long for
"beauty in our loneliness."
I'll be out for a bit
buying cigarettes.
Ah! Oba-chan,
it's almost time for the drama.
That's right.
You were worried what might happen
after the end of the last one.
Mama, aren't we having
anything sweet?
Daigaku sweet potatoes
and tea.
Buy some milk
while you're out.
"Tokyo Tower"
(Okan and Me and, Sometimes, Oton)
Episode 07: "Okan no Kokoro, Boku Shirazu"
"Okan's Heart, One I Didn't Know"
It's already time
Okan, feed me.
gone to Shirakaba Meeting, Okan"
That delinquent old hag
Are you okay?
That's right.
Nice, isn't it?
Ah, everyone remembered,
didn't they?
Did you hear?
The two who started out with us before
have already dropped out.
No! They just couldn't
understand how to do it, could they?
It gets easy quickly,
doesn't it?
You're good, aren't you?
Is this good?
It's going to be a cushion.
A cushion? For who?
You over there!
Over there!
Can we keep the
chitchat to a minimum?
We're sorry!
But you were the one
talking too much.
Eiko-chan's the one
with the loud voice.
You're the one who's
always going on about their son
Was it delivered?
The magazine.
How was it?
I'm too busy for that right now.
Some of the employees
are leaving dissatisfied
I'm trying to turn things around
with all my might.
Then you haven't seen it.
Just like always.
- Manami.
- Good bye.
Good work.
You've been with us 10 years now.
Though it's not much.
"For 10 years continuous service"
Thank you very much!
Go home and eat some of
your parents' delicious cooking!
"For 10 years continuous service"
"Don't show yourself
to your mother and me again!"
Come in!
I found a good restaurant
in a magazine.
- Let's go!
- A restaurant?
It's Italian!
Let's exert ourselves a little!
Where's your mother?
Pretty, pretty!
It's a beautiful photograph,
isn't it?
Just what you'd expect
from an expert photographer!
Ah, no
What is it?
Ah, nothing
Weeelll theen
Sorry to interrupt you
Where did you take this?
I wonder if that cute son of yours
is doing okay?
Who knows?
You must know if he's
doing okay, right?
Sorry, but there's nothing
I can do about it.
Your wife left you
to go to Tokyo.
You're really lonely,
aren't you?
That's ridiculous!
Geez, since he's not gentle
he must be a man!
Come on,
treat us to some sukiyaki.
What's that?
"Gojira's home"
(Gojira = Godzilla)
Why do I
You're good at that.
Wasn't much for studying
Worked with my hands, instead.
That way I could be exploited by all the
fools who come to Tokyo.
Why a rabbit, after all?
I understand how they feel.
When a rabbit gets lonely,
they say it'll die
What's it got to feel lonely about?
Ready to go?
Why does everyone want to
hang around Oba-chan, anyway?
It's okay.
You're just saying that now.
You have a home
to eat warm meals in.
I haven't had that
in 10 years.
Today I go drinking again!
I can't do anymore
you're strong at that, aren't you?
Just leave it to me.
I'll have a little to drink, too.
- Good evening.
- Yes!
Excuse me.
Come in, come in.
Come sit, come sit.
Is Nakagawa in?
You didn't even call,
it'll be okay already.
Since it's such a small job,
I'd completely forgotten about it
After this,
I have to pick up the manuscript.
Could you hurry it up a bit?
Okay, okay.
I've prepared some food.
Come eat.
Ah, I have to return to
the company right away.
You're still working this late?
Then your stomach
must be empty.
No, that's okay.
Don't be modest,
eat something.
Still not yet
I'm finished.
This one was a cinch.
So, come eat something.
Eat it!
She made that just for you!
- Tokumoto!
- Shut up!
Hurry and eat it!
It's getting cold!
Huh? Say something!
- Tokumoto!
- Okan!
Shut up!
I'm fine, I'm fine.
Okan, it's because you're such
a busybody!
I'm sorry.
You must be busy with work,
right, Narusawa-kun?
I'm leaving.
Do your best at work.
Sorry about that.
Don't worry, it's okay.
I was no good back then
Getting into rages
Wanting to hit something
Shut up, you old hag!!
What are you doing?!
Today you have
Shut up!
I'm just trying to help
Don't come near!
Get out!
Don't show yourself
to your mother and me again!
Oba-chan, see you again!
See you again.
I love you
Take care.
I'm very sorry.
Won't you go back?
Won't you go back
to your parent's home?
I can't go back.
I think if you don't go,
it'll be all the more painful.
10 years,
without seeing their son
must be very painful.
Everyone has lots
of things going on, don't they?
