Welcome to the N.H.K. (2006) s01e09 Episode Script

Welcome to Summer Days!

I lift my eyes a little and look into the sky
All I do is mutter every time
I turn my back on this perfect everyday life
Where am I supposed to go
With you who are giving me a look like that?
Shadows on back streets
Hands of a clock
Repaint the time that has been stopped
Extended hands, puzzle pieces that don't fit
Until the abandoned two reunite
Something that has been lost
Recover the last piece
Let's start walking
Summer vacation starts tomorrow!
Wanna go somewhere?
Summer Vacation
my script for the summer Comic Stall!
Tomorrow I can't.
I have an audition for a TV anime
that starts in the fall.
They said it'll be late night by the time we finish,
so I don't think I can make it.
Oh, is that right?
Ask me again sometime.
I'll make time for you, I promise.
Okay, next time then.
I'm sorry.
Sorry for the wait!
Hey, Nanako, what part are you reading for?
Suzuran, the magical kunoichi.
You seem pretty confident!
I've got the script down to a "T."
Faster than light!
Transform! Captivatingly!!
Sorry, tomorrow I can't.
Get lost, villains!
Summer Vacation
so anyway, we're gonna talk about Jung today.
Jung had a disagreement with Freud, apparently,
and went in another direction.
Jung apparently had a very hard time establishing his ideas.
We're alone in the park at night
Then at last he published his theories of psychological types.
in spite of what happened.
Is she fine with that?
On the basis of these cases
my conclusion is that you are an
"Introverted Feeling" type.
You are frightened of the "Great Mother."
You are also fighting against your "Shadow."
Didn't we cover that topic before?
What? Did did we?
Secret Notes
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Secret Notes
Secret Notes
Let's stop here for today.
Your heart doesn't seem to be in it anyway.
That's you, isn't it?
Well then, see you tomorrow.
Get it together, Tatsuhiro Sato.
My instincts are telling me that to get
too close to her is dangerous.
I still don't know anything about her:
Who she really is, or what her
real purpose is either.
She may be a secret operative of the NHK!
We'll give it a try.
Everyone's doing it.
Come on, Sato, let's.
Is this all right?
Can I really do this?
Sato! Sato!
I'm coming in, Sato!
You're hiding away in here as always, huh?
You've been drinking, huh?
Am I not supposed to? I'm over 20!
By law, I'm allowed to consume alcohol!
Here's to the law: Banzai!
Drunks are a pain in the
Sato, the rest of the world is on
summer vacation already!
This is no time to be casually shutting yourself in!
Let's go to the beach! To the beach!
The beach?
Damn! Her face is in my mind for everything!
The fact is I don't have swim trunks.
So, I can't do the beach.
What are you saying, Sato?
You don't need swim trunks or anything
to go to the beach!
For healthy young folk like us, summer
at the beach can only mean one thing:
The Summer Comic Stall!
Summer Comic Stall?
Exhibition Hall
Main Gate
Comic Stall Venue
I see, it's the ocean; I'll give you that.
I'd heard there was a big exhibition
of niche manga for sale.
So, they hold it in this kind of place, huh?
Some people in my class got a booth
at the Comic Stall.
This is it.
This is it.
But we got to talking about how lame it would be
if we only have one game to put out.
With only a third-rate game like that, there's
no way any customers or anybody will come!
A game is a holistic work of art.
To try to fake it by filling up holes in the game script
with minigames along the way is too damn cynical!
Who the hell invited Yamazaki?
Do you think like that?!
It's the last drinking party of first term.
You're all really too optimistic!
We were supposed to at least
try to invite everybody.
Your thinking is way too optimistic!
I figured, even if I invited him, he wouldn't come.
Do you hear me, all of you?
It's all really about how good a script you create!
I mean, he hasn't ever come to anything before.
If the most crucial thing, the story, is lame,
the players won't bite!
Don't you get even this most basic concept?
If that's the case, can you make
a more interesting one?!
I can.
