Beelzebub (2011) s01e23 Episode Script

You Kidding Me? The Demon World.

Going back to the Demon World? Who? The doctor guy.
The squirt and the one with half-assed character design.
An enemy has appeared! With Baby Beel all better, they didn't have any reason to be here.
They said it was about time they headed back to the Demon World.
Seriously Honmakai = Seriously Makai = Demon World HonMAKAI Are you Kidding Me? The Demon World HonMAKAI Lame! HonMAKAI HonMAKAI Just try saying that pun again.
We're heading back to the Demon World! Come on Shut up! Just go already! That was our intent.
But I can't seem to find Alaindelon.
You live together with him, yes? Do you know anything? Nope, I dunno.
I see.
That is a problem.
Doctor, why don't we wait until tomorrow? I wanna stay together with Beelze-sama a little longer! Fool! I have flocks of patients back in the Demon World, you know! Why don't you simply call for him? Perhaps he will come if someone near-and-dear calls for him, Furuichi.
I wouldn't say I'm near-and Do it! Or are you gonna spout that lame pun at Miss Hilda? Lame pun? Right! You see Wait, I'll call for him! Just don't say it to Hilda-san! You'll call him for us? Well, if it's something you request That will do, however HonMAKAI That pun wasn't funny.
HonMAKAI HonMAKAI Now you're just rubbing it in! Hurry up and call him.
All of you just shut up! Calling someone near-and-dear At this point, I've got a sure-fire way of getting him here.
I won't call for him.
You called? Impressive.
I'll give you credit for that.
I didn't call for you! Um Is there some reason we're going elsewhere? Yes.
Transferring to the Demon World is special.
We have to cross dimensions.
It requires the natural energy of rivers or mountains.
Plus, there is a limit to the amount of mass that can be transferred at once.
I believe that Alaindelon can safely transfer no more than 2 people.
Just a sec! You still want something? Not you! I wanted to say farewell to Beelze-sama! Oh, right.
I wish you could just take him home instead.
I'd like to do that too! But if Beelze-sama gets more that 15 meters from you, you'd be lethally electrocuted That means you'd die! Beelze-sama Make sure to become a wonderful Demon Lord! And remember No matter what, I'm on your side, Beelze-sama! We'll be counting on you.
Until we meet again, Lamia.
Miss Hilda! Miss Hilda! It's about time we left! Then Farewell! The Demon World, huh? I wonder what it's like? Like I care.
I'm sure it's gloomy and depressing anyway.
B-Beelze-sama? What'll I do? This feels like My arm, it's T-This is bad! Beelze-sama! Why? T-This is Baby Beel -> Demon World Me -> Dead T-This is Baby Beel -> Demon World Me -> Dead If Baby Beel heads to the Demon World I'm dead! Baby Beel -> Demon World Me -> Dead Baby Beel -> Demon World Me -> Dead Where the hell do you think you're going?! H-He won't let go! Stop pulling on me! Shut up! Come back out here again! Don't be crazy! The transfer has already started! F-Furuichi, help me! S-Sure! Don't pull on me like that, you perv! Shut the hell up! I'm gonna die here! Hilda-san, you too! Now, hug myself And do a spinning transfer! This will be trouble.
Crap What happened? You awake? Hey Don't tell me, this is Yes.
It's the Demon World! A-Are you kidding me?! Are they finally here? Then, we shall go, yes? Enough questions! Reach.
Cool! Wasn't I just like, totally cool?! Something's here Yopalelime Yople! It's okay if I punch it, right? Wait.
I think it's trying to speak to us.
We should just say "Yople" back to it, yeah? Seriously? Is "Yople" some kind of greeting? Yople.
Yople!! Yopolomeli papi! Yople! Yople! What the hell have you people done? It attacked us.
It was just saying hi! The Yople aliens are the friendliest tribe of Demons in this area! How the hell should I know that? And wait Yople Aliens? Are they aliens or Demons? Demons I went and brought humans to the Demon World Plus Plus, of all the places This is Vlad's Haunt! Vlad's Haunt? What's that? Vlad's Haunt! It's the valley where it's said that the Ruler of Time, Vlad Dracul, Shivembling = Shivering and trembling It's the valley where it's said that the Ruler of Time, Vlad Dracul, once went exploring, and came back all shivembling! Shivembling = Shivering and trembling Vlad said this: Shivembling = Shivering and trembling Vlad said this: That place is way scary! Yes! This is a truly frightful, dangerous place! There are ancient Demon Beasts and poachers that are after them! Well, I don't really care.
We just have to go back in Alaindelon.
That's right! Alaindelon! Yes? I do apologize This is what happens when you exceed the maximum occupancy He's all banged up I'm going to fall now.
It looks like the transference pathways are misaligned.
What? There is no need to fear.
A little sleep, and these light wounds will See, I'm feeling more at ease already Don't go to sleep! What'll we do if you die? Yeah, seriously! Don't you die! If you die I'll friggin' kill you! What? I'm not going to die from something like this.
It's almost my daughter's birthday, you see I promised to buy her a new dress That's a total death flag! Lamia, you're a doctor, aren't you? Do something! I have been! But for wounds like this, without the doctor Speaking of which Where'd that flaky guy go? He was the only one who transferred properly.