Every moment without you,
Seemed like an eternity
I'm begging you begging you comeback to me
I'm back!
Hard to say goodbye
I can't be with you anymore
How are you?
I'm fine, just fine.
It's okay, okay.
In Japanese,
it means I'm doing well.
I want to see you.
Can you tell me how
"Photo by:
Sasaki Manami"
and when a perfect love goes wrong
Somebody tell me how you get things back
Every time I was holding you,
Seemed like an eternity
I'm asking you asking you comeback to me
Hard to say goodbye
But I'll take sweet memories
I want to show everything I got from you
"For 10 years continuous service"
I'm very sorry!
You'll have to re-check
the entire manuscript!
And after that
That the movie column
what about the illustration for it!?
You're the one in charge,
aren't you!?
Didn't you order one!?
I'm sorry!
I'll get it somehow
by 3 o'clock!
Something happen?
I have an appointment
after this, but
Did you need something?
It's a bit sudden, but
I illustration
I guess
Are you okay?!
Eat something.
You haven't had anything
to eat, have you?
No matter how busy you get,
it's no good if you haven't
eaten properly.
If you eat first thing,
it'll give you energy!
Being full of energy,
is the best way
to enjoy things!
Excuse me.
Could I borrow your phone
for a while?
Ah, Desk.
About the column illustration
I won't be able to make it
in time.
I'm very sorry!
Ah, hello?
I'm indebted to you.
I'm the Illustrator, Nakagawa.
I'm really very sorry!
Um is there still time?
Please let me do it, somehow!
I'll make a good illustration!
Why are you just staring
like a fool?
You came out of Fine Arts, too.
If you've got the time,
give me a hand.
Here, do the background.
"Do your best"
- Morning.
- Takumoto.
Yes sir.
"To Tokumoto Hiroto"
"From Mom"
"Dear Hiroto"
"For 10 years
"I have been waiting all along.
"From now on,
"please come back home
any time you like.
"Wherever you are
"Whatever you're doing
"You are
"my son."
"You are my son."
"Proof of Ownership
Sasaki Keiko"
That's good.
Today is
Mother, what about the daikon?
The daikon should have
rectangular cuts.
I'll wash the potatoes.
Geez, Senpai,
you're in the way.
Come over here.
Play with your rabbit.
Today's a special day, after all
Excuse me!
Welcome home.
I'm back.
Come on,
give us a hand.
Since you always eat a lot,
I got this especially for Tokumoto-kun.
I bought it in Sugamo.
"Tokumoto Hiroto"
I'll eat lots with it!
Mama you're sly
I have a set for you, too.
"Leo Rii"
Thank you!
Here, Manami-chan.
"Sasaki Manami"
Thank you very much.
what about me?
Of course you get one!
"Baka Bon"
My real name would be better
Let's finish
Dinner's ready.
Let's go.
Mother's waiting.
Everyone's waiting.
They all just come
to see Okan.
So you've noticed.
A mother's touch is so warm
All of us are
really lonely for that.
She's become Okan to all of us.
Everyone's waiting.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!"
A present.
Happy Birthday"
Thank you!
This is from us.
High class Moyashi.
(bean sprouts)
A present from me.
Use it while you work.
A pig?
It's a rabbit.
It's adorable,
isn't it?
What's this?
Senpai's eyes are wet?
tissue, tissue.
Don't want it!
I just couldn't find the words
to say how bad this is.
Well, in commemoration,
let's take one.
Line up, line up.
That's okay, that's okay
Line up, already.
Here we go!
Okay, Pose!
(Okan is singing the 1974 hit song,
"Uso," by Nakajyo Kiyoshi)
"Rather than staying
in the country,
"Okan thought it was better
to live in Tokyo.
"Her illness wasn't
getting worse.
"She was able to go
to famous hospitals.
"She had found amusements here
the countryside couldn't offer.
"She seemed to be doing
quite well.
"The tumult of the city
"The roar of cars and trains
"The sounds of bowling
"We no longer heard any of them.
"It was peaceful
"in this unchanging space.
"It was a carefree
"and quiet time."
Well at least you have Okan
to take care of you, right?
You know that, don't you?
"The thing about peace is
"its scenery has no features.