Or should I say I'm in the middle of making
one with an old friend.
In high school he was head of the Literature Club,
so the script is flawless!
If you're interested,
shall I do you the honor of
setting it out at your booth?
I'll teach you what a real game is!
My classmates were in tears, begging for it.
So I decided to put our game in their booth.
So Hey!
We've got less than a month!
Without a deadline, you'd just laze around
and procrastinate, right?!
Anyway, Sato, you know you're the one
who started this talk of creating a game!
You want to be a game creator, right?
You're right.
Once my buzz wears off,
we'll get to work immediately.
We've only been given one month after all.
Use that laptop.
Let's watch each other as we work
to keep us from procrastinating.
We will hold our annual fireworks display at the fesrival grounds in Kasenjiki
Park tonight, starting at 7:00.
Please invite everybody and come on out.
It's hot, isn't it, Yamazaki?
So what about it?
Your A/C doesn't seem to be working.
It's been temperamental since a little while back.
I guess it finally gave out.
Oh, really.
Mita House
We will hold our annual fireworks display at the festival
grounds in Kasenjiki park tonight, starting at 7:00.
We will hold our annual fireworks display at the festival
grounds in Kasenjiki park tonight, starting at 7:00.
Please invite everybody and come on out.
Yamazaki, want to go to the fireworks?
We don't have that kind of spare time.
But wouldn't a little mood change
increase our work efficiency?
Even so, it doesn't have to be fireworks, right?!
Well, that's true, but still
No good comes out of going
to see stupid fireworks.
That's right
No good at all.
I finished the color design for the heroine.
I dropped it into "Shared Files,"
so give it a check, please.
Wow, it looks pretty good!
The heroine Rei's secret is revealed in
a classroom of the hero's school.
I have nothing. I have nothing!
You're wrong!
You have me, don't you?
I'll protect you, even if it turns
the whole world against me!
What's with you?
Huh? It's, uh, it's nothing.
Why does everything turn into her face?
This is great, Yamazaki. Good job.
Before they journey off into a different world, the
hero and Rei go to the beach to make memories.
Sato, you come out here too!
It's okay.
I don't mind being seen if it's by you, Sato.
R Rei
It's okay, Sato.
Oh, it's nothing. It's nothing.
I'm sick of this. How am I supposed to concentrate?
Damn, why did she appear again?
So, this is her first outfit when they
go to a different world, huh?
That means this is
Are you all right, Rei?
Thanks, Sato.
What the hell has come over me?
Sato, you're worried about
real-life romance, aren't you?
Misaki, was that her name?
You've thought of nothing but her
for a while now, haven't you?
Uh, no.
It's not that I'm thinking of her;
she just pops up in my head of her own accord.
That must mean you're actually in love with her!
Now that you mention it
I can't believe I'm in love with a girl like that.
You're ridiculous, Sato.
Girls are just human beings, right?
All this "love" stuff doesn't exist
in the three-dimensional world!
Do you hear me?
Originally, romantic love didn't exist in Japan.
Arranged marriages and late-night trysts
were all there were.
This "romantic love" stuff is a custom
that came in from overseas!
Romantic love is a trap to expand
the capitalist system!
And you're gonna let it dance you
around like a puppet?!
We have to get on the other side of it and turn this
"love" illusion into a way to make money!
You say that, but what about you?
Aren't you in love with that Nanako girl?
Nanako's even the model for
this heroine, isn't she?!
We will hold our annual fireworks display at the festival
grounds in Kasenjiki park tonight, starting at 7:00.
Mita House
please invite everybody and come on out.
Fireworks displays can just vanish from this world!
Please invite everybody and come on out.
I was on the brink of stupidly repeating
the same mistake again.
The same mistake?
It was when I was still in elementary school
You dork!
You make me sick!
You're lame-o.
You're a loser.
Stop it!
Oh no, Paruko's here!
Everybody run for cover before she tells on us!
Get out of here! It's Paruko! Run!
Hey, you! Hold on!
