Tokyo Tower (2007) s01e08 Episode Script
Episode 8
"1997 - Tokyo"
"Fumihide Publication Company"
This way.
Sorry about this.
This is the Illustrator, Nakagawa.
As usual with all his work,
he's 30 minutes late.
Well then,
the meeting will start.
The concept of 'Inc' magazine
that we're publishing this time
is to discover cultures that are
produced one after another
through art and design.
Nakagawa has come up with
these design concept illustrations.
What do you think?
You were very lively in there!
Are they really suitable
for the front of a magazine?
Well, I thought I should make the effort
to enjoy myself.
Is your mom in good health?
As usual, she's too healthy
It's a bother!
"Okan and my life in Tokyo."
"It was a carefree
"and quiet time."
- Good morning!
- Morning.
"The thing about peace is"
"its scenery has no features."
How is it?
It's good.
"we were at peace
"I felt luck was on our side."
Not bad, eh?
You got it!
"Until that time"
I'm back!
Okan, what's the matter?
Can't you breathe?!
Drink some water.
Do don't worry.
I'm fine.
I thought I might die
Are you okay?
"The interval between her seizures
"grew gradually shorter"
"Shibuya Ward Thyroid Gland Medical Center"
For what I'm about to ask you,
I'm very sorry.
Are there any other members
of your family?
Only me.
Is that right.
Very well then,
I'll begin.
These are the results,
of the detailed examination we made
of your mother the other day.
This is her CT scan.
I help you understand it.
This expansion here,
is causing the closure of her windpipe,
and is the cause of her
fits and seizures.
Here, near the vocal chords
and this portion of the esophagus,
you can see the recurrence
of the cancer.
Her medical treatment till now
Regrettably, it doesn't seem to have had
any effect on your mother's cancer.
As it stands,
this disease will develop into a condition
that will affect her life.
Other than an operation,
there are no other options.
"please prepare for the definite
loss of her voice.
"Will you discuss this
with your family?"
Welcome back.
I've cooked oden.
Come eat.
Okay, okay.
The daikon has some stains.
How did the exam go?
It's cancer, isn't it?
Since that one time
I knew full well.
It appears
to be cancer.
I see.
It is, Okan.
The operation
won't you have it?
There's no other way!
I won't.
I've had enough
of those painful thoughts.
He has references from
good and talented doctors.
Look, they're all Tokyo doctors!
If you have this operation,
you'll be cured!
But I won't be able to talk,
will I?
That's true, but
I won't take the operation.
Study sign language.
We'll learn it together.
It won't be that painful
for you.
Far more terrible things have happened
to people in this world.
Lots of them.
Hey, Okan, isn't that right?
You should be thinking
of your personal affairs
This IS my personal affair!
Just take the operation!
Let's settle this.
Don't decide this
for yourself already!
Hey, Okan, do this?
The operation
I won't take it.
Geez, why won't you understand?!
When it comes to the operation,
you can't arbitrate over it!
where are you going?!
You're in the way!
I've made oden.
Come eat.
Ah, Ma-kun,
what's the matter?
There's no talking to Okan!
She's a completely
spoiled child.
Why not try talking
to her again?
That's why
you should try.
I'll call her right away.
Do you know where
my Kogura brother-in-law is?
No, Oton
Not really.
This is a serious matter
for the family
"Oton is
"living with
another woman."
isn't a member of the family
any more.
What are you saying?!
You want to persuade my sister
by all possible means, don't you?
Have the guts to tell him
about it, please.
Got that?
- Yes!
- You've got a call.
Your mother in Hokkaido.
Hello? Mother?
Did you see it?
Yes, hello?
Sir, call for you.
Who is it?
This is unusual.
How's it goin' over there?
I see
Business here in Kogura is bad,
so there's nothing I can do
What is it?
Okan's cancer
has come back.
Has it
If Okan can have an
Well, you're the one over there,
so I'm counting on you.
He's completely useless
"The relationship between parent and child
is a simple one.
"From the moment we are born,
"it becomes an eternal promise.
"But a family
"inside that stifling life,
"only after many hours
and repeated effort,
"can it be built.
"Someone in May once said:
"Making a happy family
"The truth is
"it is very, very difficult."
"Tokyo Tower"
(Okan and Me and, Sometimes, Oton)
Episode 08: "Tokidoki Oton ~ Kazoku no Kizuna"
"Sometimes Oton ~ Family Bonds"
Mother is?
So what
are you going to do?