"Until that time"
Kaze no nai senro michi
There is no wind on this track to town
Gogatsu no misora ha aoiku sabishiku
The blue skys of May are so lonely
Ugokanai chigire kumo itsumodemo ukabeteta
The unmoving scattered clouds float forever
Dokonimo mou modorenai
Unable to return anywhere
Boku no youdato
They seem like me
Sasayaku kaze ni
The wind whispers
KIRARI maiochiteku namida
On the sparkling tear that falls
Chirikiwa ni mou ichido
Scattered on the edge once more
Biraku hanabira ha anata no youni
The flower petals open, just like you
Kikoenai ganbare wo
Unable to hear how you're enduring
Nitta ryoute ni nando mokureta
Many times have I tried to hold you
Kiesou ni sakisouna
It may vanish, it may bloom
Tsubomi ga kotoshi mo boku wo matteru
But I will wait for it to bud this year, too
Ima mou mada tsumenai
Even now I cannot hold
Anata to egaita yume
The dream I pictured with you
Tachidomaru boku no souba de
That stands still by my side
February 19, 2007
"This drama is fiction based on real persons.
Various associations are different."
"Okan's Farm"
(white radish)
"Various vegetables"
"2 Heads of cabbage, 2 carrots,
2 spring onions, 1 daikon"
"Nakajyo Kiyoshi
'Uso' - 'Liar'"
"Shibuya Ward Thyroid Medical Center"
"Side Job Contract
Accessory beads production - Nakagawa Eiko"
"Shibuya Ward Old Age Circle:
Shirakaba Meeting Schedule - October"
"As the two of us lived together,
"after a while,
the days streamed by
"Ma-kun, I'll be out for
awhile. Okan"
"steadily got used to life
here in Tokyo."
"Reference Material"
"My Birthday!!"
"Reference Material"
"Pink (Peach) Ecstasy"
Do you have a boyfriend right now?
I don't right now.
Everyone has been
I'm back!
I told you to knock first!
I went shopping.
A gift for you.
I put your name here.
Great, isn't it?
I bought it in Sugamo.
Okay, okay
And these, too.
Rice won't stick to them.
I bought them in Sugamo.
Pass them out to the people
you're indebted to at work.
I've got to work.
What is it?!
There's more.
It's your exact size!
It matches you well!
I bought it in Sugamo.
Enough of Sugamo
I can't concentrate!
What's that?!
I've come to play.
I'm in the middle of work.
Ah, that's okay.
Where's Oba-chan?
I'm already at my limit
with convenience store jobs.
All I do at my register
is read bar codes.
I need a good
part-time job.
Part-time job, huh?
There there, I did it!
I never lose!
Wa wait.
One more time.
Hey there!
I'm in the middle of work.
Is Eiko-mama here?
Thanks for everything.
I get to see
Mama's smile every day.
You say such cute things,
Not like that.
Your mom in?
Tokumoto-kun, want seconds?
You eat too fast!
It's okay!
Of course it is!
You're growing boys.
Tokumoto-san can handle it!
Just leave it to me!
Mama, this is the best!
Thank you.
Our home's Engel coefficient is
(proportion of income going to food)
is out the roof.
don't you have an appetite?
Not really.
- More!
- Yes!
You eat too fast!
We're sold out again today.
Tokumoto-kun always cleans his plate
That makes me feel good.
Because it tastes the best!
You can eat as much
as you like,
I must make it just like
you mother used to, huh?
Ah, Tokumoto-san,
he did something bad
and was kicked out of his parents home.
You said so yourself.
So that's it
No, that was 10 years ago.
I was really naughty back then.
You had an extremely
impetuous youth, huh?
have you ever gone back home?
I would go back,
but I can't go back
I see
Everyone, let's say it together!
Thank you for the meal!
I'll help you wash dishes today.
Thank you, Baka-bon.
That's my job!
Yeah, it's me.
Just calling to remind you.
Watch that deadline!
We're going with your plan
for the special edition this time.
But, aren't you
maxed out?
Aren't you spending all your time
here at the company?
I'm fine.
I'm changing the way
I work.
Counting on you!
"Someone in May told me.
"The view from there,
"was lonely, they said"
"Photo by:
Sasaki Manami"
"Sasaki Keiko"
"In this empty capital,
"where we continued to be
spun around
"We began to long for
"beauty in our loneliness."
I'll be out for a bit
buying cigarettes.
Ah! Oba-chan,
it's almost time for the drama.
That's right.
You were worried what might happen
after the end of the last one.
Mama, aren't we having
anything sweet?
Daigaku sweet potatoes
and tea.
Buy some milk
while you're out.
"Tokyo Tower"
(Okan and Me and, Sometimes, Oton)
Episode 07: "Okan no Kokoro, Boku Shirazu"
"Okan's Heart, One I Didn't Know"
It's already time
Okan, feed me.
gone to Shirakaba Meeting, Okan"
That delinquent old hag
Are you okay?
That's right.
Nice, isn't it?
Ah, everyone remembered,
didn't they?