Get out of here! It's Paruko! Run!
Who are you calling Paruko?
Are you okay?
Come to think of it, that was my first crush.
But I was already set to transfer schools
when the first term ended,
But I was already set to transfer schools
when the first term ended,
I asked her to the fireworks so I'd at least
have a last remembrance.
I'm sorry.
But tomorrow I sort of
sort of have to
go see my sick grandfather.
That's how my first crush ended all too soon.
But if that had really been the end,
I might still have been saved!
Get lost, villains.
Get lost, villains!
Women lie with a straight face!
Even that Nanako, all the while she was
saying she had some audition,
but I'm positive she's on a date with another guy!
The same goes for that Misaki!
It's for damn sure she's laughing at you,
Sato the hikikomori, behind your back!
Women are a disease of this world!
We have to bring down the iron hammer of Justice
upon the world's women!
Get lost, women!
Come on, Sato, say it with me!
G Get lost, women.
Too soft!
Put this on and try again!
Put this on and try again!
Get lost, women.
Put more enmity into it and say it again.
Get lost, women!
Get lost, women!
Get lost, women!
Get lost, women!
Get lost, women!
Get lost, women!
Mita House
Get lost, women! Get lost, women!
Get lost, women! Get lost, women!
Get lost, women! Get lost, women!
Get lost, women! Get lost, women!
Get lost, women!
Get lost, women!
Wonder who that is?
Get lost, women!
Get lost, women!
Get lost, women!
Get lost, women!
Hello? Nanako?
Get lost, women!
Shut up!
Get lost, women!
Shut up!
Get lost
Could you keep quiet for me, please?
Hello? What's up with the sudden call?
The thing is, the audition suddenly got postponed.
So, I remembered the fireworks display
you were talking about.
I'm actually at the station already.
Yes! It's no problem for me at all!
I'll come to meet you there.
Wait there, please!
See you!
A change of mood is necessary, isn't it?
That being so, I'm going out.
Sato, keep working hard on that script, please.
Get lost, everybody.
You can all get shot by fireworks and die.
I still have quite a while until counseling time.
Oh! I'm sorry!
Um, it's about today's counseling
I'd like to cancel.
On that note
Won't you come with me to see the fireworks?
Sora no sukima ni, kumo no yukue ni himawari mawaru
Sunflowers spin in gaps in the sky, where clouds go
Hanabi no you ni hanabira chireba kimi wa kakure
When flower petals cascade like fireworks, you hide
Tameiki shite
I sigh
Might this not be a trap?
Kuchi wo tsuita serifu wa dame sa
The line that comes to my lips is no good
After this, I'll bet there's going to be a big backlash.
Uso sa, yume sa
It's a lie; it's a dream
Youkoso natsu no hi
Welcome, summer days
Nakushita natsu no e
A lost picture of summer
Moo ichido egakoo
Let's draw it one more time
But if it's this kind of trap,
maybe it's all right.
Hagareteru sunshower
A peeled-off picture of a sunshower
Episode 9
Welcome to a Summer Day!
Ababa, ababa, ababa, dancing baby human!
When we were born naked
When we were born naked
We were all loved equally
Just as it's supposed to be
But why, as life goes on
But why, as life goes on
Each destiny takes a different path
It's almost cruel
Some can look at other's eyes
While others can't
Some get to learn love
While others don't
If that's how it is
I'd rather be
A baby, a baby human till I die
"Oh, what an adorable baby!"
"I just want to love you!"
Just like I planned!
It worked perfectly!
The baby she is holding is really a baby human
"Ababa!" I snicker to myself
Hiding in my pretended innocence
It's so easy to be a baby human
So you should be one too!
Ababa, ababa! Dance, multiply
And take it to space!
To Mars
To Saturn
To the galaxy!
Baby human!
Baby human!
You slipped up, Sato.
The heroine's name is wrong.
She was watching me?
Next episode,
"Welcome to the Dark Side!"
Next Episode
Welcome to the Dark Side!
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