I can't convince her.
She enjoys talking so much,
singing, laughing
That's the sort of person
she is
Even if I have to tie her up
I'll make her take that operation
At her last operation
I rushed to be with her
But in the end
there was nothing I could do.
So, somehow or other
Something the matter?
It's nothing.
Why don't we try begging your mother
one more time?
you're such a fool.
You don't intend to take the operation
no matter what?
That's right.
Even if your voice is
taken away,
Ma-kun will still be living with you,
so you won't have to worry.
I don't want to trouble Ma-kun
any more than I have.
Just having him call me
to Tokyo was enough.
Wouldn't the operation
cost a lot of money?
And that's not all
when I think about it
tears come out
I couldn't say,
"Ma-kun, get up!" could I?
"Welcome home."
I wouldn't be able to call out,
He's such a gentle boy
If he's living with me
That boy
would be bothered a lot by that.
What are you saying
Welcome back.
Your aunt brought a gift
What makes you think
I would be bothered by that?
We're family
there's no way
you would be a bother!
If you died
THAT would bother me a lot!
Dinner's ready.
It'll get cold.
What's that?
Don't you get it yet?
"Eat your dinner."
This is,
"Take your bath."
And this one is for
"Give me money."
The three of us have been
thinking about sign language.
If you don't get up on time,
she's said she'll just kick you up!
The operation
I'll take it.
I won't talk while playing cards,
and I'll be silent while
playing pachinko!
Okay, let's eat.
- Itadakimasu!
- Itadakimasu!
"Okan's Song - Accepting Requests Party"
(Okan is singing her favorite song,
"Uso," by Nakajyo Kiyoshi)
Thank you for listening.
you're the best!
- That was great!
- Encore!
I've had enough already.
I'm stopping before
I regret it!
Next up,
Ma-kun sings!
No, no way, no way!
Hurry up already!
Ma-kun! Ma-kun! Ma-kun!
Can't be helped
This tune!
Oton is good at singing this!
Must be in the DNA
What're you saying?
(Ma-kun is singing SAIJOU Shirou's
'Yoru no Gingitsune' 'Night of the Silver Fox')
Sabashiku naiku
If you're not lonely
Uwabe no koi ha
Love's front
Kokoro wo kakushite
Hides the heart
Odoritte itemo
Even when it's dancing
Sooro gurisu de ra nocchi
On this lonely night
That's good, that's good
come see if this feels right.
Ah, that's enough.
these daikon are wonderful.
Did you get in touch with
my Kogura brother-in-law?
I did, but
he didn't want to talk at all.
what's your old man do?
In the past,
he mostly went around meeting people.
But, didn't you live together
once before in Kogura?
I don't remember that at all any more.
"1979 - Fukuoka - Kogura"
What's all the noise about?
Come this way.
Wait, Runt
Stop it!
Dear, don't do this.
- Stop it.
- Okan!
Ma-kun, this way, this way.
It's for your own good.
Time to wake up!
Dear, don't be violent.
Dear? Okay?
Get away!
A present.
No wonder she left him
"In order to receive the operation
for her cancer's recurrance,
"Okan was hospitalized,
"in a general hospital
at the base of Tokyo Tower."
We will reopen the scar on her neck
one more time,
and excise the cancerous cells
that have returned.
Her voice
We won't be certain until
we operate,
but, if a partial extraction
is possible,
we will do our very best not to remove
any more of her vocal chords than necessary.
Please, if you can.
Manami-chan's photos
are so pretty.
I can recognize your feelings
from them.
When you get your color back,
I'll take you to see them.
I'll look forward to it!
Thank you for coming
every day.
Not at all
It's delicious!
Looks like a good place
for women to go to
Here, too.
(an area of Shinjuku ward)
Our inn's land
went into mortgage at last.
At this rate
it won't be long before
it's taken away.
I can't do this alone.
No matter what
can't you come back?
I wonder if Mom will be okay
She'll be fine.
That's why I'm making this meal
to give Senpai a burst of courage.
Who's that?
Probably a salesman.
I'll go check.
Who is it?
Japanese yakuza!
A debt collector?
Maybe from that time
I'll get rid of him!
Now's not the time
Who are you?!
Who's that?
It's Senpai's Oton.
He is?
He's a real yakuza.
I'm leaving.
nice to meet you.
You came?!
A while ago.
Put some elbow grease
into it!
- Yes sir!
- Yes sir!
- Light!
- Yes sir!
- Ashtray.
- Yes sir!