Lamia-dono I leave the rest to you Alaindelon! Okay, now you're really screwing with me! Open your eyes, you! I told you, this ain't no time to die! No mercy I said open your damn eyes! It's a communicator! A communicator? Hello? Hello Is that you, Lamia? Are you safe? Miss Hilda! Hilda-san! Damn it, Hilda! I was contacted by Doctor Furcas.
It looks like you are all safe? But Alaindelon is Exceeded his capacity, yes? So where are you now? I see.
Those lands are protected.
The Kingdom cannot lay a hand on them.
Don't tell me Have you done something to a local inhabitant? Actually, there was this Yople Alien, and You did what?! Yople You did what?! Yople Those are Vlad's watchmen! That sound Run! It's calling an ally! Its ally? Akubaba! Akubaba? Like the one you rode on, Hilda-san? In that case, you could Yeah! One swift kick and Really? Fools! I should tell you Wild Akubabas are huge! No way! Stop screwing with me! This thing's a completely different creature! That's why I told you to run! Right now you are considered an enemy everywhere within Vlad! Then where should we be running? Baby Beel is standing! Baby Beel! Whoa! Did he power up from coming to the Demon World? It sounds like you were saved by the master's true power.
But you shouldn't let down your guard.
Listen exactly to what I say.
You are to search out Alaindelon's daughter.
Ask her to transfer you.
Do not fear, I will guide you.
Oh, got it.
Humans, huh? That's a rare prey.
What'll we do, Gallé? Man Why do I have to be in a place this nuts? Stop your grumbling! We're just doing exactly as Miss Hilda says.
I'm thirsty! And I'm hungry! An apple! So bitter! What the heck? You ate it, didn't you? Where? Where have you gone, Yukie?! Shinji-san, if you truly love me, you'll know that I'm here! I can sense Yukie over there! No! I'm over here, Shinji-san! Are you here, Yukie? Somewhere in this snow! Yukie is right here, Shinji-san I want to see you, and yet There you are Yukie! Yes, there! Yukie! And the two pass by each other once again.
It's no use.
Let's end this, Shinji-san! Yukie! Shinji-san! Yukie! Shinji-san! Yukie! What is it? Please, eat more! It looks like it's forcing him to eat.
A Demon Apple Tree, yes? They force you to eat their fruit through any means.
Don't worry, it'll get bored soon enough.
Soon enough? Now, you too! Don't want any.
How cruel I know that I'm bitter And I know that my skins are dry, and I'm tall But I almost never get any customers in a dark, damp place like this! It'll really help me if you just eat one I said I don't want any.
A normal person would just eat it after saying all this! Apple! You I can't tell which one's the Demon here Even if you call me a demon, I'll keep on loving you! You're a demon! A demon, I say! What is it now? Haven't things calmed down? The flower! Why is it always me? Stop it, that tickles! What is it this time? Man, this stinks! A Demon Rafflesia, I suppose? It catches its prey through a special scent.
Don't worry.
It'll get bored soon enough.
What the hell does soon enough mean?! Eww! Yople! The hell Man.
You really saved me there! You stink! W-Wait! Wait for me! Is that it? Thanks to the help of someone, we arrived faster than we thought.
Why are you standing so far from me? We'll go on the road.
You swim up the river.
Damn you! So this is Alaindelon's house? No, no This is his daughter's house.
She seems to do research on ancient Demon Beasts.
That's why she lives so far out from the Demon Kingdom, I hear.
The water was freezing! I'm gonna catch a cold You actually swam up here? You bastard! And hey I just can't get excited about this.
About what? I mean, think about it, man.
She's his daughter! I bet she's all You've got such a pitiful imagination.
She'd be more like this, right? What? You say that's not it? Then, how about you, Baby Beel? Are you all idiots? And they all had mustaches Even Beelze-sama's squid Excuse us! The door is open, so we'll be coming inside.
Abandoned? No The broken stuff is still new.
There isn't anyone here.
Perhaps it was the poachers.
Poachers? Yes.
They're people who sell rare Demon Beasts They may have been after her ability to transfer.
Yes, that's right! And you people are going to become my wares! Weak humans can't stand up to us! Edda, handle this! Yeah! Yople.
Wait, wha? W-Wait, hold it Are you really a human? That mark That's the Royal Crest! You're in a contract with the royal family? That's right Yople! Yople! Their base should be nearby.
I bet she is there.
In other words, we have to go rescue her! This has started to get complicated A picture? Hey, Furuichi We're going to wipe out a band of thieves now.
Man, what a pain.
What are you saying, Oga-kun? Our goal is to rescue the lovely damsel! Let us go! As things are, they would have had no choice but to head there If I go there, I'll learn something! To be Yopled.
Our trip has only yet begun! As have my adventures! Yople! Yopelalime? Wait, my darling! Yople! Yopolomelopapi! And cut it out with the Yoples already! And who the hell is this "lovely"? It's Alaindelon's daughter, duh! Wait for me.
I will save you, for sure! And Furuichi put on a very happy face.
On the next Beelzebub: Welcome Back, Demon World! When this battle is over, I'm going to get marri Yople! Gople!
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