Did you hear?
The two who started out with us before
have already dropped out.
No! They just couldn't
understand how to do it, could they?
It gets easy quickly,
doesn't it?
You're good, aren't you?
Is this good?
It's going to be a cushion.
A cushion? For who?
You over there!
Over there!
Can we keep the
chitchat to a minimum?
We're sorry!
But you were the one
talking too much.
Eiko-chan's the one
with the loud voice.
You're the one who's
always going on about their son
Was it delivered?
The magazine.
How was it?
I'm too busy for that right now.
Some of the employees
are leaving dissatisfied
I'm trying to turn things around
with all my might.
Then you haven't seen it.
Just like always.
- Manami.
- Good bye.
Good work.
You've been with us 10 years now.
Though it's not much.
"For 10 years continuous service"
Thank you very much!
Go home and eat some of
your parents' delicious cooking!
"For 10 years continuous service"
"Don't show yourself
to your mother and me again!"
Come in!
I found a good restaurant
in a magazine.
- Let's go!
- A restaurant?
It's Italian!
Let's exert ourselves a little!
Where's your mother?
Pretty, pretty!
It's a beautiful photograph,
isn't it?
Just what you'd expect
from an expert photographer!
Ah, no
What is it?
Ah, nothing
Weeelll theen
Sorry to interrupt you
Where did you take this?
I wonder if that cute son of yours
is doing okay?
Who knows?
You must know if he's
doing okay, right?
Sorry, but there's nothing
I can do about it.
Your wife left you
to go to Tokyo.
You're really lonely,
aren't you?
That's ridiculous!
Geez, since he's not gentle
he must be a man!
Come on,
treat us to some sukiyaki.
What's that?
"Gojira's home"
(Gojira = Godzilla)
Why do I
You're good at that.
Wasn't much for studying
Worked with my hands, instead.
That way I could be exploited by all the
fools who come to Tokyo.
Why a rabbit, after all?
I understand how they feel.
When a rabbit gets lonely,
they say it'll die
What's it got to feel lonely about?
Ready to go?
Why does everyone want to
hang around Oba-chan, anyway?
It's okay.
You're just saying that now.
You have a home
to eat warm meals in.
I haven't had that
in 10 years.
Today I go drinking again!
I can't do anymore
you're strong at that, aren't you?
Just leave it to me.
I'll have a little to drink, too.
- Good evening.
- Yes!
Excuse me.
Come in, come in.
Come sit, come sit.
Is Nakagawa in?
You didn't even call,
it'll be okay already.
Since it's such a small job,
I'd completely forgotten about it
After this,
I have to pick up the manuscript.
Could you hurry it up a bit?
Okay, okay.
I've prepared some food.
Come eat.
Ah, I have to return to
the company right away.
You're still working this late?
Then your stomach
must be empty.
No, that's okay.
Don't be modest,
eat something.
Still not yet
I'm finished.
This one was a cinch.
So, come eat something.
Eat it!
She made that just for you!
- Tokumoto!
- Shut up!
Hurry and eat it!
It's getting cold!
Huh? Say something!
- Tokumoto!
- Okan!
Shut up!
I'm fine, I'm fine.
Okan, it's because you're such
a busybody!
I'm sorry.
You must be busy with work,
right, Narusawa-kun?
I'm leaving.
Do your best at work.
Sorry about that.
Don't worry, it's okay.
I was no good back then
Getting into rages
Wanting to hit something
Shut up, you old hag!!
What are you doing?!
Today you have
Shut up!
I'm just trying to help
Don't come near!
Get out!
Don't show yourself
to your mother and me again!
Oba-chan, see you again!
See you again.
I love you
Take care.
I'm very sorry.
Won't you go back?
Won't you go back
to your parent's home?
I can't go back.
I think if you don't go,
it'll be all the more painful.
10 years,
without seeing their son
must be very painful.
Everyone has lots
of things going on, don't they?
Every moment without you,
Seemed like an eternity
I'm begging you begging you comeback to me
I'm back!
Hard to say goodbye
I can't be with you anymore
How are you?
I'm fine, just fine.
It's okay, okay.
In Japanese,
it means I'm doing well.
I want to see you.
Can you tell me how
"Photo by:
Sasaki Manami"
and when a perfect love goes wrong
Somebody tell me how you get things back
Every time I was holding you,
Seemed like an eternity
I'm asking you asking you comeback to me
Hard to say goodbye
But I'll take sweet memories
I want to show everything I got from you
"For 10 years continuous service"
I'm very sorry!
You'll have to re-check
the entire manuscript!
And after that
That the movie column
what about the illustration for it!?
