Gintama (2005) s03e11 Episode Script

People Are All Escapees of Their Own Inner Prisons

[The man in the cell opposite Katsura who has recently been imprisoned is Suekichi, who has been trying to escape from prison for 15 years.
[What is going to happen to this man?! This week is "Katsura Enrichment Week" part II!.]
There's Prison Island.
Throughout the ages, it's been the one prison where the worst offenders are sent.
It's a steel fortress that encompasses the entire island.
Once you enter, you will never see sunlight again.
It's a real netherworld in the land of the living.
Starting today, that's your home.
So you'd better bid a fond farewell to the sun.
Don't worry.
I've already finished saying farewell to everyone from Yaoyorozu to Amaterasu.
[Note: Yaoyorozu are spirits that dwell within objects and part of the Shinto religion.
Amaterasu is a Japanese mythological sun goddess.
All men are prepared for death every morning they sit down for breakfast.
For me, each day brings absolutely nothing special.
It's said the world is very large, but my world has been this small cell for a long time.
The view behind steel bars has been my whole world.
I spend every day in this moldy-smelling cell where my heart has been corrupted.
I don't remember how many times my heart almost broke.
But finally the time has come for me to leave those days behind.
That's right.
There's a boundless beautiful world out there that's not meant to be seen through bars.
To gaze upon that world is all I've ever wanted.
["People Are All Escapees of Their Own Inner Prisons".]
Finally Finally I've made it.
It's taken 15 years to dig out of here.
15 years I've pounded into my mind the guards' routines and the times when other prisoners are asleep.
I took advantage of a little overlap time to dig through rock and stone, little by little, every day.
And I kept at it for 15 years And finally It's the day I escape from Prison Island, the invulnerable fortress.
Suekichi, you've really outdone yourself.
It was all your tenacity All I need to do is find the right time to carry it out I can't be impatient.
The best time is early morning when the prisoners are asleep.
The best day is when the sea is calm.
I've already secured an exit route for escape.
So I need to carefully pick the perfect day and carry it out.
Fortunately, the prison cell opposite mine, which I have to watch the most, is now vacant.
If I can escape before a new prisoner arrives there won't be any problems.
Oh, you're awake.
Good morning.
Isn't it a nice day? I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself.
You looked like you were asleep.
I just came in today.
Prisoner number "Ha-206," Katsura.
It's nice meeting you, cell mate.
Why?! Until yesterday, it was completely vacant.
But why today, of all days, did they have to bring in a newcomer?! Here's something for you.
It's an Anti-Foreigner Faction towel.
It's very good at wiping away filthy stains.
Especially those from our world.
Because it's Joi.
[Note: Wordplay on Joi (which also means Anti-Foreigner Faction) and Joy dishwashing liquid.
Th-This is bad My cell is completely visible to the opposite prison cell.
I've been able to accomplish my work thus far because there was no prisoner on the opposite side.
But now It can't be! And this guy looks so irritating! Um This is an Anti-Foreigner Faction towel.
It's very good at wiping away filthy stains.
Especially those from our world.
Because it's Joi.
He thought I didn't hear him so he repeated the same corny joke! I heard it! It's not funny no matter how many times you say it! Calm down.
All I need is a chance to crawl through the tunnel and escape from this island.
Even if this guy is in the cell opposite mine, there'll be an opening within 24 hours.
At this point, I can't be picky about the date and time.
As soon as I get the chance Luckily, the labor in this place is like the agony of hell so it wears out all the prisoners.
Most likely, he'll be exhausted and fall asleep right after he gets back from his first night.
I'll take that chance tonight when he's so tired he'll fall right to sleep.
Just as I thought I can't see well in the dark, but his snoring means it's unlikely he'll wake up from any sounds.
I've been spotted?! It can't be! But I can feel his gaze on me.
It's boring into me! No way! Don't tell me! What kind of sleeping face is that?! This is bad! I've heard about people who sleep with their eyes half open.