- Something to eat.
- Yes sir.
This is a nice quiet place
to live, isn't it?
So this is where you work
on your drawings?
The operation is tomorrow.
Let's go to the hospital.
Oton, hurry and get ready.
I'm hungry
Here you go.
Thanks for waiting.
I love these!
They're the hearts of birds!
Oton. Hurry up or
visiting hours will be over.
Hospitals are so boring
He's more selfish than Senpai.
He's an awesome old man.
Is he really Mama's husband?
Let's go.
We'll be late.
Another drink.
Thank you, as always.
I really appreciate these.
What's the matter?
Please don't say
'thank you.'
I'm the sly one.
I'm only running away
to your place.
My parents' inn
They couldn't manage it
very well
It's likely it'll go under.
Maybe ever since I ran away
from my mother
Your mother
is she alone right now?
I'm a terrible daughter,
aren't I?
But so's everyone.
Becoming a family
is difficult, isn't it
We act spoiled
compete in our obstinacy
and behave selfishly.
people, during those times
when they've become weak
come together as a family.
Just seeing their faces
brings us relief.
Being a family
that alone is like getting a
100 percent perfect score!
Eat it.
Come on already!
This is the hospital
where she's been hospitalized.
It's Tokyo Tower
When I came to Tokyo at 16,
it was only just finished.
(The tower was completed in 1958)
"It'll never work"
"What a blunder"
"Before you know it,
it'll be hidden by other buildings."
Well then
let's go.
Let's go drinking
one more time.
Hurry and let's get
to the hospital!
Won't anytime be good?
Shape up!
It's always the same!
You're like a stranger!
To Okan,
and to me, too!
Are you going to come?!
Have it your way then.
After all that
he's gone by morning.
"Sakura Yuki En"
I'm really very sorry.
No later than the next period,
I'm really very sorry.
I'm counting on you.
You caught me trying
my very best.
This inn
it may already be too late.
A gift for you.
Your favorite, apples.
Why are you wearing
those clothes?
You know how cold it gets here,
don't you?!
This isn't Tokyo, after all.
Hurry and come in.
"The look on Okan's face
that time,
"was one I wouldn't forget.
"For someone with cancer,
"Okan seemed to be
really enjoying herself."
Since the operation will take quite some time,
please go home for now.
Well then, let's go.
"Sasazuka Bowl"
I bought what you wanted.
Sleep properly.
We have to be back there
at 8 o'clock.
- We're late!
- We're late!
Oton, hurry up already!
Hurry up already!
I know!
Excuse me!
Where is Hashimoto-sensei?
He left a long time ago.
I heard from the Nurse's Station.
It was a success.
And her voice?
Well, it's okay,
she should talk again.
Okan, that's great, isn't it?!
What is it?
"That hurts.
Stop it."
Don't move her around so much.
You shouldn't look.
Namida koboshitemo
A tear dropped
Ase ni manareta egao no naka jya
Across your smiling face, covered in sweat
Daremo kizuite ha kurenai
No one noticed
Dakara anata no namida wo boku ha shiranai
So I didn't know of your tear
Tayasu kotonaku
Without realizing it
Boku no kokoro ni tomosareteita
I had let the light in my heart go out
"Even when reflected in a mirror,
"it kept its identical shape.
"Without knowing why,
we were all here now.
"Once, the three of us
had lived scattered apart
"And then, as if drawn somehow
by the Tokyo Tower
"we came here."
Kiesouni sakisouna
It may vanish, it may bloom
Tsubomi ga kotoshi mo boku wo matteru
But I will wait for it to bud this year, too
Tenohirajya tsukamenai kaze ni odoru hanabira
I can't grasp the petals dancing in the breeze
Tachidomaru kata ni HIRARI
Which gently come to rest on my shoulder
Jyouzu ni nosete
The things you did so well
Waratte miseta
The smiles you showed me
Anata wo omoidasu
I'll remember you
When I'm alone
BIRU no tanima ni
In this chasm of buildings
Uzumoreta yume wo itsuka mebuite
Buried dreams will someday bud
Hana wo sakasu darou
Those flowers will bloom
Shinijita yume ha
But the dreams we believe in
Saku basho wo erabanai
The place they bloom won't be chosen
Bokura kono machi ni otosareta kageboushi
In this town of fallen silhouettes
Minna hikari wo sagashite
Everyone searches for the light
Kasanariau toki no nagare mo
When the overlapping flow of time
February 26, 2007
"This drama is fiction based on real persons.