You're the one in charge,
aren't you!?
Didn't you order one!?
I'm sorry!
I'll get it somehow
by 3 o'clock!
Something happen?
I have an appointment
after this, but
Did you need something?
It's a bit sudden, but
I illustration
I guess
Are you okay?!
Eat something.
You haven't had anything
to eat, have you?
No matter how busy you get,
it's no good if you haven't
eaten properly.
If you eat first thing,
it'll give you energy!
Being full of energy,
is the best way
to enjoy things!
Excuse me.
Could I borrow your phone
for a while?
Ah, Desk.
About the column illustration
I won't be able to make it
in time.
I'm very sorry!
Ah, hello?
I'm indebted to you.
I'm the Illustrator, Nakagawa.
I'm really very sorry!
Um is there still time?
Please let me do it, somehow!
I'll make a good illustration!
Why are you just staring
like a fool?
You came out of Fine Arts, too.
If you've got the time,
give me a hand.
Here, do the background.
"Do your best"
- Morning.
- Takumoto.
Yes sir.
"To Tokumoto Hiroto"
"From Mom"
"Dear Hiroto"
"For 10 years
"I have been waiting all along.
"From now on,
"please come back home
any time you like.
"Wherever you are
"Whatever you're doing
"You are
"my son."
"You are my son."
"Proof of Ownership
Sasaki Keiko"
That's good.
Today is
Mother, what about the daikon?
The daikon should have
rectangular cuts.
I'll wash the potatoes.
Geez, Senpai,
you're in the way.
Come over here.
Play with your rabbit.
Today's a special day, after all
Excuse me!
Welcome home.
I'm back.
Come on,
give us a hand.
Since you always eat a lot,
I got this especially for Tokumoto-kun.
I bought it in Sugamo.
"Tokumoto Hiroto"
I'll eat lots with it!
Mama you're sly
I have a set for you, too.
"Leo Rii"
Thank you!
Here, Manami-chan.
"Sasaki Manami"
Thank you very much.
what about me?
Of course you get one!
"Baka Bon"
My real name would be better
Let's finish
Dinner's ready.
Let's go.
Mother's waiting.
Everyone's waiting.
They all just come
to see Okan.
So you've noticed.
A mother's touch is so warm
All of us are
really lonely for that.
She's become Okan to all of us.
Everyone's waiting.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!"
A present.
Happy Birthday"
Thank you!
This is from us.
High class Moyashi.
(bean sprouts)
A present from me.
Use it while you work.
A pig?
It's a rabbit.
It's adorable,
isn't it?
What's this?
Senpai's eyes are wet?
tissue, tissue.
Don't want it!
I just couldn't find the words
to say how bad this is.
Well, in commemoration,
let's take one.
Line up, line up.
That's okay, that's okay
Line up, already.
Here we go!
Okay, Pose!
(Okan is singing the 1974 hit song,
"Uso," by Nakajyo Kiyoshi)
"Rather than staying
in the country,
"Okan thought it was better
to live in Tokyo.
"Her illness wasn't
getting worse.
"She was able to go
to famous hospitals.
"She had found amusements here
the countryside couldn't offer.
"She seemed to be doing
quite well.
"The tumult of the city
"The roar of cars and trains
"The sounds of bowling
"We no longer heard any of them.
"It was peaceful
"in this unchanging space.
"It was a carefree
"and quiet time."
Well at least you have Okan
to take care of you, right?
You know that, don't you?
"The thing about peace is
"its scenery has no features.
"Until that time"
Kaze no nai senro michi
There is no wind on this track to town
Gogatsu no misora ha aoiku sabishiku
The blue skys of May are so lonely
Ugokanai chigire kumo itsumodemo ukabeteta
The unmoving scattered clouds float forever
Dokonimo mou modorenai
Unable to return anywhere
Boku no youdato
They seem like me
Sasayaku kaze ni
The wind whispers
KIRARI maiochiteku namida
On the sparkling tear that falls
Chirikiwa ni mou ichido
Scattered on the edge once more
Biraku hanabira ha anata no youni
The flower petals open, just like you
Kikoenai ganbare wo
Unable to hear how you're enduring
Nitta ryoute ni nando mokureta
Many times have I tried to hold you
Kiesou ni sakisouna
It may vanish, it may bloom
Tsubomi ga kotoshi mo boku wo matteru
But I will wait for it to bud this year, too
Ima mou mada tsumenai
Even now I cannot hold
Anata to egaita yume
The dream I pictured with you
Tachidomaru boku no souba de
That stands still by my side
February 19, 2007
"This drama is fiction based on real persons.
Various associations are different."