But his eyes are wide open! His eyeballs must've dried up! He's definitely looking right at me! His dried-up eyeballs are looking right at me! What a strange sleeping face! That was a shock.
It should be all right, right? He's not really awake, is he? He's snoring, anyway Huh? But what if he's not asleep? This should be all right, right? No, he's awake, isn't he? He is, right? Something like this is not good.
I should check.
No need to worry.
He's sleeping, just as I thought.
All right! I can go now So he is awake! Why is he sleeping in a runner's crouch? He's not sleeping, is he?! He's in a runner's crouch! He looks like he's about to run somewhere! What should I do? Things are getting more complicated now.
He's snoring, but nowaitnobut What's the matter, Suekichi-dono.
You didn't sleep well last night? That's not good.
You won't be able to handle the hard work here.
Whose fault do you think it was?! I was completely tricked by him.
I thought there was no way in the world a guy could be this bad a sleeper.
If I keep up this lifestyle, I'll lose all my strength.
I have to solve this as soon as possible.
I should preempt him.
Lights out! I don't need to make him fall asleep.
I just need to create a chance for me to escape.
Well, I've had problems falling asleep lately.
Do you have any tricks that would help me fall asleep? Let's play UNO.
I'm pretty good.
No, I'd better get some sleep for tomorrow.
I see, but I'm really good at it.
No, thanks, but do you know anything a bit more basic? I know! Why don't we count sheep, Katsura-san? They say counting sheep with your eyes closed helps you fall asleep.
Is that so? I think UNO would be better.
I'm pretty good.
Yeah, but it'll just keep me awake.
Then let's close our eyes and start counting sheep together.
How about that? Here we go One sheep.
Two sheep Three sheep Yes! He won't open his eyes until tomorrow morning.
And if it works out, he'll fall asleep.
But I shouldn't start moving yet.
I'll see how it goes after he's counted 20 sheep.
What is Matsuko doing? Hurry up and jump! You're holding up the line.
What happened, Matsubara? Did you twist your ankle? A ladybugwas here.
Geez You're really Matsuko Matsubara.
She was always smiling like that.
She could jump higher than anyone and she was always smiling like that.
That's all.
These five people will make up the starting lineup for the tournament.
This will be the last tournament for you guys as third-graders.
[Note: In Japan, a third-grader is a senior in middle school/high school.
Do your best! All right! I heard Matsubara Senpai was benched even though it's her last tournament.
She hasn't even been showing up to practice lately.
She's not even here today.
There's a rumor that she has a boyfriend.
He's Fujimura Senpai, a third-grader.
I think he just hangs around her.
But it works well for Sugiyama Senpai.
There's no way she could beat Matsubara Senpai.
Hey, you're talking too loud! Sensei.
Do you have a minute to talk? [GYM STORAGE.]
What's this all about? Why isn't Matsuko in the starting lineup? She's our ace, isn't she? I'm not happy about wearing the uniform of a starting player just because Matsuko didn't show up.
I'm returning this to you.
She quit the club.
You're the only one who can take Matsuko's position in this club.
I'm sure you know that, because you and her have been competing against each other as rivals for three years.
I wanted to get to this position by beating her.
Because she's my best friend, I wanted to win the position by beating her.
I'm sorry How could you? I won't lose to you! I'll definitely score more points than you and outperform you and I'll win the tournament! Sugiyama She She found out about your health.
More than anyone or anything she wanted to jump higher.
Hey, isn't Sugiyama here yet? It's thirty minutes to tip-off.
What is she doing?! Sensei! Sugiyama Senpai's mother just called! When Senpai was on her way she fell and was taken to the hospital.
You weren't supposed to come, right? No, I needed to come to pick upmy team uniform.
Here you go.
I'm so proud that you're my rival.
Matsuko I regret that I chose the same position as you.
Actuallyit doesn't really matter if we're rivals.
I just I just wanted to play on the same court with you.