Various associations are different."
"Fumihide Publication Company"
This way.
Sorry about this.
This is the Illustrator, Nakagawa.
As usual with all his work,
he's 30 minutes late.
Well then,
the meeting will start.
The concept of 'Inc' magazine
that we're publishing this time
is to discover cultures that are
produced one after another
through art and design.
Nakagawa has come up with
these design concept illustrations.
What do you think?
You were very lively in there!
Are they really suitable
for the front of a magazine?
Well, I thought I should make the effort
to enjoy myself.
Is your mom in good health?
As usual, she's too healthy
It's a bother!
"Okan and my life in Tokyo."
"It was a carefree
"and quiet time."
- Good morning!
- Morning.
"The thing about peace is"
"its scenery has no features."
How is it?
It's good.
"we were at peace
"I felt luck was on our side."
Not bad, eh?
You got it!
"Until that time"
I'm back!
Okan, what's the matter?
Can't you breathe?!
Drink some water.
Do don't worry.
I'm fine.
I thought I might die
Are you okay?
"The interval between her seizures
"grew gradually shorter"
"Shibuya Ward Thyroid Gland Medical Center"
For what I'm about to ask you,
I'm very sorry.
Are there any other members
of your family?
Only me.
Is that right.
Very well then,
I'll begin.
These are the results,
of the detailed examination we made
of your mother the other day.
This is her CT scan.
I help you understand it.
This expansion here,
is causing the closure of her windpipe,
and is the cause of her
fits and seizures.
Here, near the vocal chords
and this portion of the esophagus,
you can see the recurrence
of the cancer.
Her medical treatment till now
Regrettably, it doesn't seem to have had
any effect on your mother's cancer.
As it stands,
this disease will develop into a condition
that will affect her life.
Other than an operation,
there are no other options.
"please prepare for the definite
loss of her voice.
"Will you discuss this
with your family?"
Welcome back.
I've cooked oden.
Come eat.
Okay, okay.
The daikon has some stains.
How did the exam go?
It's cancer, isn't it?
Since that one time
I knew full well.
It appears
to be cancer.
I see.
It is, Okan.
The operation
won't you have it?
There's no other way!
I won't.
I've had enough
of those painful thoughts.
He has references from
good and talented doctors.
Look, they're all Tokyo doctors!
If you have this operation,
you'll be cured!
But I won't be able to talk,
will I?
That's true, but
I won't take the operation.
Study sign language.
We'll learn it together.
It won't be that painful
for you.
Far more terrible things have happened
to people in this world.
Lots of them.
Hey, Okan, isn't that right?
You should be thinking
of your personal affairs
This IS my personal affair!
Just take the operation!
Let's settle this.
Don't decide this
for yourself already!
Hey, Okan, do this?
The operation
I won't take it.
Geez, why won't you understand?!
When it comes to the operation,
you can't arbitrate over it!
where are you going?!
You're in the way!
I've made oden.
Come eat.
Ah, Ma-kun,
what's the matter?
There's no talking to Okan!
She's a completely
spoiled child.
Why not try talking
to her again?
That's why
you should try.
I'll call her right away.
Do you know where
my Kogura brother-in-law is?
No, Oton
Not really.
This is a serious matter
for the family
"Oton is
"living with
another woman."
isn't a member of the family
any more.
What are you saying?!
You want to persuade my sister
by all possible means, don't you?
Have the guts to tell him
about it, please.
Got that?
- Yes!
- You've got a call.
Your mother in Hokkaido.
Hello? Mother?
Did you see it?
Yes, hello?
Sir, call for you.
Who is it?
This is unusual.
How's it goin' over there?
I see
Business here in Kogura is bad,
so there's nothing I can do
What is it?
Okan's cancer
has come back.
Has it
If Okan can have an
Well, you're the one over there,
so I'm counting on you.
He's completely useless
"The relationship between parent and child
is a simple one.
"From the moment we are born,
"it becomes an eternal promise.
"But a family
"inside that stifling life,
"only after many hours
and repeated effort,
"can it be built.
"Someone in May once said:
"Making a happy family
"The truth is
"it is very, very difficult."
"Tokyo Tower"
(Okan and Me and, Sometimes, Oton)
Episode 08: "Tokidoki Oton ~ Kazoku no Kizuna"
"Sometimes Oton ~ Family Bonds"
Mother is?
So what
are you going to do?
I can't convince her.