That summer after knowing real kindness She jumped higher than anyone or anybody ever ShSh That was too long! What's wrong, Suekichi-dono? You didn't get any sleep last night, either? That's not good.
You've been looking like that for a while.
Damn it.
All I need to do is just go through the tunnel and escape this island.
Then I'll finally taste freedom.
Why is it so difficult to do something so simple? He's the biggest curse of all.
At first, he didn't seem to have any flaws, but he's actually full of them.
Once he was provoked, he revealed his fangs.
But he still has flaws, in fact, It's like he's the Hell of Infinity.
As long as this guy is in the cell opposite me, it's impossible for me to escape.
I should give up any hopes of exploiting his flaws.
I should kill him.
I won't be able to get my freedom unless I kill him.
But how? Hey, are you the newcomer? Now we have a pretty boy.
Hey, young master, what did you do to get thrown in here? That'sShachi! Robbery, murder, kidnapping He's the king of crime, the boss of all criminals who's committed multiple crimesthe killer, Shachi! Hey, what's with that look? What are looking at, huh? Huh? Are you picking a fight with me? Hey, stop it! Don't get in any trouble with him! Oh, I'm sorry.
Did I offend you? I'm sorry.
I had something I was concerned about.
That's right! Be quiet and don't go aggravating him.
Well your kimono is torn.
Fashion! That's just the fashion! It's a fashion statement that makes him look wild! And there're scribbles on your face, too.
It looks like someone played a joke on you while you were asleep.
Are you making fun of him?! It's supposed to be like this, dude! Huh? You did this on purpose? You purposely cut it so raggedly? Stop it! Don't mention it! Don't talk about that! Not really Somehowthe sleeves bothered me, so I just cut them off, and it came out like this.
Shachi! Now he's getting all shy! He's losing face! Hey, what are you doing?! Be quiet and eat! Tsk.
You guys, we'll remember this.
You guys?! What's with "guys"?! They'll all keep an eye on me, too?! This is the worst.
In order to keep my escape plan a secret, I've kept quiet until now! This was going to be over soon! But if people like them keep an eye on me But wait! I should turn this predicament into an advantage! I'll plot to offer Katsura to Shachi.
That way, Shachi will owe me and Katsura will be dead! Two birds with one stone! First of all, I need to get close to Shachi's gang members.
Oh! They look pretty hostile towards me.
Oh, well.
I have to show them that I'm their comrade.
What?! You want to meet Shachi? Yeah.
I want him to know that I have no hostilities toward any of you.
That crazy man isn't my friend at all.
That reminds me, you didn't bother us that time.
Shachi-san, Suekichi wants to see you.
Well, this is perfect.
Just as I thought, this ragged sleeve style is really effective! What is it? What do you want? Leave me alone.
Just leave me alone, already.
Shachi?! He's cutting off the ragged part of his sleeves! He's been like that ever since.
He's cutting off all the ragged parts from his kimono.
Stop it, Shachi! It's so cool! Stop worrying about it! Those ragged parts are really cool! I really don't care if it's cool or uncool! That's not the reason I wore it like that.
I'll never wear ragged sleeves again! You're so annoying! Shachi, you really are! How sensitive are you? Let me tell you somethingmy ragged bangs and my sleeves are not related.
Don't get me wrong! Ah, I'm going to cut this, too! I'll do it! Stop, Shachi! Not the ragged hair! Hey, what are you wearing?! Damn it! In this situation, my outfit makes it look like I'm making fun of him! I found another one here! Another ragged one! Are you hurt, Suekichi-dono? Huh? Um You bastards! You made Suekichi-dono's sleeves ragged.
Shame on you! No, his sleeves were already like that! We didn't do that! Shut up! What are all these triangular pieces?! They're enough evidence! No! That's from Shachi's! Shut up! What's wrong, Suekichi-dono? You couldn't sleep last night again? Katsura-san! It's because we were playing UNO all night until early this morning in your cell.
So he couldn't sleep with all the noise.
We're sorry, Suekichi-san.
We were so excited playing UNO.
Because Katsura-san is so good at playing UNO.
No, Shachi, you're too weak.
That's right, Shachi.
You're way too weak! Why?! Why did it turn out like this?! Instead of being led to his death, Katsura has extending his influence! All right, everyone, it's about time we went to work.
Yes! He's acting like the head prisoner! Take care, Katsura-dono.
How did he manage to influence the guard?! Who is he, anyway?! In just a few days, he's gained control of this hellish prison.
It could be that I've challenged an extraordinary man.
Even if I realize the huge size of the wall in front of me, somehow I don't despair.
This Prison Island was called Hell, but it has been gradually changed by that man.
Backbreaking work has changed into something worthwhile, even if it's still really hard.
And criminals' eyes aren't so empty and lifeless.
They've started repenting for their crimes, making up for their past sins and correcting their ways Their eyes have started looking towards the future.
Through interaction with the prisoners the guards have started realizing the joy of forgiveness and the value of rehabilitating people instead of just abandoning them.
And for 15 years The man who avoided facing up to his crimes, who only thought about escaping his hardships and digging a tunnel finally closed it off.
Man, I worked pretty hard today, too.
I've been sleeping well lately! By the way, even that disgusting prison food is starting to taste good.
Human beings are creatures that eat, work and sleep.
If any one of these is satisfied, the other two will eventually become satisfied as well.
And only when these three have been satisfied do people truly realize that they're alive.
Katsura-san, I've been looking forward to the next day so much lately.
We're treated like earthworms, but I feel like we are remembering what it means to be human, day-by-day.
For the first time, I feel like I'm alive.
The one who taught us this was you, Katsura-san.
Thank youfor helping us becomehumans again.
Hey, why are you crying at lights-off time? The guard is coming.
Sorry Well, let's get some sleep for tomorrow.
Eating, working and sleeping.
That's what humans do.
Good night, Katsura-san.
Good night! What's the matter, Suekichi-dono? You still can't sleep? You said you were a revolutionist, but what brought you here? I'm just curious about what kind of crime you committed.
I didn't commit any crimes.
I came here of my own free will.
What for? I'm a revolutionist of course.
So, I came to revolutionize Hell.
That's amazing! You make such a bold statement! Suekichi-dono, did I change anything here? WellI don't know, but at least I've changed.
My sleeping problem is gone.
I've decided to dig a new tunnel.
It's a long tunnel and I don't know when it'll open.
That's right.
It'll lead to tomorrow.
I don't need any escape routes anymore.
I'll fight for the sake of tomorrow.
With that guy With that man I'll be able to reach it.
He's finally asleep.
He gave me a hard time.
Thanks for waiting.
He was a tough guy who didn't have any flaws.
Although I already had an escape route, [THIS WAY!.]
I never imagined I'd have a man with sleeping problems in the cell opposite mine.
But I can easily handle it.
It looked like he was completely tricked by me and seems to have let his guard down.
It's too bad I won't be able to see his shocked face when he finds out that I disappeared, but it can't be helped.
Goodbye! You guys will stay chained here forever! I've been spotted?! No way! No, he's looking at me! Someone is watching me! All right! Looks like he's finally asleep! He gave me a hard time.
He was a tough guy who didn't have any weaknesses.
Although I already had an escape route, I had some trouble getting him to let his guard down.
I've been spotted?! No way! No, he's looking at me! Someone is watching me! All right! It looks like he's finally asleep! He gave me a hard time All right! He looks like he's finally asleep! All right! Senpai, there're so many holes on the island.
Huh? Just fill them in.
Fill them in.
The next episode "There's Almost a 100% Chance You'll Forget Your Umbrella and Hate Yourself For It.
" [And another episode will be "Definitely Do Not Let Your Girlfriend See The Things You Use For Cross-dressing.
" For the first time in many years, those ladies will appear.
[Huh? You want to know what happened to Katsura afterwards? Never mind.
Never mind.
Take a break.
Take a break.

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