She enjoys talking so much,
singing, laughing
That's the sort of person
she is
Even if I have to tie her up
I'll make her take that operation
At her last operation
I rushed to be with her
But in the end
there was nothing I could do.
So, somehow or other
Something the matter?
It's nothing.
Why don't we try begging your mother
one more time?
you're such a fool.
You don't intend to take the operation
no matter what?
That's right.
Even if your voice is
taken away,
Ma-kun will still be living with you,
so you won't have to worry.
I don't want to trouble Ma-kun
any more than I have.
Just having him call me
to Tokyo was enough.
Wouldn't the operation
cost a lot of money?
And that's not all
when I think about it
tears come out
I couldn't say,
"Ma-kun, get up!" could I?
"Welcome home."
I wouldn't be able to call out,
He's such a gentle boy
If he's living with me
That boy
would be bothered a lot by that.
What are you saying
Welcome back.
Your aunt brought a gift
What makes you think
I would be bothered by that?
We're family
there's no way
you would be a bother!
If you died
THAT would bother me a lot!
Dinner's ready.
It'll get cold.
What's that?
Don't you get it yet?
"Eat your dinner."
This is,
"Take your bath."
And this one is for
"Give me money."
The three of us have been
thinking about sign language.
If you don't get up on time,
she's said she'll just kick you up!
The operation
I'll take it.
I won't talk while playing cards,
and I'll be silent while
playing pachinko!
Okay, let's eat.
- Itadakimasu!
- Itadakimasu!
"Okan's Song - Accepting Requests Party"
(Okan is singing her favorite song,
"Uso," by Nakajyo Kiyoshi)
Thank you for listening.
you're the best!
- That was great!
- Encore!
I've had enough already.
I'm stopping before
I regret it!
Next up,
Ma-kun sings!
No, no way, no way!
Hurry up already!
Ma-kun! Ma-kun! Ma-kun!
Can't be helped
This tune!
Oton is good at singing this!
Must be in the DNA
What're you saying?
(Ma-kun is singing SAIJOU Shirou's
'Yoru no Gingitsune' 'Night of the Silver Fox')
Sabashiku naiku
If you're not lonely
Uwabe no koi ha
Love's front
Kokoro wo kakushite
Hides the heart
Odoritte itemo
Even when it's dancing
Sooro gurisu de ra nocchi
On this lonely night
That's good, that's good
come see if this feels right.
Ah, that's enough.
these daikon are wonderful.
Did you get in touch with
my Kogura brother-in-law?
I did, but
he didn't want to talk at all.
what's your old man do?
In the past,
he mostly went around meeting people.
But, didn't you live together
once before in Kogura?
I don't remember that at all any more.
"1979 - Fukuoka - Kogura"
What's all the noise about?
Come this way.
Wait, Runt
Stop it!
Dear, don't do this.
- Stop it.
- Okan!
Ma-kun, this way, this way.
It's for your own good.
Time to wake up!
Dear, don't be violent.
Dear? Okay?
Get away!
A present.
No wonder she left him
"In order to receive the operation
for her cancer's recurrance,
"Okan was hospitalized,
"in a general hospital
at the base of Tokyo Tower."
We will reopen the scar on her neck
one more time,
and excise the cancerous cells
that have returned.
Her voice
We won't be certain until
we operate,
but, if a partial extraction
is possible,
we will do our very best not to remove
any more of her vocal chords than necessary.
Please, if you can.
Manami-chan's photos
are so pretty.
I can recognize your feelings
from them.
When you get your color back,
I'll take you to see them.
I'll look forward to it!
Thank you for coming
every day.
Not at all
It's delicious!
Looks like a good place
for women to go to
Here, too.
(an area of Shinjuku ward)
Our inn's land
went into mortgage at last.
At this rate
it won't be long before
it's taken away.
I can't do this alone.
No matter what
can't you come back?
I wonder if Mom will be okay
She'll be fine.
That's why I'm making this meal
to give Senpai a burst of courage.
Who's that?
Probably a salesman.
I'll go check.
Who is it?
Japanese yakuza!
A debt collector?
Maybe from that time
I'll get rid of him!
Now's not the time
Who are you?!
Who's that?
It's Senpai's Oton.
He is?
He's a real yakuza.
I'm leaving.
nice to meet you.
You came?!
A while ago.
Put some elbow grease
into it!
- Yes sir!
- Yes sir!
- Light!
- Yes sir!
- Ashtray.
- Yes sir!
- Something to eat.
- Yes sir.
This is a nice quiet place
to live, isn't it?
So this is where you work
on your drawings?
The operation is tomorrow.
Let's go to the hospital.
Oton, hurry and get ready.
I'm hungry
Here you go.
Thanks for waiting.
I love these!
They're the hearts of birds!
Oton. Hurry up or
visiting hours will be over.
Hospitals are so boring
He's more selfish than Senpai.
He's an awesome old man.
Is he really Mama's husband?
Let's go.
We'll be late.
Another drink.
Thank you, as always.
I really appreciate these.
What's the matter?
Please don't say
'thank you.'
I'm the sly one.
I'm only running away
to your place.
My parents' inn
They couldn't manage it
very well
It's likely it'll go under.
Maybe ever since I ran away
from my mother
Your mother
is she alone right now?
I'm a terrible daughter,
aren't I?
But so's everyone.
Becoming a family
is difficult, isn't it
We act spoiled
compete in our obstinacy
and behave selfishly.
people, during those times
when they've become weak
come together as a family.
Just seeing their faces
brings us relief.
Being a family
that alone is like getting a
100 percent perfect score!
Eat it.
Come on already!
This is the hospital
where she's been hospitalized.
It's Tokyo Tower
When I came to Tokyo at 16,
it was only just finished.
(The tower was completed in 1958)
"It'll never work"
"What a blunder"
"Before you know it,
it'll be hidden by other buildings."
Well then
let's go.
Let's go drinking
one more time.
Hurry and let's get
to the hospital!
Won't anytime be good?
Shape up!
It's always the same!
You're like a stranger!
To Okan,
and to me, too!
Are you going to come?!
Have it your way then.
After all that
he's gone by morning.
"Sakura Yuki En"
I'm really very sorry.
No later than the next period,
I'm really very sorry.
I'm counting on you.
You caught me trying
my very best.
This inn
it may already be too late.
A gift for you.
Your favorite, apples.
Why are you wearing
those clothes?
You know how cold it gets here,
don't you?!
This isn't Tokyo, after all.
Hurry and come in.
"The look on Okan's face
that time,
"was one I wouldn't forget.
"For someone with cancer,
"Okan seemed to be
really enjoying herself."
Since the operation will take quite some time,
please go home for now.
Well then, let's go.
"Sasazuka Bowl"
I bought what you wanted.
Sleep properly.
We have to be back there
at 8 o'clock.
- We're late!
- We're late!
Oton, hurry up already!
Hurry up already!
I know!
Excuse me!
Where is Hashimoto-sensei?
He left a long time ago.
I heard from the Nurse's Station.
It was a success.
And her voice?
Well, it's okay,
she should talk again.
Okan, that's great, isn't it?!
What is it?
"That hurts.
Stop it."
Don't move her around so much.
You shouldn't look.
Namida koboshitemo
A tear dropped
Ase ni manareta egao no naka jya
Across your smiling face, covered in sweat
Daremo kizuite ha kurenai
No one noticed
Dakara anata no namida wo boku ha shiranai
So I didn't know of your tear
Tayasu kotonaku
Without realizing it
Boku no kokoro ni tomosareteita
I had let the light in my heart go out
"Even when reflected in a mirror,
"it kept its identical shape.
"Without knowing why,
we were all here now.
"Once, the three of us
had lived scattered apart
"And then, as if drawn somehow
by the Tokyo Tower
"we came here."
Kiesouni sakisouna
It may vanish, it may bloom
Tsubomi ga kotoshi mo boku wo matteru
But I will wait for it to bud this year, too
Tenohirajya tsukamenai kaze ni odoru hanabira
I can't grasp the petals dancing in the breeze
Tachidomaru kata ni HIRARI
Which gently come to rest on my shoulder
Jyouzu ni nosete
The things you did so well
Waratte miseta
The smiles you showed me
Anata wo omoidasu
I'll remember you
When I'm alone
BIRU no tanima ni
In this chasm of buildings
Uzumoreta yume wo itsuka mebuite
Buried dreams will someday bud
Hana wo sakasu darou
Those flowers will bloom
Shinijita yume ha
But the dreams we believe in
Saku basho wo erabanai
The place they bloom won't be chosen
Bokura kono machi ni otosareta kageboushi
In this town of fallen silhouettes
Minna hikari wo sagashite
Everyone searches for the light
Kasanariau toki no nagare mo
When the overlapping flow of time
February 26, 2007
"This drama is fiction based on real persons.
Various associations are different."